Essay writing ideas
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses free essay sample
The primary business I will examine is Westons Cider. In 1878 Henry Weston went to the homestead ‘The Bounds’ at Much Marcle, Herefordshire and proceeded with the custom of utilizing the organic products developed on the ranches natural product plantations to make juice. After two years in 1880 Henry Weston began building up his juice business after the acknowledgment of the treat from abroad imports made because of the British Empire yet at the same time realized it is difficult to accomplish the way of life he wanted for his family. This choice was impacted by his neighbor, Mr C W Radcliffe Cooke of ‘Hellens’ in Much Marcle. Cooke was a Member of Parliament for Herefordshire and accepted extraordinarily in the improvement of West Country juice making, with the goal that juice could then turn into a national beverage, along these lines he was known as the ‘Member for Cider’. Henry Weston before long picked up clients and gradually extended the business officially known as ‘Westons Cider’. This moderate extension wasn’t accomplished by publicizing, it was accomplished by suggestion. The convention of the business was then settled, a custom which has been kept up by the organization from that point onward. Westons Cider customary item has won numerous honors and are accessible in the UK as well as in 25 nations around the globe. Westons Cider utilizes in excess of 130 individuals, delivers more than 30 unique juices and perries, sells around 28 million pints per year and has a turnover of ? 24 million. They additionally have a Visitors Center which is available to the open throughout the entire year. It contains an honor winning patio garden, unique highlights at the Hampton Court Palace Flower appear in 2002, a conventional and are breeds ranch park and plantation walk, an eatery and a bistro and a blessing and juice shop where you can test each juice Westons Cider brings to the table. Westons Cider is a Private Limited Company in Herefordshire, this is on the grounds that it is a family claimed business and hence they don’t offer any portions of their business to the general population. By not selling any portions of Westons Cider, they are full control of the business as there are no impacts by investors and just as this, they get the chance to remain quiet about all the benefits. To purchase shares from Westons Cider, you must be a companion or a family and right off the bat must be welcome to get them. An advantage of Westons Cider being a Ltd is that the business has restricted risk, this implies the proprietors are isolated from the business and don’t lose individual resources if the business was to fail or into obligation. In contrast with a sole merchant which has boundless risk where they are the business and will lose individual advantages for take care of any obligations the business experiences. Westons Cider is a business is the private division. This is the place a business’ point is to make a benefit. Westons Cider’s reason for existing is to gracefully juice and they do this all through the essential, optional and tertiary part. A business that works in the essential is ones that gather crude materials. Westons Cider just gather and utilize top quality juice apples which are little, hard and unappetizing. They state that they just utilize two sorts of apples, ambivalent and unpleasant sharp. By mixing the matured juices the apples produce that will be that these two sorts of apples make the trademark quality, flavor and fragrance partner with Westons Cider and their juice. This is the place they fall into the optional area. The auxiliary area is the place a business makes the last item utilizing the crude materials. Westons Cider turns their own picked apples in juice at their plants just as placing the juice into bottles fit to be sold. They start off by processing and squeezing their apples to make the juice. The initial step is to clean the apples; this includes evacuating the twigs, leaves or mud on the apples. The apples are then hacked to a mash in the Bucher Mills where it can deliver 16 tons for every hour. When the apples are transformed into a mash, they are the squashed to then be at last separated for the juice. This is the point at which it begins to start maturation. This is the place the juices are left for a while with the goal that they can develop to build up its full character. Some of Westons Cider’s juice is as long as 200 years of age however ordinarily the basic items are left to develop for around eight months. Following development, the juice is explained, improved, chilled and afterward carbonated by their prerequisites. A tertiary division business is one that sells the item. For instance, a professional Farmsfood would be in the tertiary segment exclusively on the grounds that they purchase items from organizations in the auxiliary segment and offer them to buyers. Westons Cider is in the tertiary organizations on the grounds that in spite of offering to enormous retailers, Westons Cider’s juice can likewise be brought legitimately from their site where it is conveyed to you. This is accomplished by their dispersion division. Their vehicles go from a 1? ton van to seven verbalized Lorries with the ability to convey 28 tons each. Their conveyance infers and circulation group will try to get your juice to you instantly and effectively, this is something that Westons Cider prides themselves with. The second business I will examine is Cancer Research UK. Malignant growth Research as by the name recommends is a business that does disease research while spreading mindfulness in the UK. Malignant growth specialist is a business in the deliberate division. The intentional area is any business that are not claimed by the legislature and don’t expect to make a benefit. They are likewise in the tertiary part as they offer a support, being the exploration of malignancy to discover a fix just as noble cause gathering pledges to help prop their examination up. Malignancy Research UK was established in 2002 by the converge of the Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Trust. The Cancer Research UK’s research is for the most part financed by general society. They fund-raise through gifts, inheritances, network gathering pledges, occasions and retailer and associations activities and organizations. For instance, Morrisons could join forces with Cancer Research and leave assortment basins toward the finish of tills for clients to put their lose change in or whatever measure of cash they wish to give. Malignancy Research has more than 40,000 individuals who routinely volunteer to support their exploration. Just as this they additionally have 3,985 representatives that work for discover fixes utilizing the exploration gathered. The CEO of Cancer Research UK is Harpel S Humar MA, MEng, MBA. Kumar increased a Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge and afterward got a MBA as a Baker Scholar from the Harvard Business School. In the wake of working for the UK Atomic Energy Authority as an exploration researcher, Kumar then worked in the London office of McKinsey and Co, having some expertise in exhorting pharmaceutical customers on key issues. Later a short time later he at that point became CEO of the Papworth Trust, this spotlights on the spearheading recovery and lodging administrations for individuals with obtain and innate inabilities. Kumar then left Papworth in 1997 to become establishing CEO of Nexan Group, a funding upheld clinical gadget organization, making and promoting novel cardio-respiratory checking advancements. In 2002 Kumar joined Cancer Research Technology Limited as Chief Executive and afterward became Chief Operating Officer of Cancer Research UK in 2004 preceding getting Chief Executive in 2007. One key approach to assist Cancer With exploring UK is to turn into a Trustee of the Charity. This is fundamentally the same as willful jobs in any case, an intentional job that is all the more testing and is integral to the working of the cause. This resembles being a Director of a business organization. Malignant growth Research right now has 20 Trustees that oversee the business. These Trustees comprise of individuals from logical and non-logical foundations. They should guarantee that the association of the business has an unmistakable key course, it is appropriately overseen and that is works to an elevated requirement of administration. The Trustees take part in casual occasions and serve on boards of trustees include in explicit territories of Cancer Research UK’s work to ensure the time duty is as long as a day a month. Proper preparing and acceptance are given and Trustees are secured by the required protection. Being a Trustee requires trustworthiness, a pledge to the causes crucial the capacity to fill in as a group with the right aptitudes. They additionally must be delicate to the issue too and turning into a Trustee requires critical duties, vitality and duty however it is likewise every fulfilling and significant component in the achievement of the cause.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic management Issues
Question : Talk about the key Issues and Give Your Recommendations ? Answer : Presentation Key administration includes the techniques of figuring and actualizing the key objective, goals just as the activities taken by the business association top administration for the benefit all things considered, in light of the thought of key organization assets and the evaluation of interior and outer condition which the organization works. Vital administration is one of the major hard aptitude in business the board, key administration involves the executives of business association and undertakings proactively with the primary destinations of starting long haul systems. Inside the business condition includes calculating the affiliation which impacts the achievement and approach of activity (David, 2013).. The outer business condition has the command over the gateway and the dangers that influence the business activity. It is essential to guarantee that, the inward business activities are deliberately planned and actualized, this guarantees the key objectives and destinations of the association are accomplished. Subsequently, key administration includes the system of investigating the cross-useful business choice, which is reached by the administration while they foresee for better execution of the association. Key administration displays the job of the board in an association, regardless of whether they are qualified in conveying the best administration administrations to investors of the organization, it likewise requires the responsibility of key arranging which speaks to the hierarchical capacity to set objectives and destinations which characterize the heading for the organization. About Nestle Company Settle is a Swiss transnational food and drink organization, with its central command is situated at Vevey, Switzerland. The organization is the biggest food organization on the planet; this is by proportion of its incomes and different measurements for 2014, 2015 and 2015 continuously. It is likewise positioned number 72 on the Fortune Global 500 out of 2014, Number 33 on Forbes Global 2000 rundown of biggest open organizations. Settle items contain child food, breakfast oats, espresso and tea, solidified food, pet nourishments among different items, the organization brands have the yearly deals which are assessed to be over $1.1 billion. Settle organization has 447 industrial facilities which work in 190 nations, it worker more than 339, 000 individuals. The organization is the fundamental partner of L'Oreal, which the world biggest corrective organization. Settle starting point is gone back to 1866 when two organizations were authors the two organizations last framed the Nestle organization. After the development of Nestle Company, the administration of the two association joined their endeavors and extended the business exercises of Nestle Company across Europe and United States. The organization is centering to be a pioneers in food industry particularly, wellbeing, sustenance, and health. In spite of its accomplishment in food industry advertise, Nestle Company is as yet working under certain issues, which needs the organization the board to deliberately actualize on pertinent parameters, the organization needs to beat these issues so as to accomplish its objectives and goals. Settle organization vision is to Meet the Various needs and requests of shoppers in their regular live, this is by advertising and selling food items which are of high caliber. The destinations of this are to guarantee that, they convey the absolute best quality items in each movement they do, particularly from the essential produce, selections of providers and transport, to plans and bundling materials. The organization crucial to endeavor towards bringing shoppers food items that are protected and adds to wellbeing and health. Settle Company helps to give the determination to all person in all ages bunches in the market. Hence, the primary motivation behind the organization is to offer, protected, delectable just as nutritious nourishments to improve wellbeing and prosperity of purchasers in the market. They will in general fulfill present and future needs from the buyers. The achievement of Nestle organization is essentially founded on the responsibility of the administration all the partners. The essential goals of the organization are to give to its clients assortment of Nutritious items which have distinctive test choice, this will permit the customers to pick the test they like. The drawn out technique and achievement of Nestle Company is because of the general speculation of logical research which is done on explicit sustenance angles. Hierarchical structure The hierarchical structure is likewise called the authoritative outline, it ordinarily shows the connection between different individual in an association, and it characterizes the connection between directors, investors and representatives. An authoritative structure relies upon the size of the organization. Where when the graph develops to be enormous, it is braced into littler diagrams that will speak to various offices inside the business element. Settle organization utilized significant hierarchical structures which are characterized to contributes toward accomplishing their missions. Settles Corporation is decentralized association that sorts out its activities as indicated by the lattice authoritative structures. A network hierarchical structure is a structure which the announcing connection between the representatives and the executives are set up as a grid structure, workers have double relationship particularly to useful chiefs and the item supervisor. Settle as a decentralized hierarchical structure that permits the subordinate to settle on choice and present a similar choice to the administration, other may have double responsibility with their administration while they execute on decisional matters in an association. In spite of the fact that the general reportings are made to the top administration, the day by day activities of the associations are left back to the representatives, where the activity choices are pushed down to subordinates. Settle Company is classified to have a place with a natural association type which is described as exceptionally versatile and adaptable to the two workers and the board, and including the partners. The worker inside the organization are not qualified to be given more guidelines and guidelines or rather direct oversight from the administration. In advancing the natural hierarchical framework, the association has had the option to have profoundly gifted and prepared proficient which are urged to shape groups inside the organization. Because of significant level of impact from inside and outside business condition, the representatives structure groups and gathering so as to fathom explicit issues influencing the organization, for example the logical research in food industry. Along these lines, cooperation in a significant component and resource which us utilized by the organization in endeavoring towards accomplishing its vital The corporate system of the organization For achieving the hierarchical crucial, utilizes three methodologies that permit the organization to keep up an upper hand over its adversaries. It incorporates operational columns, development drivers and upper hand (, 2017). Operational columns: Development and remodel: As referenced in the organization site, Nestl concentrates upon advancement and redesign. The organization has to a great extent concentrated on item improvement and office the executives with the assistance of development and redesign. With the business driving innovative work wing, the organization bolsters consistent development of the food and drink portfolio. It encourages the organization to utilize compelling procedures and market alluring items (, 2017). Operational productivity: the organization chooses utilizing the best crude materials, techniques and serves the highest caliber and most secure items to the purchasers. Nestl Continuous Excellence is the hierarchical methodology for supporting productivity, killing wastage, and improving the nature of the item (, 2017). At whatever point, any place, in any case: for offering the best quality support the organization chooses the best advertising blend, which incorporates the assorted product offering of the organization, the sensible valuing system for the items, proper limited time methodologies and the open appropriation channel (, 2017). Figure 1: Corporate Strategy of Nestl (Source:, 2017) Development drivers Sustenance, Health, and Wellness: the organization has the crucial contribution the great quality items and in this manner, upgrading the nature of lives of the shoppers and address the ceaseless ailment through nourishment (, 2017). Developing markets and prominence situated items: the organization has picked situating its well known items in the developing markets for the low salary client base (, 2017). Out-of-home utilization: the organization has picked a keen procedure of Out-of-home by presenting items for relaxation and others by means of stands, gourmet eateries, institutional cooking, schools and clinics (Gassmann, Frankenberger Csik 2016). Premiumisation: the organization comprehends the need of delight minutes among the clients. Subsequently, Nestl has decided on Premiumisation technique in which the organization offers premium results of the highest caliber in somewhat additional installment (Laforet, 2015). Upper hand Unrivaled Product and Brand Portfolio: in the segment of sustenance, wellbeing and health, the organization has the biggest number of broadened product offering in food and refreshments. It serves a tremendous degree of upper hand to the organization (Gassmann, Frankenberger Csik, 2016). Unparalleled Research and Development capacity: with a strategic being the pioneer in sustenance, wellbeing and health, the organization is continually concentrating on research and advancement in building up the item quality and hierarchical procedure (, 2017). Unrivaled geographic nearness: the organization is working in 194 nations with in excess of 447 processing plants, which fills in as the upper hand and a proof of the client inclination for the b
Monday, August 10, 2020
Emergencies and Divorce How to Plan For Worst-Case Scenarios
Emergencies and Divorce How to Plan For Worst-Case Scenarios Emergencies and Divorce: How to Plan For Worst-Case Scenarios Emergencies and Divorce: How to Plan For Worst-Case ScenariosBuilding an emergency fund is key, as is making sure that both partners in any marriage have a clear understanding of the couples finances.It’s easy to plan for the things we’re looking forward to. Want to save up for a nice vacation? It may take some discipline and dedication, but it can be nice to think about, and thinking about saving money is the first step to saving it. It might not be easy, but every time you get discouraged, you can just picture yourself on a beach, sipping a drink from a coconut with a little umbrella in it and redouble your efforts.But it’s much harder to motivate yourself to think about the bad stuff in life, let alone actually translate those thoughts into action. We don’t want to consider the possibility that negative life events like financial emergencies, divorce or even death, are going to happen. But they very much can. In fact, they’re extremely common! And the last one is guarant eed!And as bad as any costly emergency or divorce can be, they’ll be so much worse if you aren’t prepared for them. Failing to plan for emergency expenses is how people end up taking out predatory no credit check loans like payday loans and cash advancesâ€"a fate that should be avoided at all costs. So how can you prepare for the things you’d rather forget about?Take things one step at a time.Before we get into the specifics of how to plan for specific tragic life events, it’s important to make sure you’re in the right mindset. And that could mean sometimes taking a little break.“First, I think its important to recognize that we are all a little weird when it comes to money,†began Derek Hagen, founder of Hagen Financial. “And thats even when we are thinking about the happy parts of money. We get more uncomfortable talking about money than we do about politics, sex, and religion. So its natural that we get really uncomfortable when we think about areas where somethin g might go wrong or where we failed.“As uncomfortable as it is, its important to try and talk about these topics, with our spouses, partners, children, parents, or anyone who would be involved if something happened. Starting the conversation is step one. Try to separate emotions from these financial decisions. We dont want to talk about our death because its uncomfortable, but ignoring it could lead to far more stress for our heirs.“When having money conversations, try to recognize when you are about to feel emotional flooding. When we talk about stressful situations there comes a time when our ‘logical brain’ shuts off and we speak with our ‘emotional brain’ only. To avoid this, try taking 20-30 minute breaks when you feel this is about to happen. Respect and encourage others who suggest taking a break as well, since they will want to avoid emotional flooding, as well.â€OK. Now you’re in the right mindset and you’re going to take breaks when necessary. Let’s star t with some general emergency planning advice.How to start building your emergency fund.An emergency fund is a good step to have regardless of what kind of life event may come your way. Having one in place means that you can do what needs to be done during an emergency without having to worry about the cost. Otherwise, you might end up having to take out a bad credit loan to make ends meet. And while some of these loans can be a sound financial solution, many others are not.“You need an emergency fund in case of an emergency, such as losing your job or having big unexpected medical or other bills,†advised Eric Meermann, certified financial planner (CFP), enrolled agent (EA), and vice president of Palisades Hudson Financial Group (@palisadeshudson).“First, create a budget and track your monthly living expenses. Remove non-essential expenses that you would go without in the event of an emergency, such as losing your job. This will help you determine how much you need to have i n your emergency fund. Typically, your emergency cash reserve should be able to cover at least six months of anticipated living expenses, and as much as 12 months if you are the sole income earner in your household, are concerned about job security, or are self-employed.“Open a separate bank account from your primary checking account, such as an online savings account, for your emergency fund. You want to have access on short notice, while avoiding the temptation to use these savings for non-emergencies. Most importantly, your emergency fund should not be invested in the stocks or bonds to avoid the risk that it could decline in value when you need to use it. Also avoid putting your fund in a CD because you don’t want to incur costly penalties if you need to access the money before the CD matures.“Put your emergency fund contributions on auto-pilot by setting up recurring monthly transfers from your checking account to your savings account. If the transfers occur automatically , you are more likely to reach your savings target faster than if you leave it up to yourself to fund the account without wavering.â€A well-stocked emergency fund will help you through any number of different stressful situations. However, there’s one area where it won’t be that much use at all: divorce.To prevent a messy divorce, both partners need to know the financials.While divorce might not be as scary as death, it can be even harder to discuss with your partner. After all, why would you even bring it up, especially if things are going well?!But no one gets married with the plan to get divorced. That’s why it can be a good idea to discuss things like prenups when things are going well and you’re both deeply, madly in love rather than risk having to hammer out those sorts of details if things get rocky.It’s also important that shared finances get shared attention.“As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (TM), the biggest mistake I see with clients is not having a g rasp of their financials: both the daily expenses as well as the investments,†warned Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Jennifer Jank.“One spouse typically either handles them all, or one handles the daily and the other handles investments. Both spouses need to understand their household income and expenses, as well as the balances of investment accounts (including retirement accounts) and how theyre invested. Then when the divorce happens (or the spouses death happens), the less knowledgeable partner is blindsided by everything they dont know.â€Financial advisor Rosemary Frank echoed and expanded on that sentiment: “The most comprehensive way to prepare financially for divorce is to fully participate in the household finances. Know what is going on. A recent survey by UBS revealed that 98% of all divorced women say they wish they had known more about what their husbands were doing with the finances. If he ‘won’t let you’ participate, you are more ready for divorce th an you may realize. Financial abuse is rampant. The same research shows that millennials are much more likely to surrender financial responsibilities to husbands than boomers. This is shocking.â€Hopefully you’ll take those steps before a divorce happens. But there are also considerations to make post-divorce, as Mark Charnet, founder and CEO of American Prosperity Group, told us:“After a divorce, the individual must analyze where they currently are relative to a projected retirement date, determine assets on hand, risk tolerance and available recurring capital to direct to retirement plans. Even though the divorcee potentially lost half of their retirement plan in the divorce, they also lost a portion of the expense to pay for the now ex-spouses retirement needs. More discipline is required to pay yourself first, live on less today in order to have more in retirement, and to carefully monitor the retirement plan statements for any buying opportunities. With a religious fervor, contributions must be increased and accelerated to take advantage of ‘dollar cost averaging,’ the opportunity to purchase with a lesser average cost than the average price over time.â€Nobody likes preparing for the worst. But for those who take the time do that prep, their worst isnt quite as worse as everyone else’s. To learn more about long-term financial planning, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Good Personal Finance for the Long TermFrom Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your MoneyThe DO’s and DO NOT’s of Saving For CollegeHave you and your family planned for worst case scenarios? We want to hear from you! You can email us or you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsMark Charnet, founder and CEO of American Prosperity Group, has been in the retirement and financial estate planning field for over 35 years. Mark has numerous certifications and credentials, including Life and Health Insurance, Certified Annuity Specialist and FINR A Series 6, 63, and 65 Securities Licenses. APG’s unique approach to retirement and legacy planning allows clients to retire with confidence.Rosemary Frank is the Principal of Rosemary Frank Financial, LLC, a fee-only Registered Investment Adviser. As such, she provides services in the areas of wealth management, divorce financial consulting, and other attorney support services. Bound by the fiduciary standard, she always puts the clients best interests ahead of all other considerations.Derek Hagen is the founder of Hagen Financial, LLC, a financial coaching and counseling firm that helps clients develop a healthy relationship with money and find the motivation to change their behavior. He is the founder of the Money Health blog which helps readers increase their financial health. Derek holds the Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Financial Analyst designations. In his free time, he enjoys all things outdoors, especially camping, hiking, and running.Jennifer “JJ†Jank focuses on women and their financial needs, and her goal is to empower women through financial education, including divorce financial analysis. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ® professional. She can be found on the internet through either of her website Meermann, CFP ®, CVA, EA, is the senior client service executive in the Stamford office of Palisades Hudson Financial Group (@palisadeshudson), where he supervises the staff of client service professionals. As a vice president, he is also responsible for firmwide professional staff development, as well as serving clients in the Northeast and across the country.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Salem With Trials - 685 Words
Salem Witch Trials The 17th century was filled with mystery because of the strong beliefs in the supernatural powers and the presence of Satan on Earth in the colonial North America. Witchcraft, the use of magical faculties, was mainly used by the peasants with a particular charm of being associated with the evil spirits and demons to prosper in their agricultural activities. In fact, many literatures were written on witchcraft during that period. For instance, Joseph Glanvill in 1668, claimed to have proof of the existence of these powers in witches and ghosts in his thesis titled â€Å"Against Modern Sadducism†. Along with this thesis, other works by Cotton Mather, a minister at the Boston North Church, created the fear among the people about the wandering and meandering of demons on Earth (Adams, 2009). As a result, there was caution and concern among people from all quarters regarding the activity of witchcraft and black magic. This proves the common mindset of the society and the religious views and beliefs were blindly followed during those days; particularly when Christianity was almost occult. In the Salem Village (currently Denver, Massachusetts), people believed that ills and misfortunes were a result of the Devil’s tricky activities. Hence, natural events such as infant deaths, failure of crops, conflicts and friction in the society were attributed to the supernatural powers. There were numerous accusations on witchcraft activities for all the unusual outbreak ofShow MoreRelatedThe Salem Trials : The Causes Of The Salem Witch Trials989 Words  | 4 Pages What type of people were involved in the trials? The type of people involved in the trials was the surroundings of the Salem village, puritan religion, but mostly women. Their belief was sacred to both, god and devil. They believed that women were too weak to fight the devil and lose so they become the devils servant, which is a witch. Puritans also believed in predestination which is having god already knowing it they go to heaven or hell. No matter what life they had, whether good or bad, theyRead MoreSalem Witchcraft Trials : The Salem Witch Trials1723 Words  | 7 Pages2015 Salem Witchcraft Trials The Salem Witch Trials took place in colonial Massachusetts within modern day town Danvers and continued from sixteen ninety-two to sixteen ninety-three. The â€Å"Witchcraft Craze†rippled throughout Europe and included the events at Salem Village. This craze lasted from the thirteen hundreds to the sixteen hundreds and was caused by many religious reasons. More than two hundred people were accused of witchcraft, the â€Å"devil’s magic,†and twenty were executed in Salem TownRead MoreThe Trial Of The Salem Witch Trials905 Words  | 4 PagesI. Introduction In January 1692, when a group of juvenile girls began to display bizarre behavior, the tight-knit Puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts couldn’t explain the unusual afflictions and came to a conclusion. Witches had invaded Salem. This was the beginning of a period of mass hysteria known as The Salem Witch Trials. Hundreds of people were falsely accused of witchcraft and many paid the ultimate price of death. Nineteen people were hung, one was pressed to death, and as many asRead MoreThe Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials1866 Words  | 8 Pagessurrounding the cause of the Salem Witch Trials 1692 makes the topic captivating as many historian perspectives offer explanations for the causation of the trials, yet the personal context of each historian has determined its historic reliability. This questions the level of objectivity each historian has in their responses to the Trials. The aims and purposes of a historian, as well as their differing methodologies may alter the approach the have towards the investigation of the Trials. Many interpretationsRead MoreThe Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials1635 Words  | 7 Pagesovercome was the Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch Trials occurred in 1692 and 1693 in colonial Massachusetts. â€Å"More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft – the Devil’s magic – and 20 were executed†as detailed by Jess Blumberg on the web article A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials (Blumberg 2007). The trials had a major impact on the American society and the effects could be seen in colonial America as well as today. Why did the injustice of the Salam Witch Trials occur and whyRead MoreThe Trials Of Salem Witch Trials Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesThe notorious witch trials in Salem began in Spring of 1692. This started after a young group of girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, professed they were possessed by the devil. These young girls even went as far as accusing some local women of practicing witchcraft. As a frenzy spreaded throughout colonial Massachusetts, a specific court was summoned to hear cases. Bridget Bishop was the first convicted witch and she was hung in that June following her trial. Eighteen other people followed BishopRead MoreSalem Witch Trials And Trials1320 Words  | 6 PagesSalem Witch Trials was a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in the Salem Village of the 17th century New England. The trials caused executions of many people but mostly women. Salem Witch Trials exposed the different roles men and women were supposed to play d uring the seventeenth century. Women were supposed to take on â€Å"wifely duties†such as, be mothers and housewives. Women were thought to follow the men. The trials also revealed that there were strict religiousRead MoreThe Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials891 Words  | 4 Pagesmurdered after trials found them guilty of acts of witchcraft. The series of hearings and prosecutions of the accused witches in colonial Massachusetts marks one of the nation s most notorious cases of mass hysteria. The reasons behind the trials and deaths are complex and multifaceted. Internal disputes, strict religious lifestyles, accusations from young children, witch hunting methods, spectral evidence, and even some medical theories all stand as causes of the Salem Witch Trials. Political, localRead MoreThe Trial Of The Salem Witch Trials991 Words  | 4 Pagesvillages of Salem Village and Salem Town became incriminated in the hunt of questionable witches or heretics among their residents. â€Å"Nineteen people were executed for witchcraft, one died after being crushed to death during his questioning, and seven more died in prison awaiting trial after a special tribunal was created to address the accusations.†Later on the colony admitted the trials were a mistake and eventually compensated the families of those convicted. The Salem Witch Trials were an eventRead MoreThe Trials Of Salem Witch Trials1069 Words  | 5 PagesEven though the Salem witch trials were made to seem formal, they were actually subjective and not based on fact. Since there were multiple people being accused of witchcraft, the trials were short and quick to sentence. The witch trials lasted less than a year. The first arrests were made on March 1, 1692, and the final han ging day was September 22, 1692. The Court of Oyer and Terminer was dissolved in October of 1692. The Salem Witch Trials occurred in the spring of 1692, when a group
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Thomas Mores Utopia Essay example - 1441 Words
Throughout Thomas Mores Utopia, he is able to successfully criticize many of the political, social, and economic ways of the time. His critique of feudalism and capitalism would eventually come back to haunt him, but would remain etched in stone forever. On July 6, 1535, by demand of King Henry VIII, More was beheaded for treason. His last words stood as his ultimate feeling about royalty in the 15th and 16th centuries, The Kings good servant, but Gods first. Throughout his life, More spoke his beliefs about feudalism, capitalism, and his ideals of Utopia; More was a thinker, good friend of Erasmus, and although many critics take Utopia as a blueprint for society, in many instances he encourages thought, a critical part of the†¦show more content†¦Accused of involvement with others against the split from Rome, More was committed to the Tower of London, and later beheaded. Throughout Utopia, Thomas More is able to cause many distractions to the reader while trying to determine what exactly More was trying to convey. Thomas is able to divide a short complex novel into two distinct parts with very different narrative perspectives. The first of these perspectives is Raphael Hythloday, considered to be a radical, `with utopian ideals. The second character is Thomas More himself. Sir Thomas More did travel to Flanders on behalf of King Henry VII; however, Raphael Hythloday is only a piece of Mores imagination. Soon after meeting Hythloday, we find out that he is a world traveler and philosopher. We learn of his voyages with Amerigo Vespucci, his voyage to Ceylon, Calcutta, back to Portugal, only observing social practices. At this point we read of Mores infatuation with Hythlodays recollection of the island of Utopia. We then see Mores criticism of society arise. When More and Giles suggest to Hythloday that he enter the service of some king or ot her, Raphael responds, How can I do that by acting against all my instincts? At present I live exactly as I please, which is more, I suspect, than the vast majority of court officials can say. Besides, kings have quite enough people competing for their friendship already. It wontShow MoreRelated Thomas Mores Utopia Essays1404 Words  | 6 PagesThomas More’s Utopia is a work of ambiguous dualities that forces the reader to question More’s real view on the concept of a utopian society. However, evidence throughout the novel suggests that More did intend Utopia to be the â€Å"best state of the commonwealth.†The detailed description of Utopia acts as Mores mode of expressing his humanistic views, commenting on the fundamentals of human nature and the importance of reason and natural law, while gracefully combining the two seemingly conflictingRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Thomas Mores Utopia913 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1516, Thomas More published the well-known book titled †Å"Utopia,†where he defined the word as either â€Å"a good place†or â€Å"no place.†In the novel, More described an ideal communal society that was almost unheard of in his time. His â€Å"Utopia,†whose name was possibly derived from the Greek roots â€Å"ou not†and â€Å"tà ³p(os) a place†(â€Å"Utopia), can ultimately be considered a prototype of a modern welfare state (â€Å"Utopia (book)†). This, combined with a lack of private property and other characteristics,Read MoreThomas Mores Utopia Essay1115 Words  | 5 PagesThomas More’s Utopia is a work of ambiguous dualities that forces the reader to question More’s real view on the concept of a utopian society. However, evidence throughout the novel suggests that More did intend Utopia to be the â€Å"best state of the commonwealth.†The detailed description of Utopia acts as Mores mode of expressing his humanistic views, commenting on the fundament als of human nature and the importance of reason and natural law while gracefully combining the two seemingly conflictingRead MoreThe Paradox Of Thomas Mores Utopia As An Adjective?1441 Words  | 6 PagesWhen Thomas More penned Utopia in 1535, he not only created a new genre in fiction, he also created a new adjective. Miriam-Webster defines Utopia as: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions. An alternate definition given by the same dictionary is: an impractical scheme for social improvement.(Miriam-Webster) For the purpose of this essay we will be focusing on the latter; Utopia as an adjective. The paradox of the paradigm of Mores Utopia is that allRead MoreThe Background Of Sir Thomas Mores Utopia2005 Words  | 9 PagesUtopia can easily be called Sir Thomas More’s most prominent and prestigious piece of writing. It tackled complex issues of religion, social status, and politics within the made up island of Utopia. To se e why Sir Thomas More had such insight into these issues we must first know a bit about his background. Sir Thomas More lived from February 7, 1478 to July 6, 1535. He served as a counselor to Henry VIII and Lord High Chancellor of England during his life. He was notably opposed to reformation, especiallyRead MoreAnalysis of Thomas Mores Utopia Essay527 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is it about Thomas Mores Utopia that makes it as accessible and relevant to a 21st century westernized Catholic teenage boy as it did to an 18th century middle aged Jewish women? Utopia, a text written 500 odd years ago in differing country and language, is still a valid link to a contemporary understanding of society, human nature and morals. Through Mores Utopia, it becomes evident that the trans-historical and trans-cultural nature of the text emerges through Mores conscious and subconsciousRead More Socialism and Thomas Mores Utopia Essay2345 Words  | 10 PagesSocialism and Thomas Mores Utopia      Socialist ideals have recurred throughout the history of literature; from Plato to Marx the elusive goal of a perfect state has occupied some of the best minds in political thought manifesting itself in literature. In the midst of this historic tradition is the Utopia of More, a work which links the utopias of the ancient with the utopias of the modern. Hythlodays fantasy island draws heavily on the Greek Republic and yet it influenced the revolutionaryRead MoreEducation in Thomas Mores Utopia Essay2638 Words  | 11 PagesThe goal of education is to learn, and in this process of learning and being educated there are some greater goals that are served. Education in Thomas More’s Utopia seems to cater to a larger goal, which is to create virtuous persons and citizens, as they are responsible for attaining a flourishing human community. In Shakespeare’s The Tempest there seems to be an underlying idea of a connection between education and a sense of social control. The idea of instilling among his subjects a sense ofRead More A Deconstruction Reading of Thomas Mores Utopia Essay1785 Words  | 8 PagesA Deconstruction Reading of Thomas Mores Utopia Thomas Mores Utopia is the bastard child of European conventions and humanist ideals. Inspired by Mores belief in the elevation of human manners, education, and morals, the text also concedes to the omnipresent traditions of European society. While More accepts parentage of the text, he distances himself from its radical notions and thinly veiled condemnation of Europes establishment. Through the use of a benign narrator, Raphael HythlodayRead MoreThe Perfect Society In Sir Thomas Mores Utopia790 Words  | 4 Pages What is a Utopia? When people think of the term Utopia they think of an ideal or perfect Society. In Sir Thomas More’s â€Å"Utopia†we are introduced to such a society. However, today’s reader can see that the society More’s mention’s is filled with many underlying problems that make it seem less ideal or perfect, because it puts too much stress on the freedom’s and rights of its citizens. Such an act is detrimental in creating a utopia, because if the citizens are not happy with their freedom’s and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Final Corporate Enterprise Free Essays
Enterprise architecture is a strategic planning model of an organization. It is an important foundation that has grown from the impact of globalization and modern market dynamics. It facilitates an organization streamline technological and Information Technology (IT) strategies achieve tangible synergies and value addition in its business. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Corporate Enterprise or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are key steps, and milestones involved in the designing and implementation of this model from the corporate current state to a final corporate Enterprise Architecture (EA). The steps, standards and guidelines involved in the enterprise architecture process are discussed below. However every enterprise has its own unique characteristics meaning that there can be no particular model of enterprise architecture that suits all enterprises. The person responsible for the development of the enterprise architecture is the enterprise architect (Feurer, 2007). Step 1: Initiate the EA Program The involvement and approval of the management of the corporation bears a pivotal role in this process. Therefore the initial step would be to win the goodwill and commitment of the management team (Feurer, 2007). Step 2: Establish EA governance Effective governance demands a competent decision-making process that elaborately defines the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in the process as well as the desired standards to be attained. Enterprise architecture governance has five fundamental viewpoints namely: organization and roles, processes, standards and templates, tools, and key performance indicators (KPIs). The responsibility of the enterprise architect will be to; define governance principles, integrating governance into the EA and identifying the relevant governance bodies to ensure the process complies with the defined EA principles (Feurer, 2007). Step 3: Define the Architectural Approach In this step the EA team defines the bridging strategy to close the gap between the current-state and the final-state. There are six major tasks in this step; to understand and utilize the enterprises operating model, draw a basic core graphic representation of the organization’s operating model that depicts the desired state of the enterprise architecture (this may require a particular template ), definition of the utilization and scope of the EA-this should be in tandem with the organization’s strategic plan, collaborate with the various stakeholders of the organization by educating the stakeholders on the benefits of the EA, the identification of the most appropriate EA framework is done at this point and lastly, the implementation of the EA is bound to demand skills that may not be currently in the organization, therefore elaborate educational and skill enhancement programs are developed at this stage (Feurer, 2007). Step 4: Develop the EA In developing the final-state EA, the basic viewpoints will have to be clearly elaborated for the purpose of accomplishing the following; collect ing information and developing an information resource base on enterprise architecture in order to develop appropriate EA products as well as carry out a gap analysis and design the way forward to the final-state, defining the final-state as it would be desired (the â€Å"to-be state), document the current-state. The current-state assessment document is meant to provide the necessary information to guide the strategy to the final-state (Cashman, 2005. p 8) (See a graphic representation of current-state assessment in appendix A). Also in this step the EA products should be reviewed and updated to comply with the desired state. This is jointly done with the subject matter experts (SMEs) (Feurer, 2007). The gaps between the current-state and final-state are analyzed with the help of a gap analysis. The way forward referred to as the â€Å"migration path†is planned. It will include a step by step process of movement from the current-state to the final-state with a focus on the resources required. Finally the approval and publishing of the EA is done. Step 5: Use the EA The Enterprise architecture is used as a strategic planning model of an organization. It will provide a collaboration platform for the EA team and the people who will implement it. In this step there is the promotion of the use of EA, the utilization of EA in procurement of the appropriate technological infrastructure, and lastly the implementation of the Corporation’s projects by the use of EA. Step 6: Maintain the EA The EA should be assimilated in the dynamics of the corporation’s business. It should be periodically reviewed with the view to adapt the necessary changes. Conclusion The evolving of enterprise architecture is a major step in the growing opportunities for innovation in any organization that seeks to comply with the global standards. As much as EA enhances the corporate image of an organization it is paramount that the corporation shares the lessons learnt with other organizations (Feurer, 2007). Appendix A The graphic representation above shows the current state of ICT in an organization’s department under five separate but interrelated topics (Cashman,2005. p 3). References Cashman, T. (2005). Current State Assessment: ICT Strategy Project. Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. Retrieved February 21, 2009 from http://www. dcenr. gov. ie/NR/rdonlyres/C7917512-C6D9-43AB-8FAF-75525AC353B0/0/ICTStrategyCurrentStateAssessment. pdf Feurer, S. , (2007). Putting the Enterprise Architect in Enterprise Architecture. SAP NetWeaver Magazine. Retrieved February 21, 2009 from http://www. netweavermagazine. com/archive/Volume_04_(2008)/Issue_01_(Winter)/v4i1a09. cfm? session Feurer, S. , (2009). Building an Agile Enterprise Architecture. SAP NetWeaver Magazine. Retrieved February 21, 2009 from http://www. sapnetweavermagazine. com/archive/Volume_03_(2007)/Issue_04_(Fall)/v3i4a12. cfm? session Kreizman, G. , Robertson, B. , (2006). Incorporating security into the Enterprise Architecture Process. Retrieved February 21,2009 from http://egovstandards. gov. in/egs/eswg5/enterprise-architecture-working-group-folder/gartners-reports/incorporating_security_into__137028. pdf/download How to cite Final Corporate Enterprise, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Does Alexander the Great Deserve His Title The Great Essay Example For Students
Does Alexander the Great Deserve His Title The Great? Essay In history, many great things were achieved. But its not Just about what was accomplished. Its about who did it. Wars were fought, tears were shed. One of the most well-known men who fought in these wars was Alexander the Great. Does he actually deserve the Great on the end of his name? Was he a good enough leader to have that title? Some people would beg to differ, but I believe he has every right to have the Great on the end of his name. At around age twenty-twenty-knells, a young prince became king and prepared for the beginning to a new world. This man was called Alexander the Great. He had been tutored by Aristotle, making him very well educated and smart. This would help him out In his future for great decision making skills and an amazing strategist. The previous king, his father had been assassinated (stabbed in the rib by his former body guard), causing him to tremble with rage and find this man. This started a whole new period of war and tactics. In order for Alexander to actually become king, he had to endure many difficult tasks. He had to compete against anyone who wanted to be king. This included his brother, whom he managed to beat. I mean, who would go to great extremes enough to kill their own brother? Alexander becomes the General of Army even before he becomes king. In Thebes, he was declared invincible. Although he may sound very cruel, he had a sensitive side. He would be very kind to his army. He would not Just make his own decisions but got their opinion too. That is why so many stayed by his side and didnt leave him even though they were longing to go home. He would also let many of his enemies go free. Alexander wasnt too easy on the many people he fought though. One of his first discoveries that he was going to be different than many leaders was when he was twelve. He tamed a horse no one could ever tame. He called him asphalts. The horse stayed by his side forever. During war, he creates a deadly wall of spears. He created some special chariots. He was protected with his role models shield, the shield of Achilles. In one battle, his helmet splits In two. That Is amazing. Surely he should have died. But he didnt. Alexander was known In many miles of land. He became pharaoh of Egypt. He created a town In many places he went, totaling In ten. Priests said he was the son of Zeus. He gradually became the king of Asia. He is the richest man known to history (60 million dollars). He conquered one and a half million square miles. That is unbelievable. He deserves the Great for that. The entire time he was searching for this man named Dairies. He had escaped two times. Alexander managed to finally Soon after the capture of Dairies, Alexander life would come to an end. He had returned to Persia. He caught Malaria. He died of a severe fever at the age of thirty- two or thirty-three. This was a very sad day. Mourning swept the nation. Overall, Alexander the Great deserved his name. He was like no other leader. He conquered thousands of miles. He was well known and recognized everywhere he traveled. He established ten cities. He mixed many different ideas. He established the greatest empire at that time. There are many more things he accomplished. I am amazed at the work he did. He created more war tactics, strategies, and weapons. He was one of the greatest men in history.
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