Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The September 11, 2001 Attack On The United States
The September 11, 2001 attack on the United States will forever be remembered as one of the darkest days we faced as a nation. Almost 3000 lives were taken that day by a terrorist group using four commercial planes as weapons. Two of those planes were crashed into the World Trade Center, the third into the Pentagon and the fourth falling short of the White House landing in a field in Pennsylvania. The imagery of that heinous act still lingers among many including myself. I can recall exactly where I was and what I was doing. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..This horrific misfortune on our country has forever changed our lives and the way we travel. In the days following the 9-11 tragedy, the level of fear and uncertainty crippled our nation and its†¦show more content†¦People were terrified of flying and thus, the number of passengers flown started to decline. Rather than taking vacations, the vast majority of people were taking â€Å"staycation†. It took the airline industry about â€Å"three years to start recovering from this terrible disaster†(IATA). The government always had resources and efforts focused at counterterrorism but it was never a top priority until the 9-11 attack. Government. The public did not feel safe and blamed the government for letting this catastrophe come to our home front. Our government was under a lot of pressure and felt something need to be done quickly. On November 19, 2002 President George W. Bush passed the Homeland Security Act (HSA). †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. This act was created to â€Å"prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce the vulnerability of the United states to terrorism, and minimize damage and assist in recovery for terrorist attacks that occur in the United States†(†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦). This HSA drastically restructured our government agencies in an effort to heighten national security and laid the foundation establishing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This was the most drastic change of government agencies since the National Security Act of 1947. There were some shifting around of agencies and their roles after the reorganization. For example, the Coast guard use to fall under the Department of Transportation and after the HSA was passed,
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Skin Cancer Essay - 1178 Words
The Causes and Symptoms of Skin Cancer The Causes and symptoms of Skin Cancer While tanning beds and extreme use/exposure to UV rays are ways to get skin cancer, there are also various other ways to get it. Many don’t know that genetics and traits can actually play a huge role in developing this dangerous disease. They also don’t know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. today. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation more people over the last 300 years have had skin cancer than all of the other cancers combined. They say that one in five people develop skin cancer throughout their lifetime; some surviving, some moribund. Skin cancer starts in the outermost layer of skin called the epidermis. The epidermis†¦show more content†¦Basal cell carcinoma treatment is very important because it can eventually grow deeper into your skin and destroy the tissue and/ or bone (Carucci JA, 2013). It usually looks like a raised, smooth, pearly bump on sun-exposed skin of the head, neck shou lders or back of hands. BCC is often mistaken for a sore that does not heal. (Staff, Skin Cancer Causes, 2012). Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC) is the next most common type of skin cancer. It accounts for about fifteen to twenty percent of skin cancers in individuals. SCC is two times as frequent in men as women and usually catches up with the victim at an older age. If the amount of sun/UV ray/lamp exposure is extremely great, it is possible to get it while at a young age also. Almost all of squamous cell carcinomas result from extreme exposure to UV rays, the sun, and/or lamps (Staff, Skin Cancer Causes, 2012). It is possible to get squamous cell carcinoma on any part of your body. A common place for women to get SCC is on their legs. Some types of SCC look like a common, well-defined, thick, red, scaly patch/ bump on one’s skin. If it is left untreated, it can form into a big mass and possibly spread to other parts of the body (Michael S Lehrer, 2013). The least common, yet mos t harmful, type of skin cancer is called malignant melanoma. It accounts for less than ten percent of skin cancers in individuals. This type of cancer can and most likely will kill a victim if not found earlier in a cancerShow MoreRelatedSkin Cancer1352 Words  | 6 Pagesare not taking skin cancer seriously after knowing its significance. Skin cancer has been a growing problem in the United States and millions of people have suffered from it every year. The three most common skin cancers are Melanoma, Basal cell, and Squamous cell, which can cause bumps, sores, growths, etc. Skin cancer is a deadly disease with many causes, but the advantage is that it can be prevented. Problem/Definition Skin cancer is a disease where cancer (malignant) cellsRead MoreEssay On Skin Cancer1814 Words  | 8 PagesSkin cancer is a very real and common health problem for Australians, with 2 in 3 developing this deadly disease by the age of 70 (Lynch, 2006). â€Å"Due to the Australian climate and lifestyle, as well as a predominantly fair skinned population, skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in Australia,†(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2000). For the most effective prevention against skin cancer, it is recommended that a combination of sun safety measures are met; slip, slop, slap,Read MoreSkin Cancer Essays629 Words  | 3 PagesSkin Cancer What is it and how to prevent it Skin cancer is the most prevalent of all cancers. There are three types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. In this presentation I plan to discuss a little about each of these cases as well as tell ways to prevent and treat them. The first most common skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. This cancer develops in the basal or bottom layer of the epidermis, which is the top layer of the skinRead MoreLiterature Review On Skin Cancer2421 Words  | 10 PagesLiterature Review Skin cancers have become increasingly prevalent over the last 30 years, with 87,000 new melanoma diagnoses per year in the United States (American Cancer Association, 2016). With regards to skin melanoma, medical professionals struggle most with the diagnosis rather than the treatment (Ferris et al., 2017). Therefore, it is important for the medical community to focus on diagnosis- related struggles. Pigmented Lesions and Routine Dermopathy There are various types of pigmentedRead More Melanoma (Skin Cancer) Essay1411 Words  | 6 PagesUV-B rays from the sun lead to premature aging of the skin, as well as the possible formation of skin cancer, know as melanoma. An appearance of a tan is actually a stage of burning and damage to the skin. Although a tan may be desirable to many, the fact remains that more people need to be educated on the dangers of the sun’s harmful rays, and the possible health complications of overexposure.      There are three main types of skin cancer. These are malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinoma,Read MoreIncidence Rate Of Skin Cancer1095 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract: Incidence rate of skin cancer are increasing day by day. Skin cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer but detected earlier can save the life time of the human being. An automated screening system is introduced to identify the presence of skin cancer in advance. In this paper, texture distinctiveness lesion segmentation algorithm is used. Experience and training-based characteristics of back propagation neural network is used with texture distinctiveness lesion segmentation algorithmRead MoreSkin Cancer Essay1118 Words  | 5 PagesTopic: Skin Cancer Thesis: Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States but is highly curable if detected early and treated properly. Specific Purpose: to inform the audience about the different kinds of skin cancer and what preventive measures you can take to protect yourself from skin cancer. I. Introduction A. Do you know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States; two million people are diagnosed annually. B. Skin cancer is theRead MoreEssay about Skin Cancer and Expert Knowledge1495 Words  | 6 Pagesbody are both a source of material risk, from cancers, and a symbolic risk, such as being pale and unhealthy looking (Carter and Jordan, p. 76). This example shows how expert knowledge in the form of medical advice tells us to keep our skin covered so as to prevent exposure from the sun that could cause skin cancer, and how this is interpreted by society using the cultural practice of booking holidays and how they balance the material risk of skin cancer with the symbolic risk of getting a tan inRead MoreSkin Cancer : A Significant And An Increasing Health Problem Worldwide1638 Words  | 7 Pages Arjun Ramakrishnan Morgan State University Skin Cancer April 28, 2016 Health Education 103.001 Abstract Skin cancer is becoming a significant and an increasing health problem worldwide. The main cause of this type of cancer is due to the damage done by the Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sun. There are many other causes and behaviors which contribute towards skin cancer. Protecting the skin from sun by wearing appropriate clothing, a sunscreen with appropriate sun protectionRead MoreSkin Cancer Essay553 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Cancer†, its a disease that has claim the lives of millions, its a disease that so far has no known cure, and its a disease that has many different forms. Cancer is defined as â€Å"a malignant form of tumors, which are tissue masses that arise through mutations in the genes that govern cell growth and division†(Starr, 1999, p. 213). Skin cancer is just one of the many forms of cancer that effects us and is the most common cancer in the U.S. Like so many others, I would assume that the major cause of
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Student with Challenging Behavior Learning Disability
Question: Discuss about theStudent with Challenging Behavior forLearning Disability. Answer: Introduction: The challenging behavior of students with disabilities leads to learning disability becoming a significant barrier to their academic and social inclusion. A learning definition can be defined by three main requisites, those are, impairment of adaptive and social functioning and beginning in childhood. The disabilities that are associated with learning are variant from specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, which, do not influence the intellectual capability. The term learning disability is the most accepted term all over the world. The amount of support that a person with learning disability needs depends on the seriousness of the disability. It is therefore important that each student be treated as a separate individual having certain strengths and weaknesses and needs (Chandler Dahlquist, 2014). This report discusses the development and maintenance of challenging behavior along with the strategies that is to be used by teachers and schools to prevent challenging behavior s. Additionally, the report shall also consist of a comparison between school wide positive behavior and positive behavior supports that are planned for individual students. The Development and Maintenance of Challenging Behavior: Emerson et al. developed the definition of challenging behavior, and the definition has become widely used in the perspective of learning disabilities. According to him, behavior of such intensity, frequency and duration that the physical safety of the person or others is likely to be placed in serious jeopardy or behavior which is likely to seriously limit or delay access to, and use of ordinary facilities. According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), children with learning disabilities display behavior that are challenging. Children possessing behavior that are challenging is an indication that such kind of behavior is a challenge to their family, services and take carers. Some of the typical behavior that students with challenging behavior have are attracting attention of other people, avoiding demands of peer group and lack of communication (Friend, 2013). This kind of behavior is an outcome of personal and environmental interaction including aggression, stereotypic behavior and self-injury, destructive behavior and withdrawal. Sometimes, it also includes sexual abuse, arson and violence and children may encounter the criminal justice system. Thus, it is easy for children with learning disabilities to encounter behavior that are challenging. The behavior becomes more challenging if students have severe disabilities (McLeskey et al., 2012). However, according to Janes et al., (2013) the prevalence rate of challenging behavior is between 5 to 15 percent in social care, health and educational services. The rates go higher in teenagers, especially children in their early twenties. For example, 30 to 45 percent in health care setting. People who have disabilities in learning also have specific communication problems, sensory impairments, physical or mental problems, dementia, autism, and other behavioral challenges. The behavior is visible only in certain kind of environment and the same behavior may be deemed as challenging in some other social or cultural setting. The behavior is an outcome of sensory impairment or avoiding demands. Typically care environments that in which there is lack of social interaction and significant occupation, lack of sensory input and lack of choice and sometimes too much noise. Moreover, it also included care environments that are unresponsive, unpredictable and crowded characterized by abuse and avoidance. To be able to identify the behavior that are challenging in nature proper risk assessments should be conducted, keeping in mind their biological and environmental need along with assessment of their functions. The interventions differ from child to child depending on the triggers that may be set at multiple levels of treatment. The aim should always be to protect the quality of life of the children. Effective Strategies that can be used by Schools and Teachers to Prevent or Reduce Challenging Behaviors: It was held by Cortiella Horowitz, 2014, that one of the most effective ways of managing challenging behavior that is developed by teachers is to attempt to prevent it from happening in the first place. Many schools have come up with many strategies that develop and promote positive behavior. This idea is an evolution that is based on the assumption that all kind of behavior whether negative or positive is learned and hence, acceptable behavior can be learned. Behavior is circumstantial so students can be taught to behave in a certain way in the context of school. Acceptable behavior of children should be reinforced by the school that should be supported with positive behavior. According to Bryant et al., 2016, many mainstream schools have become inclusive in their approach for managing children with disabilities. Mainstream schools, almost every day, encounter situations in which they have to manage children with challenging behaviors. Schools should have Code of Behavior that regulates the behavior of children with learning disabilities. Children are born with an inherent need for safe and secure environment. The classrooms of children can be one of the safest and stable environments for children. Children learn many behavioral aspects from their classrooms. Teachers have the obligation of modeling positive behavior with students by having a more positive approach towards them. According Matson et al., 2014, children are responsive to attention and react positively to behaviors that are reinforced. Teachers often catch children that are being good and reward them positively, and praise them for such actions. When children are reinforced with a positive attitude towards them, it enables them to cope up with behavioral issues easily. Many teachers have developed a formalized manner of praise and approach where children can earn points, stickers and rewards for positive behavior. Chung et al., 2012, provides advice to teachers and schools for the use of rewards for positive behavior: Reward properly for positive behavior as soon as possible The pay offs should be made small and easily achievable The rewards should be made cumulative The pay offs should be made cooperative A reward should not be taken back The element of surprise should always be made a part of rewards However, many disruptive behaviors are also a part of classroom activities at times especially when moving from one activity to the other activity. Thus, it is advisable for teachers and schools to plan their daily routines accordingly. It is also advisable for teachers and schools to give clear instructions to students and clarify their doubts with love and affection. Teachers give many set of instructions to students hence, it is important for teachers to ensure that children understand their instructions carefully. A Comparison Between School Wide Positive Behavior Supports and Positive Behavior Supports that are Planned and Implemented for Individual Students: Many strategies have been developed by schools as part of whole school approach for the promotion of positive behavior. Schools have reported that such a kind of approach has been more effective for children with challenging behavior. Many advantages are related with wide school approach. According to Bethune Wood, 2013, a common belief that schools that focus on care, respect and responsibility can be both a commencing point as well as an outcome of positive behavior. Some of the examples of ethos include assemblies where success of students is celebrated, positive attitude of parents and helping children with special educational needs. The keystone of such a belief is that is shared by the whole school community including children, parents, teacher and board of management. Whereas, the positive behavior approach (PBS) is variant from the wide school approach having less number of inclusions for controlling challenging behavior. According to Gebbie et al., 2012, challenging behaviors are learned and acquired and therefore they can be easily changed. According to the believers of the PBS approach, there is no wrong in wanting attention or escaping from a difficult situation. The PBS approach helps the children in attaining the life they need and this they do by increasing the ways of achieving the things children look for or rather hunt. The PBS approach helps people in acquiring new skills. The reason why they focus on children in acquiring new skills is that it shall help them in overcome difficult situations (Snell Brown, 2014). The PBS plan focuses on the development of two major strategies those are: Proactive Strategies: The proactive strategies allows children to get what they want on a daily basis and also teach them the appropriate skills for communication Reactive Strategies: The reactive strategies help the children to be safe and protected in an environment where they have no sense of fear. The PBS notes the reaction of children when they are placed in such a kind of environment and note their behavior accordingly. Therefore, it may be said that the wide school approach focuses more on reinforcement and having a positive attitude towards children whereas the PBS focuses more on the development of the adaptive skills of children. Conclusion: Teachers in isolation cannot meet the needs of children; there is a need of support of the whole community to address the issues related with challenging behavior. The support of wide school community in promotion of positive behavior is essential. This report has focused on the wide school approach as against the PBS approach for managing children with challenging behavior. Additionally, the report has also discussed appropriate strategies for managing children with challenging behavior. References: Bethune, K. S., Wood, C. L. (2013). Effects of coaching on teachers use of function-based interventions for students with severe disabilities.Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children,36(2), 97-114. Bryant, D. P., Bryant, B. R., Smith, D. D. (2016).Teaching students with special needs in inclusive classrooms. SAGE Publications. Bulgren, J. A., Sampson Graner, P., Deshler, D. D. (2013). Literacy challenges and opportunities for students with learning disabilities in social studies and history.Learning Disabilities Research Practice,28(1), 17-27. Chandler, L. K., Dahlquist, C. M. (2014).Functional assessment: Strategies to prevent and remediate challenging behavior in school settings. Pearson Higher Ed. Chung, Y. C., Carter, E. W., Sisco, L. G. (2012). Social interactions of students with disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication in inclusive classrooms.American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,117(5), 349-367. Cortiella, C., Horowitz, S. H. (2014). The state of learning disabilities: Facts, trends and emerging issues.New York: National Center for Learning Disabilities. Friend, M. (2013).Special education: Contemporary perspectives for school professionals. Pearson Higher Ed. Gebbie, D. H., Ceglowski, D., Taylor, L. K., Miels, J. (2012). The role of teacher efficacy in strengthening classroom support for preschool children with disabilities who exhibit challenging behaviors.Early Childhood Education Journal,40(1), 35-46. Matson, J. L., Hess, J. A., Mahan, S. (2013). Moderating effects of challenging behaviors and communication deficits on social skills in children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,7(1), 23-28. McLeskey, J. M., Rosenberg, M. S., Westling, D. L. (2012).Inclusion: Effective practices for all students. Pearson Higher Ed. Rispoli, M., Ninci, J., Neely, L., Zaini, S. (2014). A systematic review of trial-based functional analysis of challenging behavior.Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities,26(3), 271-283. Snell, M. E., Brown, F. E. (2014).Instruction of students with severe disabilities. Pearson Higher Ed.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Listeria Monocytogenes free essay sample
The bacterium was named monocytogenes because one distinguish characteristic of infection in rabbits, which was the production of monocytosis in blood (Shuin et al. , 1982). L. monocytogenes is phychrophilic, has a temperature for growth of 0Â °C to 45Â °C (Barbosa et al. 1994), and enjoys a competitive advantage against other gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms in cold environments, such as refrigerators. Recent investigations indicate that the organism can initiate growth at pH values as low as 4. 4. Also, it grows optimally at water activity of 0. 97. For the majority of strains, the minimum water activity needed for growth is 0. 93 (Lou et al. , 1999); however, some strains may be able to grow at water activity values as low as 0. 90 and survive for long periods of time at 0. 83 (Shahamat et al. , 1980). L. onocytogenes is able to grow in the presence of 10 to 12% sodium chloride; it grows to high populations in moderate salt concentrations (6. 5%). The bacterium survival in high-salt environments is significantly increased by lowering the temperature. We will write a custom essay sample on Listeria Monocytogenes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Route of Exposure L. monocytogenes is particularly interesting as a foodborne pathogen in that it is ubiquitous in nature. The current understanding of human listeriosis epidemiology suggests that the organism is a common contaminant of food products. This contamination usually takes place on the surface of the products, with up to 15% harboring the organism. The presence of L. monocytogenes in the food processing chain is evidence by the widespread distribution of the listeriae in processed products. Occurrence of sporadic listeriosis appears to be more common in the spring and summer months. This could be explained by seasonal variations in the type of food products eaten by human populations, with higher-risk products eaten in the warmer months. Some outbreaks investigations suggest that certain ready-to-eat processed foods pose a high risk of contracting listeriosis for susceptible populations. These foods are usually preserved by refrigeration and offer an ppropriate environment for the multiplication of L. monocytogenes during manufacture, aging, transportation and storage. The entry of L. monocytogenes into food processing plants occurs through soil on clothing or equipments, contaminated hides or surfaces, and possibly healthy human carriers. The humidity and presence of nutrients support the growth of Listeria, which is commonly found in moist areas such as processing equipment, drains, etc (Cox et al. , 1989). In addition, Listeria can attach to different types of surfaces and biofilm formation has been observed in meat and dairy processing environment (Jeong et al. 1994). Post-processing contamination is the most likely route of contamination of processed foods. Currently, there is no evidence to indicate that L. monocytogenes can survive heat processing protocols. However, because it is a frequent contaminant of raw material used in food processing plants, there are plenty opportunities for reintroduction of listeriae into food processing facilities by cross contamination (Doyle, 1988). If the product is contaminated during its elaboration, the bacteria can survive and multiply throughout storage causing disease when it is consumed. In conclusion, epidemiologic investigations have repeatedly revealed that the consumption of contaminated food is the primary mode of transmission of listeriosis. Food has been identified as the vehicle of several major outbreaks of listeriosis investigated since 1981. Food Associated Some of the food products associated with L. monocytogenes include unpasteurized milk and products prepared from unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses, frankfurters, delicatessen meats and poultry products, and some seafood. Raw milk is a well-known source of L. monocytogenes. Pasteurization effectively inactivates this organism. However, fluid milk that is contaminated after pasteurization and stored under refrigeration may achieve very high populations of L. monocytogenes after one week; Furthermore, temperature abuse may enhance the multiplication of bacterial cells. L. monocytogenes can also be found in cheese because of its relative hardiness to temperature fluctuations, ability to multiply at refrigeration temperature and salt tolerance. During manufacturing process, L. monocytogenes is primarily concentrate in the cheese curd, with only a very small portion of cells appearing in the whey. Then, during ripening of the cheese, the numbers of cells may increase (Camembert), decrease gradually (Colby or cheddar), or decrease rapidly (blue cheese) and then stabilize. In addition, cooked and ready-to-eat meat and poultry products have been implicated as the source of sporadic and epidemic listeriosis on several occasions in North America and Europe (Schwartz et al. , 1989). L. monocytogenes attaches strongly to the surface of raw meats and is difficult to remove or inactivate. The multiplication in meat and poultry depends on the type of meat, pH, and the type of cell populations of competitive flora (Farber et al. 1999). However, it has been shown that poultry supports the growth of L. monocytogenes better than other meats. Furthermore, the incidence of L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat products has become a major concern for the meat processing industry. Ready-to-eat meat products that have been received a heat treatment followed by cooling in brine before packaging may provide a particularly conducive environment for multiplication of L. monocytogenes because of the reduction in competitive flora and the high salt tolerance of the organism. L. onocytogenes has also been isolated from domestic and imported, fresh, frozen, and processed seafood products, including crustaceans, molluscan shellfish and finfish (Jinneman et al. , 1999). However, seafood consumption is still much less when with consumption of meats and cheeses. Also, the production of seafood products is done on a much smaller scale than meat and cheese manufacture. This may be the reason that large outbreaks have not been reported and that case-control studies have not identified this group as a major risk of listeriosis (Rocourt et al. 2000) Characteristics of the disease Human disease usually occurs in high risk groups, who have a predisposing disease that leads to impairment of their T-cell mediated immunity. However, may occasionally occur in individuals with no predisposing conditions. Some of the high risk groups may include pregnant woman, neonates, and immunocompromised adults (Goulet et al. , 1996). On average, there are 0. 7 cases of listeriosis per 100,000 people, but the disease is seen three times higher in the elderly (gt;70) and 17 times higher in pregnant women. A wide variety of clinical syndromes have been associated with L. monocytogenes in both humans and animals. In healthy individuals, the disease can take the form of mild to substantial flu-like symptoms, including: fever, fatigue, nausea, cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. More severe complications can include: encephalitis, septicemia, mononucleosis-like syndrome, pneumonia, endocarditis, aortic aneurysm, hepatitis, urethritis, rhombencephalitis, peritonitis, liver abscess, febrile gastroenteritis, CAPD peritonitis, septic arthritis, etc. (Dalton et al. , 1997). Lonocytogenes in pregnant women can lead to an intrauterine infection, resulting in stillbirths and miscarriages. Newborns can develop meningitis after birth via transplacental transmission. The onset time for serious complications of listeriosis can be anywhere from a couple of days to three weeks. Mortality of untreated infections is among the highest of all foodborne illnesses, 70 percent. The infective dose of L. monocytogenes is not yet known, it is related to variables, including: strain, susceptibility of the victim, type food from which is was consumed, etc. Mode of Action Listeria monocytogenes is the most invasive bacteria known. The principal site of infection is the liver, but it can invade many cell lines of different types (microphages, fibroblast, hepatocytes and epithelial cells). Listeria monocytogenes infects the host via oral route. Once the bacteria are ingested, they reach the intestine and are translocated between enterocytes and M cells (Pron et al. , 1998); however, the intestinal dendritic cells in the Peyer’s patches appear to be the preferred site for invasion and multiplication (Kolb-Maurer et al. 2000). Bacteria are then internalized by resident macrophages, in which they can survive and replicate. They are subsequently transported via the blood to regional lymph nodes. When they reach the liver and the spleen, most listeriae are rapidly killed. Depending on the level of T-cell response induced in the first days following initial infection, further dissemination via the blood to the brain or, in the pregnant individuals, the placenta may subsequently occur. In addition, bacteria are internalized in membrane-bound vacuoles, which are lysed within 30 minutes. Intracellular bacteria are released to the cytosol and begin to multiply with doubling time of about one hour. These intracytoplasmic bacteria become progressively covered by a cloud of cell actin filaments that later rearrange into a polarized comet tail up to 40 ? m in length (Crossart, 1995). The actin comet tail is made of actin microfilaments that are continuously assembled in the vicinity of the bacterium, then realeased and cross-linked. The entire bacteria cycle is completed in about 5 hours. If cytochalasin D is added after entry, bacteria do not spread within the cytosol. They replicate and form microcolonies in the vicinity of the nucleus. Hence, actin polymerization is essential to intracellular movement and cell-to-cell spreading. In summary, the pathogenic mechanism of L. monocytogenes involves the following steps: adhesion to the host cells, lysis of the phagosome, replication in the host cytoplasm, actin-based intracellular movement and propulsion, and the intercellular spread. Biotransformation Listeria monocytogenes is of interest to a board range of investigators, including food microbiologist, clinicians, immunologist, medical microbiologist, and even cell biologist because it is developing resistance to most currently used antibiotics. In the past, individuals who develop listeriosis have usually been treated with penicillin or ampicillin in conjunction with an aminoglycoside (Charpentier et al. , 1999), although tetracycline, erythromycin or chloramphenicol, alone or in combination, has also been used (Hof et al. , 1991). More recently, reports of resistance in Listeria spp. have been published. Such increases in antibiotic resistance have been linked to over-use of antibiotics in animals and humans (Rao, 1998) since these therapeutic compounds were identified nearly 60 years ago. This resistance may arise from a mutation in an intrinsic chromosomal gene, or by acquisition of exogenous genetic material carrying single or multiple resistance determinants (Levy, 1994). It is now clear that such transfer is possible between unrelated bacterial species (Kruse et al. 1994), and that these interactions are a frequent and important means of genetic exchanges among microorganisms. In conclusion, it is evident that antibiotic resistance is becoming more and more widely reported in all bacteria. Control and Prevention Because L. monocytogenes can grow at refrigerator temperatures, the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advise all consumers to reduce the risk of illness by using a refrigerator thermometer to make sure that the refrigerator always stays at 40 Â °F or below and using perishable items that are precooked or ready-to-eat as soon as possible (CDC, 2005). For high risk groups it is recommended to not consume hot dogs and luncheon meats, unless they are reheated until steaming hot; not eat soft cheese such as Feta, Brie, and Camembert cheeses, unless it is labeled as made with pasteurized milk; not eat refrigerated smoked seafood, unless it is contained in a cooked dish; and not drink raw (unpasteurized) milk or eat foods that contain unpasteurized milk. Therapy When listeriosis is a likely diagnosis, the use of ampicillin or, in penicillin-allergic patients, vancomycin will provide empiric coverage for L. onocytogenes until the diagnosis is made by culture. Once listeriosis is confirmed, a combination of ampicillin and gentamicin is the current therapy of choice for all forms of listeriosis. The duration of the treatment for invasive listeriosis has not been studied. Relapses appear to be uncommon, and two to three weeks of therapy with ampicillin and gentamicin is sufficient for most forms of listeriosis. Rhombencephalitis with abscess formation in the central nervous system may require more prolonged therapy, but data are not available that support treatment beyond four weeks (Lorber, 1997).
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
6 Study Tips for Visual Learners
6 Study Tips for Visual Learners Visual Learning is one of the three different learning styles made famous by Neil D. Fleming in his VAK model of learning. He states that people who are visual learners need to see new information in order to truly learn it, hence the need for study tips for visual learners. Visual Learner Tips People who have this trait are often very spatially aware and respond to things like color, tone, brightness, contrast, and other visual info when they read, study, and learn. Some also have photographic memories in various degrees and can not only visualize information after reading it or seeing it but can recreate it. Most people utilize this learning method at least partly throughout their lives, especially since traditional school is geared toward those visual learners, but some people would classify themselves as predominantly visual learners where others would not. If youre one of them, you may find these things helpful when studying for a test, quiz, midterm, or final exam. Since sight is key, visual learners need materials in front of them to help get the information fully committed to memory. Capitalize on this learning style with simple tips. Color Code Assign colors to common themes in your notes, textbook, and handouts. For instance, if youre studying vocabulary words for a test, highlight all of the nouns in yellow, all of the verbs in blue and all of the adjectives in pink. Youll associate that particular color with the part of speech, which will help you remember it on the test. In a history textbook, highlight all the major actions of a particular general, for instance, in one color and all the consequences of his actions in another. When researching for an essay, color code the info you find by topic. Your brain remembers color really well, so use it to your advantage! Organize Your Notes Because youre so visual, disorganized notes will be largely unsettling to you. Put all of your handouts in one place in your notebook or binder. Design clear, neat tabs or another type of system to keep things straight. Rewrite your notes. Use outlines to keep things succinct and clear. Not only will you be looking at the ideas from the lecture again, which capitalizes on your visual learning, but you can also add new information or edit as you move along. This will help you learn the material. Study the Graphics This is a fabulous study tip for those of you who can absorb new information with your eyes. Use the charts and graphics in your textbook for your chapter test to your advantage. It is much easier to learn the periodic table of the elements on the chart than it is to learn a list of the elements. Bonus? Charts that are color-coded! Draw Pictures or Figures Even if you are not the most creative person, get out your pencil and draw pictures, figures, and diagrams to accompany the information you are trying to learn. The phrase, A picture is worth a thousand words definitely applies to you. Your brain will store a set of drawings of the five biggest cities in Canada in your head much longer than it will a list of those cities. Help yourself out when the textbook doesnt and create your own visuals. Watch Documentaries or Videos Dont be afraid to step outside of your classroom in order to glean knowledge about whatever it is you are studying as long as you use a reliable source and not some hack on YouTube. Getting a well-rounded, big picture of your topic can really expand your knowledge! And when you are this type of learner, it helps to secure that knowledge through media like documentaries or videos rather than just through textbooks. Draw Concept Maps A concept map is a method of visually brainstorming, where you get all of the ideas from your head onto paper and draw connections where you see fit. Youll start with a central idea - weather, for example. That will go in the center of your sheet of paper. Then, from the weather, youll branch off into main categories. Add things like precipitation, climate, air, clouds, and so on. From each of those categories, youll branch off further. Clouds could be divided further down into cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and so on. Precipitation could be divided down into rain, sleet, snow, etc. If you look at the topic you are learning from this angle, its easy to spot gaps in your knowledge base. If, for instance, youre studying weather and you realize you have no idea how climate can affect weather or what to put under that category, perhaps you missed something in class.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Are You Self-Critical I Sure Am.
Are You Self-Critical I Sure Am. An opportunity for rejection This weekend I took a workshop with Wright as part of a year-long training I’m doing there. On Saturday evening we received an assignment to talk to strangers and get rejected by them. One option for conversation was to tell people about the Wright workshop and invite them to attend. Despite my terror at being viewed as a proselytizer, I took it on. I figured anything that made me that terrified was worth doing. The next thing I knew I was walking up to a woman sitting in front of a burrito shop in Chicago, taking in her look of skepticism, and saying â€Å"I know this is really weird, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A few minutes later I had fielded many objections as well as multiple claims that she was not interested: I was not with any sort of religious organization; people from out of state could do the workshop; and all kinds of people, from teens to military to owners of writing and editing companies, got value from the program. A breakthrough It didn’t take long for her to start sharing with me about her husband and how he could really benefit from a program like this, and about her special needs child; in the end she was the one who told me her name without my asking. And she took information about the program with real interest. Everyone I told this story to was blown away by how I continued to talk to this woman despite her multiple attempts to make me go away. I quite possibly made a difference in another human being’s life because I was willing to act despite my fear. In my small group for the weekend, I was voted to share the story with the larger group. But†¦ My self-talk was that this was just me using my sales skills. When I had an opportunity to share about my interaction with a room full of 60 people, I didn’t tell them how awesome I was. I talked about my fear of rejection (which obviously I did not let get in my way). I received some spot-on coaching about my choice of what to share and was left wishing I had just told the story about how I connected with the woman in front of the burrito shop. I immediately started beating myself up that I hadn’t done it right. I wanted a do-over!! (Sound familiar?) I was so self-critical, in fact, that I could barely concentrate on the program for the next several hours †¦ until †¦ I got to watch someone else get coaching on her own self-critic. Suddenly, watching it outside of myself, I was able to feel the hurt of holding on to my critic- really feel it- and I started to ease up on myself ever-so-slightly. Before this experience, I think all I did with my inner critic was to criticize myself for having such a loud one. This time, feeling the pain and emotion of what it’s like in my head, I started to have compassion for her. I’m not getting rid of my critic, mind you. She’s very useful to have around and allows me to correct a lot of things that might otherwise remain a mess. She motivates me to grow and learn. But I’d like her to have less of a hold on me so I have my full energy and brain power to focus on things like reaching out to people and taking on other terrifying, exhilarating tasks in life. Maybe you’d like to cultivate more compassion for your inner critic? Do you tell stories in a way that gives yourself less than full credit? Do you frequently find yourself wanting a â€Å"do-over†? What difference would it make in your life if you could have compassion for the critical voice in your head?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research a hospitality business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research a hospitality business - Essay Example Starbucks has been in the UK since 1998 when they purchased 65 Seattle Coffee stores that were already located in the UK. The reason that Starbucks bought these companies was because they shared a common culture. Both companies had a commitment to create customised coffee, they had similar values, a mutual respect for their customers, their employees, and they had a commitment to the environment. This information prompted them to buy Seattle Coffee as a way to reach out to the UK community (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011a). Overview of the Business Starbucks actually began in 1971 when they were a roaster and a retailer for whole bean, ground coffee, and tea and spices. At that time, they owned one store in Pike Place Market in Seattle, WA, USA. They were a private company at that time and did not become a public company until 1992 and 1993. At that time, they decided to look for locations in large cities so that they would have a 'hub' store with smaller stores around in these locat ions. They hired what they called 'zone presidents' to oversee the new stores; each zone president had many years of experience in marketing chain stores (Thompson and Gamble, 1997). Starbucks was able to easily identify those retail sites that would be best for theirs stores. They hired a real estate team who was versed in the coffee bar industry and they instituted a 'sophisticated system' that allowed them to identify the locations that would be best for their stores. They were able to track each area in such a way that they also found attractive city blocks where they could start their stores (Thompson and Gamble, 1997). Today, they have 17,000 companies in 50 countries and they continue to grow (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011a). Starbucks took its name from the book, Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Starbucks was the name of the first mate in the story. They boast that they have millions of customers world wide and they enjoy serving them the best coffee possible. Starbucks has 70 0 stores across the UK (Farrell, 2010). Every business must start with a mission and Starbucks mission is 'to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time' (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011b, p.1). With this mission, they know exactly what they want to do when they go into each new country or new city. Processes and Systems Starbucks has been able to institute specific processes and systems in their company that worked. They have used the same system in each of the countries they moved into because it worked. Food and beverages purchasing Starbucks purchases coffee from farmers around the world. They basically have four brands that they sell all of their beverages under. These brands are: 'Starbucks Coffee, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Tazo Tea, and Torrefazione Italia Coffee' (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011b, p.2). In the UK, Starbucks has only introduced a few of its products which include: Via, a new instant coffee that people c an purchase at Tesco stores Starbucks Whole Bean Coffees, Starbucks Discoveries Chilled Coffees, and Starbucks Doubleshot Expresso drinks (Puget Sound Business Journal, 2010). Dave Olsen who is Starbucks' senior vice president for coffee, travelled around the world to coffee growing companies and talked to farmers to find the richest quality coffee beans that would produce the best flavour. Starbucks bought the beans above the price that they would
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Healthcare Reform (I Oppose It) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Healthcare Reform (I Oppose It) - Essay Example With increase in the cost of life, it is apparent that paying for medical cover is to some extend seen as a luxury especially by middle class people. The budget on how to spend the earnings has been difficult characterized by large budgets and loans that act as a burden to many people. Besides, it is only logical that one cannot pay for medical cover and forfeit their meals. Groszkruger (2011) argued that the government should put in place mechanisms that allow its citizens to be flexible in the way they carry on with their lives. For instance, instead of the government introducing a healthcare program and then impose some policies that compels people to part with money, it would have been better if the government came up with proposals that would help people that are unable to pay for the plan to get the funds. For instance, a section of the national budget should be set aside to pay for those people that are unable to pay. In a different dimension, the law to tax people if they fail to pay for the plan can be argued to be oppressive because it is the right for people to get free medical help from the government. In fact, according to Wolfe (2012) the government should not bring in the issue of taxing social amenities that are considered fundamental to its people. Instead, there should be funds obtained through other means in taking care of healthcare of the Americans. The plan and other social policies should be outlined in such a way that the Americans can only contribute small amounts to aid the running of the institutions put in place. In regard to solving the issue of lack of money to pay for the coverage, the Obamacare proposes that one can obtain financial help to pay for the coverage. Although one would be made to believe that this is a solution, it is only seen as so on the basis of paying for the coverage. In fact, this could be argued to mean digging a hole to obtain soil
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Statement on Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example for Free
Statement on Corporate Social Responsibility Essay What is CSR? Corporate social responsibility is a diverse term utilized by current business activists in order to define the relation of employers with other colleagues, with society and with the core activities of the organization that can benefice people and society in one way or other. Fundamentally, Corporate Social Responsibility has been illustrated as a commitment which organizations do with society in order to develop the region economically in which it used to do its core business activities. (Idowu, Filho, 2009) Today, no business can touch the apex of success until it develops proper CSR and ethical strategy. Hence, ethics and CSR has closed relation since both of these components involve human resource and their attitude towards society and other factors. CSR and Ethics: Ethics is regarded particular way of behavior of an individual towards society or some other individuals. Similarly, Business ethics indicate the attitude of an organization towards business and social matters. It is especially concerned with the issues related to ethical and moral values of that particular organization. (Chryssides, Kaler, 1993) Hence, it can be stated that business ethics is something related to the situation, decision and activities which the organization management take while keeping the ethical values under consideration, contemplating these aspects from the perspective of right and wrong. Ethics and CSR have strong interrelationship with each other since without complying with ethical codes, no organization or individual can come up with the standards of corporate social responsibility. Hence, today, for the success of an organization, it is mandatory to develop effective CSR policy and for that purpose, it needs to develop an authentic ethical policy as well. Keeping all these factors under consideration, the elements of CSR and ethics can be categorized in two different parts. Personal ethics: From business perspective, Personal ethics is related to the ethics of individuals working within an organization. For conducting corporate social responsibility, an individual has to comply with different aspects related to personal ethics. For instance, there must be strong adherence of values, contribution towards environmental sustainability, effective corporate principles to follow and experience in dealing with customers, suppliers and other components of the society as well. Organizational ethics: Organizational ethics is related to the values and principles which have been founded on the basis of right and wrong. Like individual, who has responsibility towards organization, colleague and society, organization also has responsibilities towards employers, society, customers and stakeholders. For this purpose, the organization has to develop authentic values, standards, code of ethics and guidance. No business can gain successful position without employing effective CSR policy and keeping this thing under consideration, all big, Small and medium organizations have employed CSR policies in order to make their business processes effective. HSBC Saudi Arabia: A well known organization of Saudi Arabia working with the motto â€Å"putting your needs first†, HSBC has been considered as one of the best examples in this regard. ( The example can be taken from the HSBC report (2004) in which four different trends have been promulgated including maintenance of environment, sustainable development, satisfaction of the employer and setting up new goals, visions and agendas. Similarly, three different CSR themes had been discussed including standardized ethical implication surety, poverty decrement and creating fair social scenarios. Hence, it can be considered the best example for illustrating significance of employing CSR policy in today’s business horizon. CSR And Marriott Hotel in developed and underdeveloped country: Marriot has been regarded number one hotel in UK in 2012 and the reason behind this award is the CSR policy which this organization has employed in order to get this position and come up with social requirement in develop countries like England. Hence, it has been reported in 2011 environmental report that Marriott has been assuming FTSE policies of human rights, labor standards and anti-corruption in order to make its global economic CSR policy more effective and compatible for international markets as well. ( responsibility/corporate-responsibility-awards.mi) However, if the analysis of Marriot hotel Pakistan is done, it would appear that the CSR policy adopted by regional management of this country is not as much effective as the other one is. This might be due to the difference in regional culture and customer demands as well. However, this branch can also maximize the profit if it will employ effective CSR policy basing it on ethical values. References: Accomplishments. Corporate Social Responsibility Awards for Marriott Hotels. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. . Chryssides, G. D. Kaler J.H. (1993). An Introduction to Business Ethics. London: Chapman Hall. HSBC, . ., 2011. HSBC Saudi Arabia Limited. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 November, 2011]. Idowu, Samuel O., and Filho Walter. Leal. Professionals Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility. Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. HSBC . 2004. Corporate Social Responsibility. Saudi Arabia. 21 – 22 June 2004, HSBC : Qatar.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
philosophy Essay -- essays research papers
Philo- means love and –sophia means wisdom. So what does philosophy mean? Philosophy can mean many things. It could be the freedom to reflect, the ideas behind the force of question such as What is life?, Who is god?, Who am I?, etc. Philosophy could be a persons beliefs.      Philosophy dates back a long time. It started with Plato talking about platonic forms, moving onto Socrates who used analogies. Others such as Locke, Rousseau, and Dewey also put our their views of philosophy.      To me philosophy is a way of thinking, believing, and understanding. It could begin with learning how to interpret things and explore their meanings so that they make sense. I feel that a persons philosophy can help them when making judgements. One can learn and understand insights to a subject or a dilemma. It can help with their formation of thoughts and ideas. Philosophy is not just about the facts. The facts are put together to make something significant. The facts don’t necessarily make up a persons way of thinking either. A way of thinking is based on what is seen and heard in the world around the viewer.      When it comes to a persons thinking, the study of philosophy could help with abstract thinking, clarity and order. It could produce a study of oneself through questions, not answers. People could understand the reasoning behind things and they can discover different kinds of thinking. They learn to think...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Global Warming †the Great Delusion Essay
Matt Patterson argues in â€Å"Global Warming – The Great Delusion†that the alleged scientific consensus surrounding the theory of global warming is based not on fact, but rather on a web of mass hysteria and deceit. Patterson contends that â€Å"In fact, global warming is the most widespread mass hysteria in our species’ history†, and that the beliefs of global warming proponents are the result of their own delusional imaginations and a subconscious apocalyptic yearning toward which masses of people tend to subject themselves. While Patterson worries that what he perceives to be the delusions of global warming proponents run amok could prove to be a legitimate threat to the progress of Man, he argues that there is a growing trend of dissenters to the theory among the scientific community that will break the supposed fever of global warming hysteria. The author begins the piece by drawing a parallel between the actions of global warming supporters and the erratic behaviors of witch hunters and alchemists prior to the 20th century. He claims that Charles Mackay, 19th century journalist and author of â€Å"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds†, would draw the same conclusions today concerning global warming proponents that he did when observing popular susceptibility towards belief in with hunts and alchemy. In doing so, he attempts to illustrate his point that the proponents of global warming are simply falling prey to the madness fueled by those around them, rather than basing their actions and beliefs on facts or evidence. To support this assertion, Patterson employs a bevy of Devil terms to describe the commonality between the ignorance observed by Mackay toward witch hunters and the ignorance observed by Patterson toward global warming activists. Terms like superstition, guilt, hatred, and apocalyptic yearning all seek to paint global warming believers as a reactionary group acting on impulse over evidence. A rebuttal might point out that Patterson has yet to provide evidence against global warming r discredit the available evidence that supports the theory, and Mackay’s point about humans self-inflicting worries upon themselves might not hold any water if the worry in question was indeed valid and supported by evidence. Patterson continues this assertion into the next paragraph, adding more emotional emphasis by claiming that â€Å"In fact, global warming is the most widespread mass hysteria in our species’ history†. By framing the argument so dramatically, Patterson draws a visible distinction to whom his intended audience may be: those who already agree with his position and are looking for solidarity in their own opinions, as well as those on the fence or who have a neutral opinion on the validity of global warming. By emphasizing the extent of the error of global warming believers to such a degree, Patterson may be attempting to pique the interest of those who have paid little attention to the global warming debate before. Additionally, global warming proponents are grouped into the term â€Å"warmists†in this paragraph, and later referred to as â€Å"climate cultists†. These terms carry a belittling connotation that implies that global warming proponents are members of an extremist fringe group, rather than the majority. A rebuttal of this point might simply note that the majority of climatologists still subscribe to global warming as a viable theory, and Patterson is still yet to present any evidence to support his assertions. The author’s argument continues on to present this perceived hysteria of global warming as not only a potentially viable threat to humankind and the institutions that have enabled it to thrive, but one that is evidently on the decline. Patterson expresses a fear that â€Å"Man will be convinced by these climate cultists to turn his back on the very political, economic, and scientific institutions that made him so powerful, so wealthy, so healthy†. By framing his argument in a way that transitions from highlighting the scientific ignorance of global warming to the policies that such a worldview could impact, Patterson attempts to establish a chain of logic that justifies his concern for global warming as an influence on government. The language used in the sentence (â€Å"climate cultists†trying to convince â€Å"Man†, turning their back on beneficial institutions) also implies to the reader that the proponents of global warming are actively attempting to undermine the institutions that have allowed humankind to thrive in the modern world. This opinion is underlined later in the article, when Patterson contemplates why many â€Å"hope†for climate change catastrophe. At this point, Patterson approaches the core of his argument, wherein he provides what he believes to be sufficient evidence that the idea global warming will soon cease to be a threat to the progress. He argues that the â€Å"fever is breaking, as more and more scientists come forward to admit their doubts about the global warming paradigm†. The use of a fever as a metaphor suggests that the hysteria that surrounds global warming acts as an ailment on society, and as more and more scientists challenge the theory, its credibility – and ultimately its power – is diminished. To support this statement, he cites quotes from scientists expressing reluctance and doubt toward the theory of global warming. Patterson makes sure to mention the alleged prominence of the dissenting scientists and to identify Ivar Giaever as a Nobel Prize winner, in an attempt to bolster the credibility of his sources through the use of God terms. A rebuttal of this point might argue that this is not evidence against global warming, but rather an argument from authority. By citing two examples of scientists dissenting from popular scientific consensus on global warming and asserting them as proof of the untruth of the theory, Patterson ultimately says nothing persuasive in opposition to global warming. Were he able to provide evidence of an increasing trend of scientists rejecting the theory, his argument might gain credibility, but by citing only two singular examples, he gives the reader no reason to believe that this information is indicative of the norm rather than the exception. Perhaps anticipating the counterargument that the majority of scientists still accept global warming as a viable theory, Patterson posits another quote from the group of dissenting scientists, who claim that â€Å"Alarmism over climate is of great benefit to many, providing government funding for academic research and a reason for government bureaucracies to grow. †While Patterson doesn’t expound on this claim, its presence in his article strongly implies that he identifies with the point made by these scientists. He then goes on to dismiss federal mandates related to carbon emissions as â€Å"schemes†meant to undermine the individual liberty of the voters. A rebuttal might argue that these points contradict the primary argument Patterson made at the opening of the article; by heavily implying that global warming proponents cling to the hope of â€Å"climate change catastrophe†mainly as an effort to profit from government funding and to further bureaucratic control, he nullifies his argument based on the quote from Charles Mackay that global warming fear is borne from superstition, Western guilt, and apocalyptic yearning. Overall, Matt Patterson’s article proved to be an unconvincing piece of rhetoric against global warming. He provided astonishingly little evidence to support his argument that global warming was a ridiculous superstition, and relied on two singular examples to demonstrate that scientists were flocking away from the theory. He offered no objective data on climate change and in fact opted out of even delving into the mechanics of the theory, choosing instead to merely assert the apparent lunacy and hysteria of global warming proponents in a shallow attempt to undermine their credibility. This piece may perhaps bolster the confidence of individuals who already deny the claims of the theory of global warming, but it would most likely prove unconvincing to almost any other audience.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
China’s Reform and Opening-Up Policy Essay
Deng Xiaoping in the eyes of all the Chinese people are very familiar with, because he proposed the reform and opening up policy, China has undergone enormous changes, China not only in the economic, political, cultural, social and other fields, various aspects have made great progress. I will divide my speech into three parts, the first part of the economy, the primary stage of socialism, the basic economic system has been established. Adjust and improve the ownership structure, changes in the ownership structure of public ownership as the main body, and a variety of forms of ownership develop the basic economic system. The reform of state-owned enterprises made ​significant progress. 30 years as the central link of the economic reform, the management system and operation mechanism reform of state-owned enterprises continued to deepen. Most of the restructuring of state-owned enterprises as diverse shareholders corporate enterprises, state-owned economy and structural adjustm ent progresses, greatly stimulate the vitality of enterprises, enhance the control and influence of the state-owned economy. The new macro-control system gradually perfected. Break the traditional highly centralized planning and management system, and gradually establish a macro-control system to adapt to the requirements of the socialist market economy, the transformation of government functions, planning, investment, finance and taxation, finance, foreign exchange, the price system reform has achieved significant progress in the formation of national planning and fiscal , monetary policy and the coordination of macro-control system. The second part, resource allocation, income distribution system is undergoing a fundamental change. Established distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist distribution system, the establishment of the production factors of labor, capital, technology and management system of distribution according to contribution. Emphasis on the treatment of the relationship between the initial distribution and redistribution in the efficiency and fairness, give full play to the enthusiasm. The third part, social security, social security system of Chinese characteristics basically formed. Establishing and continuously improving the urban basic old-age insurance system, the formation of the urban and rural basic medical insurance system, and constantly improve the unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance system, generally establish minimum living security system for urban and rural residents, and gradually improve the social assistance system.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free sample - Overpopulation and its negative consequences. translation missing
Overpopulation and its negative consequences. Overpopulation and its negative consequencesThe United States has been rated as the most populous country after China and India and is estimated to have a population exceeding 265 million. Further, statistics indicate that the country’s population is growing at 2.5 million people per year; hence the United States is one of the world's fastest-growing industrialized nations. For instance, in 1994, there were approximately 3.95 million births versus 2.29 million deaths in the United States, resulting in a net natural increase of nearly 1.7 million. Net immigration therefore stood at approximately 816,000 people. By 2050, the country's population is projected to increase by approximately 130 million people whom critics place as the equivalent of adding another four states the size of California. However, for such an industrialized country, it experiences one of the largest cases of unintended teenage pregnancies indicated by 60 percent of pregnancies and 40 percent of births. The world’s population is currently approximated to be growing at 74 million people every year and projections put forward by the United States indicate that the world’s population shall hit the 9.0 billion mark by the year 2050 assuming the projected decline in fertility rate of 2.65 children per woman shall decline to 2.05. This decline is projected under a comparative analysis since the 1950’s was double this rate at 5 children per woman. The less developed countries such as Uganda, Nigeria and Pakistan are expected to account for the largest quota of 5.3 billion with a world’s population of 7.8 billion. The United States however is an exception to this since it’s expected to grow by 44% from a population of 305 million in the year 2008 to 439 million in 2050. Global life expectancy has also increased from 46 years in 1955 to 65 years in 2000-2005 and is projected to rise to 75 years in 2045-2050. Population increase in more developed countries wil l further be boosted by high immigration rates whereby the net immigration rate is projected at 98 million. Further, deaths are projected to exceed births in developed nations by 73 million by 2050; international immigration shall play a key factor in the net population increase. By 2100, the Unite States population is expected to be at 3,145,049,297. This essay therefore endeavors to show that overpopulation is a major problem in the United States and further discusses its social, economic, political and environmental impact. There are various merits and challenges of overpopulation. The resultant advantages are however few and it has largely been detrimental to various aspects such as the environment. The large population has largely driven consumption and demand for various goods and services higher. This therefore has created a vibrant market which has boosted the country’s economy. Already, demand for beef and grain has reached staggering levels. In fact, the per capita grain consumption in the United States is four times higher than that in less developed nations. Rapid population increase has prompted the growth of megacities and rapid urbanization. By 1800, only 3% of the world’s population lived in cities. 47 percent of the world’s population had already migrated into cities by the twentieth century. In 1950, there were already 83 cities with a combined population exceeding 1 million. In 2007, this had risen to 468 agglomerations. In 2000, there were 18 megacities and conurbations such as New York City with populations exceeding 100 million. Greater Tokyo already has a population of 35 million which exceeds Canada’s entire population. By the year 2025, Asia alone shall have over 10 hyper cities each with a population exceeding 20million such as Jakarta with 24.9 million. Currently, cities the world over hold 3.2 billion of the population which is expected to rise to 5 billion by the year 2030 whereby 3 out of every 5 people are expected to live in cities. In the next 25 years, most melodramatic changes are expected to t ake place in developing countries. This however may not be positive in its totality since cities encourage the rise of shanty towns which are breeding sites for drug addiction, crime, alcoholism coupled with problems such as high unemployment rates, poverty resulting in high child and infant mortality rates and diseases due to poor sanitation, malnutrition and poor basic health care. Currently, one billion people, which is one-sixth of the world's population and a representative of one-third of the overall urban population, lives in shanty towns and is expected to rise as urbanization and the consequent industrialization sets in. There are however multiple challenges resulting from overpopulation. The greatest challenge of them all is the unavailability of adequate fresh water for domestic purposes as well as sewage treatment and effluent discharge. This has prompted nations such as Saudi Arabia to use highly energy-intensive desalination to solve water shortages. The world over, 1 billion people cannot access a clean glass of water every day. This has resulted in the starvation to death of 10 million children and 8 million adults. These water shortages have not been limited to other nations only. Contrary to popular belief of immunity to this critical problem by the United States citizens, various states have experienced water shortages. Atlanta, Georgia has exceeded its water carrying capacity in the past 4 years yet its population is expected to double from the current 8.2 million to 16.4 million. In Florida, wells have been sunk resulting to the environmental hazard of sunk holes. Yet, homes and malls are rapidly being built and the population is expected to double from 18 million to 36 million by the year 2050. This is truly absurd and uncalled for. In Colorado, 11.5 billion gallon annual shortfall is estimated in contrast to a projected population growth of 5-6 million by 2050. Therefore, Colorado’s water resources shall not only be unable to support humans but also animals and crops. In Denver, 2 million residents are expected to settle in the state by 2050.This shall also greatly strain its water resources. However, the State of California shall be worst hit with an addition net population increase of 1700 a day and 400 vehicles a week! The Colorado River is the chief source of water for desert states such as Arizona, Nevada and California but with the projected population growth rates, the environmental impact on this vital water resource shall wipe it out.A strain on natural resources has been documented in a recent study carried out by the United States Geological Surv ey. Deforestation and the loss of ecosystems which sustain the oxygen –carbon dioxide balance has been greatly tampered with. Estimates show that eight million hectares of forest are lost annually the world over. This has ultimately resulted in global warming, the irreversible loss of arable land and desertification. Over 2 billion hectares of arable land have already been lost with a projection of an annual loss of 16 million. In Nigeria alone, 351000 hectares are lost annually due to the expanding population’s activities. Research projects that the United States has lost 90 percent of its northwestern old-growth forests, 50 percent of its wetlands and 99 percent of its tall grass prairie in the last 200 years. Most mass species have become extinct or endangered especially in tropical forests due to human activities such as slash and burn practiced by rapidly expanding rural populations. It is estimated that around 140,000 species are lost annually. An IUCN Red List i ndicates that 717 animal species have become extinct during recorded human history. Fossil fuels have been largely depleted driving energy costs higher. Estimates indicate that 51% of the world’s fossils are used by China and USA. There is a higher contrast in that Americans constitute 5% of the world's population yet they consume 25 % of the world's energy. Pollution has been a key effect resulting from overpopulation. Air, water, soil and noise pollution has risen significantly in the last century. Approximately 39% of rivers, 46% of lakes and 51% of estuaries in the United States are still too polluted for safe fishing or swimming. Pollution caused nearly 20,000 beach closings in 2004, the highest level in 15 years. Already in Florida’s Boynton Beach pollution due to overpopulation has resulted in the demise of the popular Florida coral reefs. This is the United States only continental reef system which extends from Boynton Beach to Delray Beach. This is due to the flushing of water from canals which contains high nitrogen and phosphorous levels from the land and sewage. Therefore, fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides used on lawns, agriculture and golf courses ends up in the water courses. While pollutants such as ammonia may evaporate, they eventually end up in the lake through rain. This results in marine eutrophication since these substances encourage the growth of algae which kills both hard and soft corals. Consequently, tourism has declined by 25 percent. These are the world’s environmental treasures and they deserve to be protected. In 2004, 31 states had statewide fish consumption advisories in place because of toxic pollution. The EPA’s Wadeable Streams Assessment found that 42% of all U.S. stream miles are in poor condition. More than half of those found in the eastern portion of the U.S. and 40% of those in the central region are considered to be in poor condition. According to American Rivers and the website, eighty percent of streams contain insecticides, drugs, or other chemicals. During 2002 and 2003, in just Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri, pollution in rivers and streams killed 3.5 million fish. The numbers of miles of rivers containing fish that may be harmful due to pollution, increased from 2% to 14% from 1993 to 2001. Waterborne germs and p arasites cause an estimated 7.1 million mild-to-moderate cases of infectious disease in the U.S. annually. Every year more than 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm water and industrial waste are discharged into U.S. waters. The Environmental Defense Fund reports that 80% of the cancer risks from air pollutants nationwide are from mobile transportation sources. As cities and suburbs continue to grow at record pace, pollution emitted by commuters will only grow worse. About 70 percent of the heavy construction equipment used in California in 2005 was old enough not to have to face any emission control regulations, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. In 2004, fine particle pollution exceeded the annual and daily national health standard at air quality monitors in 55 small, mid-sized, and large metropolitan areas located in 21 states and home to 96 million people. Therefore, overpopulation, as a way to curb pollution, needs to be taken care of. Finally, governing an overpopulated country presents a load of problems. Since the economy is stretched to the breaking point, civil wars are likely to break out over farmland. These wars lead to underdevelopment since industrialization and urbanization is greatly neglected. The government has to sell vital fossil fuels at cheap prices to raise cash in order to cover rising national debts. In Queensland, Australia, the politics of overpopulation are already boiling over. In the United States, numerous campaigns and awareness programs have already started which are also putting pressure on the government to act on overpopulation. Overpopulation is therefore a major problem in The United States and the world over. Man does not need land for standing on only as this may be the case by 2100. Major steps such as birth control, economic incentives such as those successfully implemented in China whereby women with less than 2 children are rewarded, removing tax write-offs for large families and employing birth control and family planning methods should be put in place. This shall go a long way in ensuring that Mother Earth is able to sustain her population in coming years.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Say Want or Desire in Japanese
How to Say Want or Desire in Japanese There are many ways to express wants or desire in Japanese depending on the situation. Are you in want of an object or an action? Are you speaking to a superior or a peer? Are you telling a statement or asking a question? Each scenario will require a different way to express to want or to desire in Japanese. Lets go through them! Involving a Noun When what one desires requires a noun, such as a car or money, hoshii (to want) is used. The basic sentence structure is someone) wa (something) ga hoshii desu. Note that the object of the verb to want is marked with the particle ga, not o. Here are some sample sentences: Watashi wa kuruma ga hoshii desu. ç § 㠯è »Å ã Å'æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"㠄㠧㠙。 - I want a car. Watashi wa sono hon ga hoshii desu. ç § 㠯ã 㠮æÅ" ¬Ã£ Å'æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"㠄㠧㠙。 - I want that book. Watashi wa nihonjin no tomodachi ga hoshii desu. ç § 㠯æâ€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¤ º ºÃ£ ®Ã¥ ‹é â€Ã£ Å'æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"㠄㠧㠙。 - I want a Japanese friend. Watashi wa kamera ga hoshii desu. ç § 㠯ã‚ «Ã£Æ' ¡Ã£Æ' ©Ã£ Å'æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"㠄㠧㠙。 - I want a camera. Involving a Verb There are times when people dont want a material object but instead desire an action, like eating or buying. In such a case, to want in Japanese is expressed as ~tai desu. The basic sentence structure is (someone) wa (something) o ~tai desu. Here are a few sample sentences: Watashi wa kuruma o kaitai desu. ç § 㠯è »Å ã‚’è ² ·Ã£ „㠟㠄㠧㠙。 - I want to buy a car. Watashi wa sono hon o yomitai desu. ç § 㠯ã 㠮æÅ" ¬Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ª 㠿ã Ÿã „㠧㠙。 - I want to read that book. When you want to emphasize a subject, the particle ga is used instead of o. For instance, Boku wa sushi ga tabetai desu. Ã¥Æ'•ã ¯Ã£ ™ã â€"ã Å'é £Å¸Ã£ ¹Ã£ Ÿã „㠧㠙。 - I want to eat sushi. Informal Setting When speaking in informal situations, ~ desu 㠧ã â„¢ can be omitted. The following are examples of more casual sentences: Watashi wa okane ga hoshii. ç § 㠯㠊金ã Å'æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"ã „。 - I want money. Watashi wa nihon ni ikitai. ç § 㠯æâ€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£ «Ã¨ ¡Å'ã ã Ÿã „。 - I want to go to Japan. Watashi wa eigo o benkyou shitai. ç § 㠯è‹ ±Ã¨ ªÅ¾Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥â€¹â€°Ã¥ ¼ ·Ã£ â€"ã Ÿã „。- I want to study English. When to Use ~Tai Since ~tai expresses a very personal feeling, it is usually used only for the first person, and in a question for the second person. Note that ~ tai 㠟㠄) expression is not normally used when asking about the desire of ones superior. Nani ga tabetai desu ka. ä ½â€¢Ã£ Å'é £Å¸Ã£ ¹Ã£ Ÿã „㠧㠙㠋。 - What do you want to eat? Watashi wa kono eiga ga mitai desu. ç § 㠯ã “㠮æ˜ 熻ã Å'㠿ã Ÿã „㠧㠙。 - I want to watch this movie. Watashi wa amerika ni ikitai desu. ç § 㠯ã‚ ¢Ã£Æ' ¡Ã£Æ' ªÃ£â€š «Ã£ «Ã¨ ¡Å'ã 㠟㠄㠧㠙。 - I want to go to America. Third Person When describing a third persons desire, hoshigatte imasu æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"ã Å'㠣㠦ã „㠾ã â„¢) or the stem of the verb ~ tagatte imasu ã Ÿã Å'㠣㠦ã „㠾ã â„¢ are used. Note that the object of hoshii 㠻ã â€"ã „ is marked with the particle ga ã Å', while the object of hoshigatte imasuÂ æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"ã Å'㠣㠦ã „㠾ã â„¢ is marked with the particle o ã‚’. Ani wa kamera o hoshigatte imasu. 兄㠯ã‚ «Ã£Æ' ¡Ã£Æ' ©Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¦ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"ã Å'㠣㠦ã „㠾㠙。 - My brother wants a camera. Ken wa kono eiga o mitagatte imasu. Ã¥ ¥Ã£ ¯Ã£ “㠮æ˜ 熻ã‚’è ¦â€¹Ã£ Ÿã Å'㠣㠦ã „㠾㠙。 - Ken wants to watch this movie. Tomu wa nihon ni ikitagatte imasu. ãÆ'ˆãÆ' 㠯æâ€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£ «Ã¨ ¡Å'ã ã Ÿã Å'㠣㠦ã „㠾㠙。 - Tom wants to go to Japan. Desire to Have Someone Do Something for You Hoshii is also used to express a desire to have someone do something for him or her. The sentence structure will be ~te (verb te-form) hoshii, and someone is marked by the particle ni. Here are some examples: Masako ni sugu byouin ni itte hoshii n desu. é›…å 㠫ã ™ã çâ€"…é™ ¢Ã£ «Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã¦ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"㠄ん㠧㠙。 - I want Masako to go to the hospital right away. Kore o kare ni todokete hoshii desu ka. ã “ã‚Å'ã‚’å ½ ¼Ã£ «Ã¥ ±Å 㠑㠦æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"㠄㠧㠙㠋。 - Do you want me to deliver this to him? The same idea can also be expressed by ~ te moraitai. Watashi wa anata ni hon o yonde moraitai. ç § 㠯ã ‚㠪㠟㠫æÅ" ¬Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ª ん㠧もらã „ã Ÿã „。 - I want you to read me a book. Watashi wa Yoko ni unten shite moraitai desu. ç § 㠯æ ´â€¹Ã¥ 㠫é ‹è » ¢Ã£ â€"㠦もらã „ã Ÿã „。 - I want Yoko to drive. This pattern can be used when stating ones desire for someone of a higher status to do something. In this case, itadaku which is the humble version of morau is used. Watashi wa Tanaka-sensei ni kite itadakitai. ç § 㠯熰ä ¸ å…ˆçâ€Å¸Ã£ «Ã¦ ¥Ã£ ¦Ã£ „ã Ÿã ã ã Ÿã „。 - I would like Professor Tanaka to come. Watashi wa shachou ni kore o tabete itadakitai desu. ç § 㠯ç ¤ ¾Ã©â€¢ ·Ã£ «Ã£ “ã‚Å'ã‚’é £Å¸Ã£ ¹Ã£ ¦Ã£ „ã Ÿã ã 㠟㠄㠧㠙。 - I want the president to eat this. Invitations Although in English, expressions like do you want to~ and dont you want to~ are informal invitations, Japanese questions with ~tai cant be used to express an invitation when politeness is required. For example, Watashi to isshoni eiga ni ikitai desu ka is a straightforward question, asking if one wants to go to a movie with the speaker. It is not meant to be an invitation. To express an invitation, negative questions are used. Watashi to isshoni eiga ni ikimasen ka. ç § 㠨ä ¸â‚¬Ã§ ·â€™Ã£ «Ã¦Ëœ 熻㠫è ¡Å'ã 㠾㠛ん㠋。 - Dont you want to go with me? Ashita tenisu o shimasen ka. 明æâ€" ¥Ã£Æ'†ãÆ'‹ã‚ ¹Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ â€"㠾㠛ん㠋。 - Wont you play tennis tomorrow?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations Essay
Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations - Essay Example that a country does in this regard is directly proportional to the results that it expects in the long run, through the different healthcare insurance programs, medication regimes and so on and so forth. These measures testify the attention paid towards the basic human life which is a very significant step within any state, country or society for that matter. In essence, any set of values and beliefs make up a culture. On the same pretext, an organizational culture is a set of values, morals, beliefs, traditions and norms which come from the industry specific regimes as well as that from the society under which it exists in the first place. Thus it would not be wrong here to suggest that the organizational cultures are dependent on the society’s undertakings and the industrial influences at the same time. What is most important is how the two shape up the organizational culture at the very end and take the organization one step ahead in its different processes, activities and undertakings. In this context, cultural and structural changes within healthcare organizations are usually manifested in with a lot of resentment and threats as the workers do not seem to come to terms with the amendments. In the case of the healthcare strategic management, structural changes are indeed the order of the day from time to time so that innovatio n could be given room – which indeed would enhance the healthcare standards prevalent in the said healthcare facility and thus benefit the whole society. The significant aspect lies on the basis of the healthcare organizations understanding that the changing cultures bring about an imperative basis within its regimes to exist in the most basic sense. One must understand that the healthcare organization cannot exist in seclusion and it has to remain in constant touch with the society in which it exists and the industry under which it finds competitors for its own selves and the strategic alliances, mergers and unities that form as a
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Internet technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Internet technology - Essay Example In addition, news can be received almost within a minute of their happening; and lastly, it has resulted in unintended threats such as cyber attacks among others. A new collaborative environment has developed on the internet in the past few years. People who would otherwise have not known each other or possibly interacted only a few years ago can now share information over the internet over extremely long distances and in different time zones. This has led to the development of new ideas which without the internet would never have come to into existence. A consequence of this is the reduction of physical interaction between people which has now become more or less non-physical. This lack of physical interaction has led to most people living a very artificial life which they can twist into anything they would like to be, although in most cases, they can be considered lies. The internet has reduced the personal safety of its users because such people of child predators tend to establish initial contact with children online and lure them into very dangerous situations. Furthermore, verbal attacks and malicious messages can be delivered online with little or no censorship because the internet has no single governing entity. An additional result of there not being an entity to control the internet has been its contribution to the violation of copyright law through the illegal distribution of copyrighted material on the internet by individuals. This denies the creators of such material as movies, music, and books the right to earn royalties from their work and it has instead led to its use without their consent. The past recent years has seen the emergence of multibillion dollar social network companies based on friendships and photos. Social networking has become big business online with such major social networks as Facebook, Twitter, and My Space collecting huge revenues from advertising and the sale of their users’ personal information to other commercial
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
International Crime Witness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
International Crime Witness - Assignment Example Notably, as per the fourth amendment of the US, courts orders police not to involve in unnecessary seizure or search of any place or individual without any warrants. Furthermore, as per the Fifth Amendment, an accused cannot be forced by the court of law to make any statements that might act against his well being in future instances. Furthermore, to seek fast trail as per the sixth amendment is also another right of accused in the US that is taken into consideration by the court of law (Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services, n.d.). On the other hand, in the UK, criminal accused are provided with the right of appropriate hearing in the court. Individuals, irrespective of the nature of their accusation must availed proper legal hearing with the assistance of a well experienced solicitor. In the UK, accused will also have the right to see the evidences on the basis of which any decision can be taken against him/her by the court of law (Jacobson & Talbot, 2009). Different legal approaches also exist amid the two nations i.e. the US and the UK with regard to the treatment provided to the defendants. Defendants of suspects in the UK who is accused of a particular crime will need to encounter with several trails by the court of law. They will be liable to get legal assistance from the legal authorities of the nations so that his/her rights of getting a fair trial could be ensured (Talbot, 2012). Similarly, in the US court, criminal defendants are provided with equal opportunities to clarify their point or justify themselves as an innocent. Furthermore, fair access to the legal assistance provided by the government to its citizen, is also practiced in during trial proceedings of criminal defendants in the US. Once crime against a particular accused is justified and proved, he/she will be imprisoned in the US for a particular period of time based upon the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Online Reservation For Car Service Information Technology Essay
Online Reservation For Car Service Information Technology Essay The Project of Online Reservation for Car Service is needed for the country as technology grows fast in the world. The purpose to develop this project is to provide better solution to the problems that the customers faces. This website will provide customers to reserve their car services from their home or from office. For moment, there is non- availability such reservation system in Malaysia. Customer feels hard to send their car for service, either they need to reserve using telephony system or walk in to send their car for service. At the end of these project, a prototype of justified system will develop which will provide a solution for the identify problem to improve the organizations revenue and performance. This system will be web based system where it is able to conduct an overall process of online registration and bookings too. The data will be stored in keep as privacy for each customer who has register. Finally, the proposed system will save time for the customers who have to wait the queue for those who walk in and telephone reservation. Project objective The main objective of this system is to provide customers with a much convenient and better way of booking their car services. It is an online system for car services reservation and users will have to sign up through the registration page so theyll be able to view the various car services provided by the car services centre. This way of reservation is unique in Malaysia as it has been already implemented in other countries. This system is created to manage the reservation processes through online where the previous older ways were done manually. This system would be a productive solution for users and the car services centre. It will also reduce the work process of the admin while the data will be kept securely. Project scope The scope of this online reservation for car services system covers various functions. Firstly, it covers the services information. This is when the users can view the services provided by the specified service centre. Secondly, it covers on identifying the location. Users can view on the location and images of the car services centre. This creates a better trust and understanding of the recognised service centre. Thirdly, the system covers the operating hours of the service centres. This helps the users to familiarise themselves on the operating hours of the particular centre. Fourthly, the system provides a log-in authority. This system provides access to members. This is where user who wants to send their car for services would have to register their details and car details online. Non-members can only view the basic interface of the online system. Fifthly, this system covers the frequently asked questions (FAQ). This will certainly help the users to clarify any doubts that they have regarding the car services. Sixthly, the system covers the report of the online processes. In this system, a report section where only specific authorized person are allowed to generate a report about the processes and data recorded. Seventhly, the system covers on online feedbacks. The registered user may send their feedback to the admin staff online. Finally, in order to achieve the scope of this project, various researches will be conducted through observation, questionnaire, books, journals, Internet and etc. A vast idea will be identified to complete this project to make its process go on swiftly throughout. Project deliverables The proposed system in the project will produce various plus points as being a web-based system. First is the security. This consist user/Admin login accounts, automated user ID for Admin and registered user, and a secured database. Second is a paperless work. This consists of an online record keeping which is web-based and registration can be made online at anytime and anywhere. Third is the reduction of human error. This is when the report will be generated in various forms such as PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel which will provide a much accurate calculation. Fourth is test cases and actual testing and finally would be the documentation of this project with appropriate implementation of the system and can be made as a use manual too. Target Audience This system is targeted on car owners regardless of age, and occupation. Moreover, administrative staff in the services centre are targeted too because the proposed system will be more useful for them in the sense of reducing paper work and manual way of data keeping. Functionality of the system There are two types of functionality, which is internal functionality and External Functionality. The internal functionality are consists of administrator and the external functionality consists of user toft her system. Administration The proposed functionality of the system is to enhance a better reservation system to increase a better result in terms of accuracy of the cash flow and service management. The online reservation system will provide with Username and Password to enhance a better login security for the administrator. These is to manage the service authentication to check who has been reserved their service day by day. Therefore, the managers are able to get results to be summarized and to close the monthly transaction each every month. The accounts will be kept in a web based server to monitor and to keep track of daily operations to be determined in the future when it is necessary. User The user can register for free to use this reservation system. The login system enable user to update the current profile. Users are able to select their preferred time and date for their services. In conjunction, user able to select the pick-up and delivery service if there are interested and there are few monthly promotion can be selected. At the end of reservation, users are able to check out by selecting the payment methods. The web server will update at the back office and the management will get the updates of the particular reservation. Company Background Michelin BS Services Centre Sdn. Bhd. Source: Google Images On year 1998, Michelin has established its Representative Office while on the year 2002; Michelin Malaysia Sdn Bhd has established its headquarters in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Currently Michelin Malaysia has made its mark in the local tyre industry. Michelin has a professional and ever growing distribution network easily recognized with a standardized store-front signage, and force strategically positioned and located at key market centres. BS Service Centre Sdn Bhd is based on Michelin sponsorship to sponsor those car centre and service centre to develop their business entire Malaysia. These service centres have 2 branches in Kuala Lumpur and another in Petaling Jaya itself. These companies will emerge more sponsorship to give opportunity to those who wants to establish their own car centre. As dated on 17 August 2012, Michelin is globally ranked 1,473,231 and ranked 11,155 in Malaysia ( Castrol Golden Tyre Car Centre Source: Google Images Charles Cheers Wakefield established an oil company in England on the 19th March 1899. He produced a new lubricant that reform transport in the first half of the 20th century after ten years later. He named the new oil as Castrol. To this day, the name Castrol is equal to premium quality, high performance and a leading edge technology in motor oils and automotive lubricants. The headquarters for Castrol Industrial Malaysia is located in Kuala Lumpur. This company played a leading role in product technology and provides value added services to improve customers manufacturing process. Today, Castrol sponsorship has grown rapidly due to more car service centre which enables the company to give work opportunity for those are needed. One of the sponsorship companies were known as Golden Tyre Car Centre which is located in Bukit Jalil and they also have another main centre in Kota Kemunig, Shah Alam. As dated on 17 August 2012, Castrol is globally ranked 23,989,089 ( Appendix Castrol
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