Monday, September 30, 2019
Global Warming Myth
Man made global warming does not exist. Evidence suggests that carbon levels are not abnormally high and that the ice caps are not melting away. There are many reputable scientists who question this theory we call global warming. Others would say it is a way for the government to control more and more of our daily lives and to move along an agenda that benefits certain groups and individuals. Man made global warming is a theory being preached to us as gospel and being taught as fact already proven.However there are a large number of people in the scientific community who would disagree. One of the most prominent opponents of man made global warming was Dr. Frederick Seitz. â€Å"Dr. Seitz is a physicist who served as the president of the National Academy of Science during the 1960’s and of Rockefeller University from 1968 to 1978. In 1973 he received the National Medal of Science. †(Oriana Zill de Granados, PBS. org, April 24, 2007, p1. ) Dr. Seitz known as the â€Å"G randaddy of global warming skeptics†(Buisness week, June 24. was an apponent of climate change saying that â€Å"the science behind global warming was likewise inconclusive and certainly didn’t warrant imposing mandatory limits on the greenhouse-gas emissions†(Mark Hertsgaard, Vanity Fair. com, While Washington Slept, May 2006, p3. ). Dr. Seitz believed science was being misrepresented and wrote an â€Å"op-ed page to The Wall Street Journal thrashing the integrity of a 1995 I. P. C. C. and that global warming and ozone depletion were exaggerated threats devised by environmentalists and unscrupulous scientists pushing a political agenda†. Mark Hertsgaard, Vanity Fair. com, While Washington Slept, May 2006, p3) He also wrote that â€Å" This IPCC report, like all others, is held in such high regard largely because it has been peer-reviewed. That is, it has been read, discussed, modified and approved by an international body of experts. These scientists h ave laid their reputations on the line. But this report is not what it appears to be–it is not the version that was approved by the contributing scientists listed on the title page.In my more than 60 years as a member of the American scientific community, including service as president of both the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society, I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer-review process than the events that led to this IPCC report. †(Dr. Frederick Seitz, Wall Street Journal, June 12, 1996) Dr. Seitz was also a main component to and wrote the forward for the Oregon Petition. The Oregon Petition states â€Å"We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals.The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of manki nd. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. (Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. org) This petition has garnered over 31,000 signatures of scientists who feel that man made climate change is not definitive. Almost 10,000 of those who signed the petition have PhD’s. This petition shows that there are a large number of scientists who question man made global warming exists, unlike the Washington Post writer who wrote about scientists who are skeptical about global warming â€Å"but these few- about 2% of climate researchers- could hold their annual meeting in a phone booth, if there are any left. (Larry Bell, Forbes, That Global Warming Consensus, July 17, 2012 p. 1) These scientists are not just forming an opinion on the subject there is mounting evidence to back up their claims against climate change. We hear about the ice caps melting and watch on television polar bears stranded on floating pieces of ice that have broken off and drifting away. National Public Radio published a story on its website claiming â€Å"Ten years ago, a piece of ice the size of Rhode Island disintegrated and melted in the waters off Antarctica.Two other massive ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula had suffered similar fates a few years before. †(Richard Harris, NPR. org, Humans Role In Antarctic Ice Melt is Unclear, August 22, 2012) This leads to a conclusion that Antarctica is melting away when just the opposite is happening. According to (James Taylor, Antarctic Ice Sets Another Record, Forbes, September 19, 2012) †Antarctic sea ice has been growing s ince satellites first began measuring the ice 33 years ago and the ice has been above the 33 year average throughout 2012†.Snow and ice are steadily increasing and growing faster than it is melting. Meteorologist Anthony Watts shows us new information from ICESAT(Ice, Cloud, and Land SATellite) which is NASA’s top satellite for observing and measuring the earths ice and masses. â€Å"During 2003 to 2008, the mass gain of the Antarctic ice sheet from snow accumulation exceeded the mass loss from ice discharge by 49 Gt/yr (2. 5% of input), as derived from ICESat laser measurements of elevation change.The net gain (86 Gt/yr) over the West Antarctic (WA) and East Antarctic ice sheets (WA and EA) is essentially unchanged from revised results for 1992 to 2001 from ERS radar altimetry. †(Wattsupwiththat. com, Anthony Watts, ICESAT Data Shows Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses, September 10, 2012) So ice and snow are growing in Antarctica and a new stud y by NASA suggests that the continent once was green and full of vegitation. The frozen continent of Antarctica which some believe is melting away due to global warming once was green and suitable for vegitation. The peak of Antarcticas green perioid was between 16. 4 and 15. 7 million years ago during the Micene Epoch†. (NASA. gov, June 17, 2012, p. 2) During this time carbon levels, which is the main contributor to greenhouse gasses and global warming were â€Å"400 to 600 parts per million(ppm)†(NASA. gov, June 17, 2012,p. 2) Carbon levels today are at â€Å"393ppm, the highest they have been in the past several million years. †(NASA. gov, June 17, 2012, p. ) This shows our carbon levels today are almost the level they were millions of years ago when Antarctica was green and yet today snow and ice are building in the region. If carbon levels are almost the same as they were millions of years ago than who was creating them? We are told over and over again we cause global warming from our cars to refriderators to hairspray. The question needs to be answered who was driving in Antarctica 16 million years ago? The answer is nobody. Global warming is being used as a tool generate fortunes for the government and take our liberty away.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Also, the firms that buy adhesive are often small firms and there appears to be no correlation with firm size and the amount of adhesive to buy, so devising a marketing plan with production numbers and targeting specific customers will be difficult. Although the systems division had designed both Bond-A-Matins, they doubted they had the capacity to quickly manufacture large quantities. Further, the systems division was worried that it would be overwhelmed with calls for help for the new dispenser.If the company launched Bond-A-Mantic and could not then adequately service or provide the product, the company's brand would be tarnished. 72% of purchasers from distributors and manufacturers said that technical service was important in their choice of instant adhesive supplier. Also, the current sales force may not be as interested In learning about and selling the Bond-A-Mantic as It does not traditionally sell equipment. But the bottom line is that a sales call for the sole purpose of s elling the Bond-A-Mantic Is not cost effective so only existing customers can be targeted through the sales force.Further, they may not have the time during the call to push the Bond-A-Metal or more importantly, it may get substituted. Should the product fall, the similarity of the name between Suborned and Bond-A-Metal may ruin the existing brand recognition. Also, Fox's advertising target Is an Industry group that currently uses less than 273501b of adhesive with total growth potential about 15. 2-18% In user establishments. And only 3% of users purchased directly from manufacturers and 2% of users purchased from distributors. So distributors would have to be convinced to stock Bond-A-Metal.Given the small size of the target market and revenue potential, the risks of launching the Bond-A-Metal far outweigh the potential benefits. Bon-a-Mantic By sandalwood Also, the current sales force may not be as interested in learning about and selling the Bond-A-Mantic as it does not traditio nally sell equipment. But the bottom line is that a sales call for the sole purpose of selling the Bond-A-Mantic is not cost hey may not have the time during the call to push the Bond-A-Mantic or more importantly, it may get substituted.Should the product fail, the similarity of the name between Suborned and Bond-A-Mantic may ruin the existing brand Also, Fox's advertising target is an industry group that currently uses less than 27,Bibb of adhesive with total growth potential about 15. 2-18% in user convinced to stock Bond-A-Mantic. Given the small size of the target market and revenue potential, the risks of launching the Bond-A-Mantic far outweigh the potential
Saturday, September 28, 2019
H.W 4 GSC125-01 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
H.W 4 GSC125-01 - Essay Example Answer: According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat flows in response to a temperature gradient. Heat flows from a high-temperature region toward low-temperature region to remove the existing gradient. Heat is transferred by the processes of conduction, convection, radiation and latent heating (phase transition of water). Answer: On a global annual average basis, radiational heating of earth’s surface is greater than radiational cooling and radiational cooling of the atmosphere is greater than radiational heating. However, due to the formation of temperature gradient, heat is transported from warmer earth’s surface to the cooler atmosphere through processes of latent heating and sensible heating cooling the earth’s surface. Radiation is the principal means by which heat enters and escapes from the planet to space maintaining a habitable environment on earth. Answer: If the temperature falls below freezing, bridge will freeze more quickly than the road surface. Compared to road surface, bridge is exposed to air from all sides resulting in rapid heat loss. Additionally, the heat underneath the road keeps it warm enough extending the time duration of heat loss. The bridge material (mostly steel or concrete) is also a good conductor of heat, whereas road surface material (asphalt) is an insulator of heat. For these reasons, a traffic sign along an Ohio highway warns motorists that a bridge freezes before the road surface. Answer: Both Fahrenheit and Celsius are useful temperature scales for measuring temperature and are based upon the reproducible phase changes in water. On Celsius scale, freezing point of water is 0Â °C and boiling point is 100Â °C. On Fahrenheit temperature scale, water freezes at 32Â °F and boils at 212Â °F. Thus, the Celsius scale is more convenient to use as a 100 degree interval separates the freezing and boiling points of pure water at sea level. Compared to Celsius, Fahrenheit scale is more
Friday, September 27, 2019
Changes in Roles of African Women Triggered by Colonial Rule Essay
Changes in Roles of African Women Triggered by Colonial Rule - Essay Example The period of colonization initiated discomfort and trust issues between the British and Agikuyu(Finke, par 2). Even though the regions of Kenya were unknown to the British, they immediately chose regions of Kenya that had contents of resources that were of great value to the economy. By this, the British ensured that there would be less cost in running administrative affairs of a colony. The Agikuyutribe was spread in central Kenya, and the area was densely fertile. The new colonists took benefit of the fertile land by farming on a large basis. They farmed extensively because there were scarce resources (Finke, par 7). Due to this act of the colonists, the Agikuyu had to leave some of their lands. The domestic and other roles of women such as cooking, bearing children, mat weaving, transportation of goods and going to the marketplace had changed due to the effect of the colonists. The locals had lost their lands due to compulsion from the colonists. These events changed the perspect ive of the women in several ways (Turner, par. 16).Introduction of Christianity:The first and foremost that the colonists brought about in women were change in beliefs. The locals had believed in traditional beliefs but as per changer, they converted to Christianity. This change of faith was spread through the colonies (Afrikan Eye, par. 8). Another change in the Kikuyu women was a change of roles. The women previously were labors but after the colonial rule they lost control of their products and were paid for their work.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Homework policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Homework policy - Essay Example Positive social interaction encourages learners to communicate with one another. The homework policy adopted by Mr. Collet encourages positive social interaction in numerous ways. Some of those ways include preparation of students in advance by encouraging them to buy student’s planner. The use of planners assists in proper time management for students as well as enabling them to have an effective balanced study in all their subjects (Pandey, 2005). Second grade students are very interactive and feel appreciated when their teacher identifies any effort they make. Using a planner Mr. Collet will be able to track all activities done by each student. Mr. collet will use the planner to gauge the attentiveness of the student by checking on how the student updates his/her planner. In case the planner has not been well updated, the teacher continuously monitors the activities of the student. Through the monitoring, the performance of the student will enhance since he will not like th e teacher to keep monitoring him. The planner will also act as a reminder to the students on the take-home assignment. Students following the information in the planners will enhance their social interaction with Mr. Collet. Explaining assignment to a second grade student verbally creates conducive environment for Mr. Collet and the students. The students will ask for clarification in case, the instructions are not clear. By so doing the teacher and students develop a strong bond towards each other.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Why cambrige college lladd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Why cambrige college lladd - Essay Example Flexible timings of Cambridge College would facilitate me to improve my education and learn necessary skills. Working population today faces more challenges and therefore they need to expand their horizon of knowledge through continuous learning for new skills and competencies. The evening classes of Cambridge College are not only convenient for working adults but it also offers excellent academic programs and opportunities of personal development. By enrolling for the part time professional academic program, I would be able to improve my job prospects. I am highly ambitious and my long term goal is to become senior Director of the firm I am working in. The evening academic program would significantly add value to my skills and knowledge. It would thereby equip me with informed choices so that I would be able to make more efficient and effective decisions in my personal and professional arena. I am confident that the part time program from Cambridge College would help me realize my
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Autism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Autism - Essay Example Generally individuals afflicted with this neurological condition have difficulty in social interaction and communication. Repetitive and obsessive behavior frequently occurs, as individuals with autism will oftentimes develop intense and focused interests in specific subject matter. A number of theories have emerged regarding the origins and causes of autism. One of the newly emergent theories involves considerations of the individual’s biological clock. Within this mode of understanding, autism is understood as a timing disorder wherein individuals have difficulty determining communication timing. One important consideration in this context of investigation is that of the biological clock. Theorists have explored notions regarding biological clock genes regulating neuronal oscillators in the brain that potentially affect the timing problems of autism. There has been research that has supported this hypothesis, with findings noting that, â€Å"Two Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are enriched in clock genes in DNA obtained from autistic children†(‘Autism’, ppt). The two nucleotides referred to are the Period-1 (Per-1) and the NPAS2. Still, these nucleotides are in non-coding segments, complicating their potential as causing a d isorder. Recognizing the challenge of non-coding nucleotide mutations contributing to a disorder such as autism, researchers have explored the microRNA ("Micrornas provide new," 2011). In these regards, RNA forms secondary nucleotide structures. The miRNA functions through recognizing a seed sequence, as 7 nucleotides at 5’ end binds to a 3’ end of target. Notably, there are basepairing consequences that occur in relation to the microRNA functioning. Among these consequences include the degradation of the mRNA target, a block in translation resulting in new mechanisms of action, and subsequently new data that can activate translation. This is central to the understanding of autism as related to the human’s biological
Monday, September 23, 2019
Saudization of Iraqi Families Living in Saudi Arabia Essay
Saudization of Iraqi Families Living in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example What they faced while they were settling and how they managed to make their place in the society is what the research will be focusing on. The research will mainly focus on a group of conservative families. The main area of concentration as said earlier will be on the social changes experienced as a result of moving into a more conservative Islamic state and highlighting the ability of these families to cope with the differing cultures whilst still trying to keep their identity. These families were considered to be a minority amongst the other foreigners living in Saudi Arabia. The immigrating purposes also vary from one family to another significantly and they all have their own stories to tell. Underneath the coherent appearance of these small community members there is a visible disruptive effect of the migration process seen on the surface. However this can be identified by only someone who has a close connection or understanding with the emotional side that these people face and they can reach their innermost thoughts and experiences and break the barriers of pride. I hope to be able to provide this missing connection and the feelings that have not been yet understood. Firstly I’ll analyze whether the Iraqi families adopted the Saudi way of living as part of adjustment in the society or have they been able to maintain their own distinctiveness? Secondly, what kind of problems of continuity of the two generations have they faced? Have the first generation been able to transfer their beliefs and thoughts to the second generation or has the influence of the Saudi society been more forceful and powerful than they realized. While I conducted a survey of the available information and data with regards to the migration of the Iraqi’s to Saudi Arabia, I was unable to find any detailed study using the ethnographic details available for research.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Discuss the relationship between the informal economy in the socialist Essay
Discuss the relationship between the informal economy in the socialist states and the emergence of capitalism in these states after 1989 - Essay Example This was referred to as the socialist experiment that became defunct in the year 1989 throughout the Eastern Europe for unidentified reasons, eventually resulting in the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. This in turn, unlocked new doors of transitions and socio cultural transitions in the region. The formal economy is the essence of the contemporary perceptive of the states following the capitalist concept to influence the globe whereas the informal economy is the unpredictable or irregular perception designed and practiced by specific people although these are less powerful than the ones endorsed by dominant power and wealth. The study of the same era and the historical accounts help one to understand the theory of socialism and its practice as well as the changes that occurred from region to region. For instance China, the largest country in East Asia developed into a socialist state in 1949 and the Republic of Cuba witnessed the Cuban Revolution that led to the overthrow of the Dictator government of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista on January 1, 1959 by the 26th of July movement and other revolutionary organizationsin 1959, and was declared a socialist state in 1961. The trends occurring in socialist and post socialist Eastern Europe and akin in the capitalist West, such as privatization, the growth of neo-liberalism or the weakening of the welfare state resulted in many changes over the years. According to Pine (1996) the importance of class and gender equality became bona fide in the Eastern European states after the end of socialist states therefore allowing equal rights to the women with the likes of men in the society. As in Poland where previously extremely progressive rights were practiced that failed to be implemented in the socialist period. The Eastern Europe observed the same with women consigned to the private sphere, depriving them of basic rights. The same observation has been derived by Foucault (1991) regarding the improvement in the governmental operations in terms of practicality and efficiency through the historical perspective by learning and inventing innovative likewise improved plans of governing. Disparagement further sti mulates such progress through the modifications in actions and extensions of limits. If we study the comparisons of some post socialism countries, using ethnographic examples we come to know that vast diversities from Hungary, Romania and Transylvania considering each nation has a different backdrop of the post socialism period along with specific array of tribulations. The Hungarian ethnographers demonstrated dissimilarities in personalities, interests and specializations between the North American and native European ethnographic studies. In Eastern Europe citizens were faced with colonialists, Western and capitalist society settings. Considering similar issues the anthropological studies and comparisons of the Eastern Europe with the Third and fourth world countries were conciliatory. As Verdery (1999) points out the presence of additional features of socialism that made general ideas significant for normal people living in regions having ethnic groups amalgamated rather than territorially
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Culture and Formation of Culture Essay Example for Free
Culture and Formation of Culture Essay The word culture can be referred to the behavior of the human beings specifically with the objects, things and commodities around them and these objects are used as an essential part of this behavior. In this sense it is only the ability of the mankind to create a culture. And culture itself will include all the norms and behaviors of human beings like language, customs, beliefs, religions, tool, techniques, arts, rituals, ceremonies and common practice of every day life. There are numerous definitions of culture and every anthropologist has a different view about it. Some has defined culture as â€Å"learned behavior†or â€Å"ideas in mind†or â€Å"a logical construct†, but the most favored definition is that culture is â€Å"the abstraction from behavior†(Culture). Certeau (xi) states that Culture is the combination of every day practices of the societies. But instead of making the unit force an individual he has taken a more economist perspective and regarded them as â€Å"consumers†(Certeau, xi). While John Fiske produced a two economic theory and regards culture as a parallel economy against the financial economy and has named it as â€Å"cultural economy†(Fiske, 538). As every economy has a capital the cultural economy’s capital consists of pleasure and meanings (Fiske, 541). Frederick Engels while speaking in the context of history defines culture as â€Å"traditions, which haunt human minds†(Engels, 10). Speaking conclusively culture is not only behavior neither an action, but it is the combination of abstraction and behavior or a behavior explicating a concept. Formation of Culture: According the theory of evolution, the advancement of the human behavior from natural to learned and freely variable behavior, the particulars of which have the tendency to be transferred to the next generation and has the ability to evolve into a system of things. Thus culture is a man made environment brought into existence by the human ability to symbol. When a culture is established then it has a life of its own. It is a range of things and events in a cause and effect relationship (Culture). Different theorists have argued about the formation of culture in their own specific way and style. According to Bourdieu â€Å"cultural needs are the product of upbringing and education†(Bourdieu, 42). He initially states that the production of cultural goods as well as the description of different ways of appropriating these goods as work of arts as well as providing social conditions, which are considered legitimate (Bourdieu, 42). He further emphasis that all social practices, which are the core of any culture, are traced back to education or social origin (Bourdieu, 42). On the other hand Fiske says that culture is the opposite force developed in response to the producers of consumer goods. He states that culture is the parellel economic system, which runs in response to the financial economic system. According to him it’s capital is meanings and pleasure (Fiske, 538). This is a more economic perspective of rather than the anthropological perspective. Theodor Adorno while discussing the evolution of popular music culture states that the popular music culture and its hold on the masses is because of the urge to distract the individuals from the current realities to the world of fantasy, and popular music has the ability to distract the listener from it (Adorno, 80,81). Thus according to him a culture evolves as a reaction of the current cultural norms. That is the main reason that the popular culture did not evolved before the industrial revolution. Social Relations: Social relations are the behaviors of different social groups related to and in response of each other. Thus speaking about the ruling class, which is also regarded as the elite class or aristocracy is the social group, which has the means of production at its disposal Thus the ruling ideas and concepts are the expressions of dominant material relationships (Marx Engels, 8). According to Marx and Engels the historically speaking the relationship of the individual and the ruling class are reflected by the dominance of ideas and concepts during the dominance of that ruling class. For instance during the dominion of the aristocracy the concepts of loyalty and honor were dominant, while during the dominion of the bourgeoisie the concepts of equality and freedom were dominant (Marx and Engels, 8). The relation between the ruling class and the lower class has two ways. Either it leads or it dominates. The first relation is with its allies while the second is with its enemies (Gramsci, 12) Thus the social relations between the aristocracy has two conditions. If the aristocracy has friendly terms with the lower class, the lower class will follow accordingly under its leadership. But if the lower class does not consent the way the ruling class leads it will refuse to follow. As a result the ruling class will try to dominate the lower class in order to maintain its status. Marx has regarded the aristocracy as the material forces of production, which sometimes come into conflict with the property relations that is the lower class and results in the social revolution (Marx, 9). Engels says that the economic political and traditional i. e cultural factors are interrelated and they in combination play the determined role in the formation of history. Thus history is the product of the combine efforts of the economical, political and demographical factors. Thus one can very easily find the social relation between the economy, politics and cultural norms. Works Cited Adorno, Theodor W. â€Å"On Popular Music†Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences. 1941. Bourdieu, Pierre. â€Å"Distinction and The Aristocracy of Culture†. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. 1984, Routledge, London. Certeau, Michel de. â€Å"The Practice of Every Day Life†1984, Berkley University California Press. â€Å"Culture. †Encyclop? dia Britannica. 2007. Encyclop? dia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD 8 May, 2007. Fiske, John. â€Å"The Popular Economy†Television Culture. 1987, Routledge, London. Gramsci, Antonio. â€Å"Hegomony, Intellectuals and the State†Princeton Notebooks, Lawrence Wishart, London. Marx, Karl. â€Å"Base Superstructure†A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. 1976, Foreign Languages Press, Peking. Marx, Karl Engels, Federick. â€Å"Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas†The German Ideology. 1970, Lawrence Wishart, London. Marx, Karl Engels. â€Å"A Letter to Joseph Bloch†Selected Letters. 1977, Foreign Languages Press, Peking.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Role and Responsibilities of a Teacher
Role and Responsibilities of a Teacher Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. My work is within the education sector at Northampton College. Specifically, I do two jobs both in the Supported Learning Department, firstly as a Learning support assistant, and secondly as an Hourly Paid Teacher. The Supported Learning department provides specialist education for our students with learning disabilities, it provides education which teaches life skills and the functional areas and skills of Maths and English that meet the real needs of our Young People. Interestingly we were working towards a method of rewarding when assessing, setting targets and goals. This became clearer to me when reading Petty, (2014,p.67) in which he talks about Medals and missions are related to the goals the student is working towards. The phrase Medals and Missions made simple sense of what we were doing. The ethos of his book, Teaching Today, (Petty, 2014), is also close to the Supported Learning ethos of meeting the needs and requirements of the diverse and different student body. The Teac hing /Learning cycle of continually assessing, planning, delivering (or teaching), assessing again and then evaluating, is a model that we utilise extensively. We try to help our young people to make a successful transition from school into Further Education, it is acknowledged as being very hard, (Department for Education, 2011,p.14). Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals The Team Around the Child (TAC) concept can include any professionals from other fields such as education, health, social services, and police. Within the education environment there are many professionals that may be called upon from the Teaching staff (the Teacher and Support Assistants) to the SENCO (The Schools Special Educational Needs Coordinator) there can also be involvement with the Principal or Head and the Governors. There should of course be layered communications and involvements with the Students Parents/Carers, siblings and other family members. There may also be occasion to call upon the specialised Safeguarding officers in potential cases of harm or abuse. Within the Supported Learning area there will also be contact on a regular basis with the following professionals; Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) professions, Speech And Language Therapist (SALT), Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist, Social Workers, the Police and Youth Offending Teams. Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles Teaching as a rule tends to have variation between the vastly different curriculum areas, however in Supported Learning these boundaries are often blurred as Teaching staff can often cover all elements of the curriculum. At the Pre-entry level or at Entry Levels 1,2 3 the nature of the subjects is much less sophisticated or complex than at GCSE level. However, performing both an ASA and a Teacher role I have noticed that where there is team work the lessons tend to be more successful than where there are rigid boundaries between staff. With other professions, it is important to adhere to appropriate behaviours and to avoid overfamiliarity. Not letting ones opinions cloud ones judgements is an important area to reflect upon and to take care to not overstep boundaries with fellow professionals. Lastly, teaching staff should always consider the potential dangers and pitfalls of using Social Media like Facebook Twitter not disclosing confidential information about students or indeed n ot having any students on your friends list will help to mitigate any risks. Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities In our sector of Supported Learning the new SEND Code of Practise (Department for Education and Department of Health, 2014, p13-p14) is very much a bible. Critically it has widened the period from 18 years to 25 years in which a person transfers between child and adult services. There is now much more focus on the views of children and young people in decision making and in their aspirations. Another important Act for us to adhere to, is the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006), it is a very risk adverse document which seeks to help avoid placing people who are unsuitable to work with children, young people or vulnerable adults. The other key legislation documents that we need to follow include the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), Data Protection Act (1998) and the Equality Act (2010. The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) describes the obligations on employers and employees and looks at protecting against the risks involved to health and safety, by assessing and mitigating against them. The Data Protection Act (1998) controls how information is used by organisations or the government. The Equality Act (2010) of England, Scotland and Wales ensures that peoples rights are met in areas such as age, disability, gender, religion and race. Reflective account Considering your learning in this unit or drawing on your own experience, provide a reflective account in relation to the following: explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others (ref. 2.2) This course mirrored for me the work we do during induction, at the very start of each course the different policies for behaviour and for respect for each other were mapped out and agreed by the teaching staff and the students. During the very first session of this course we set out ground rules which when followed enable learning to happen in a safe and structured way. I have found that collaboratively working with the learners to build a list of ground rules develops a list that we can all follow, the rules tend to be generic like punctuality, turning off phones, no swearing, no violence. We also try and incorporate positives like equality, respect for each others diversity and being frank and honest with each other. ways to promote equality and value diversity (ref. 1.3) The Equality Act (2010) embraces diversity and protects people from discrimination because of being in one or more of the following categories: race, sex, sexual orientation; gender; disability, marital state, maternity, religion and faith, and age. The act sets out to prevent unlawful discrimination against people but it also strives to promote equality. In practise, I have found that working in Supported Learning it becomes second nature, in our classes there are vast spectrums of differing abilities and different needs. Therefore, my lesson plans must be tailored to include all. I should ensure that the classroom environment and the actual content of the lesson is inclusive to all. I have found that ensuring each person in the room has a voice and is encouraged to use it, sometimes by using starter or Icebreaker activities. During the second session of this course I came up with a definition of Diversity that I liked Diversity is an acceptance and celebration that includes all, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender and ability. the importance of identifying and meeting the needs of learners (ref. 1.4) When embarking on teaching a new class I would first undertake initial assessments to see where any gaps are, and to understand the diversity of knowledge and ability this is very important in Supported Learning where each class has very diverse students. Each student also has a file of information which in most instances also includes an Education Health and Care (EHC) plans (Department for Education and Department of Health, 2014, p141-p206). An EHC plan is the new document which has replaced the Statements of SEN for children and young people with special educational needs, it has wealth of information and should also include targets for the young people which can be incorporated into the lesson plans. Then I would plan and deliver lessons to the group and to individuals where required. It is then critical to reflect on how things went and if need be to adapt and apply any changes. Next I tend to continually assess and apply any further changes. ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. (ref. 2.1) A safe learning environment is about the physical safety of the classroom, but, it is also about the feelings of the young people, some of whom may have had very negative experiences of learning. On the physical side adherence to the rules and policies of the organisation will be a starting point, following the obligations laid down by the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) is key. Each time a classroom is used a risk assessment can be carried out very quickly making sure that fire exits are accessible (especially for wheelchair users), ensuring that there are no dangers that could cause trips and falls. describes the obligations for example. With each class I teach I try to ensure a safe environment by making sure we establish ground rules and that everybody is comfortable with each other. I then try to model good behaviour by doing things like arriving punctually, ensuring my phone is turned off and treating all the learners with respect. References Data Protection Act (1998) [WWW Document]. UK Legislation. doi:10.1136/inpract.20.2.101 Department for Education (2011) Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability. Department for Education and Department of Health (2014) Special educational needs and disability code of practiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¯: 0 to 25 years. London. Equality Act (2010) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 23 March 2017]. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 23 March 2017]. Petty, G. (2014) Teaching Today: A Practical Guide. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 23 March 2017].
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The World Bank, Tourism, and Sex Work Essay -- Essays Papers
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Wednesday, September 18, 2019
John Locke :: Empiricists, Empiricism
Property cannot be made secure by natural right alone, and for the better securing of their properties men have entered into civil society. The will of the body politic, when formed, is determined by the will of the majority, and of a bare majority if there be no different express agreement. For this Locke does not give any reason but the necessity of the case; it is certain that much worse ones have been given. As a matter of fact, we now know that a majority vote has not been generally recognized in archaic societies; the difficulty of obtaining nominal unanimity was overcome (as in special cases it still has to be) by various methods, including varying elements of force and fiction. This does not apply to the original agreement to form a society, which is assumed to be unanimous, and includes only the actual parties to it. Any one who stands out may go his ways and provide for himself elsewhere. It would seem that the community is entitled to enforce his departure; it is certain, on Locke's principles, that it has not the right to detain him against his will. Could he agree to stay in an inferior capacity like that of a resident alien? But it is needless to pursue the auxiliary fictions which might be devised. A body politic, then, is formed by consent; the essential term of the agreement is that every member gives up his natural judicial and executive power to the community (not, as Hobbes maintains, to an irresponsible sovereign); and this consent is renewed, tacitly if not expressly, in the person of every new member; for one cannot accept the benefit of a settled government except on those terms on which it is offered. Locke is bold to assert that 'a child is born a subject of no country or government,' and may choose his allegiance for himself at the age of discretion: this is another opinion which no modern lawyer
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Exegesis on Matthew Essay
Change and become like children France mentions that it is not necessarily the qualities of a child based on ‘unselfishness’ and ‘innocence’ but rather the position that a child holds in the pecking order’ (p. 27) ofa family which is pretty much at the bottom. It is a good point that he makes, although at the same time he doesn’t mention the part of changing which would result in changes from within to more childlike but instead concentrates on a ‘pecking order’. Humbles like a child v4 (ESV) Wiersbe, raises the point of humility in the way ofa child who is totally dependent and unquestioning. As well as to be humble, we are to think less of ourselves than we ought to’ (p64). This is an apt way to put it, as how can we truly bring God glory when there is a onstant focus on our own needs and lives, where status has become more important than encouraging others. Contribution In order to be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven it is essential to become new in our thinking with regards to where we fit in and how high we can climb, and stepping on others along the way. But instead, to reach deep within ourselves and focus on the one thing that is responsible for our existence and learning to depend and trust Him with a vulnerable and respectful heart regardless of age, but Just like a child.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Cultural framework Essay
Aside from individual perceptions and resources available to the individual and the community, interventions aimed at reducing and mitigating the spread of HIV infections must take into account the existence of social support systems in the community and society where individuals are located. For one, the availability of support either from friends, family, or community community influences an individual’s decision to adopt or change his or her lifestyle to mirror the objectives of health promotion programs. At the same time, the behaviors and lifestyles of an individual’s friends, family, or community itself may be promoting values and norms that contribute to HIV risk factors. The experiences of the HIV Prevention Planning Council of the San Francisco Health Department (2004) point to the presence of three negative influences that prevent HIV- affected individuals from seeking counselling and treatment and at the same time facilitate the continued transmission of the disease to the general populace. The first among these factors is the prevalence of drug use (p. 14), which promotes both the acceptability of substance abuse as a form of recreation and risky sexual behavior. These values are particularly dominant among San Francisco’s gay communities, whose population unsurprisingly have the biggest number of HIV infections. A second factor is San Francisco’s liberal culture (p. 13), which means that society may be more permissive of and may condone risky sexual behavior that would be deemed unacceptable in other places. The growing acceptability of risky sexual behavior and the decreasing popularity of condom use becomes a motivation for individuals to engage in activities that expose them to possible HIV infection. Moreover, the liberal culture within San Francisco’s communities may be reinforcing the acceptability of drug use, especially among poorer neighborhoods. Zierler and Krieger (1997, p. 405) note that poor communities may find substance abuse appealing, or at least find it inoffensive, since it serves both as a source of livelihood and as a source of recreation and stimulation. On the other hand, the ironic existence of racist and discriminatory attitudes within liberal San Francisco (San Francisco Health Department, 2004, p. 8) may discourage people of color, gay, and male-to-female transgendered individuals from seeking help when they become infected by HIV due to the fear that they will be doubly stigmatized by carrying the disease. Although San Francisco’s liberal values and attitudes may have negative effects on efforts to curb the HIV epidemic, these same values also provide a positive influence in combatting HIV. For one, San Francisco’s â€Å"progressive thinking and liberal policies†(San Francisco Health Department, 2004, p. 13) also enables individuals infected with HIV to easily gain the support of their friends, families, and communities, which could provide enough encouragement for them to adopt healthier lifestyles. San Francisco’s openness and diversity also allow individuals to create and live their own lifestyles with minimal pressure to conform to dominant beliefs and values which could help individuals avoid popular but negative influences on lifestyle choices. Likewise, the liberal culture within many communities enables individuals to seek support from peers such as the gay community when one’s own family displays reluctance to provide support to the individual affected by HIV. Clearly, HIV intervention programs could utilize the existence of positive social support structures in a society in order to successfully combat HIV. At the same time, these programs must be able to address and mitigate the negative influence of an individual’s social support network, including the values and attitudes of friends or family members which discourage an individual from changing his or her lifestyle to reduce HIV risk and exposure. Works Cited: San Francisco Department of Public Health. (2004). 2004 San Francisco HIV prevention plan. Retrieved February 5, 2009, from http://sfhiv. org/documents/Complete2004SanFranciscoHIVPreventionPlan. pdf Zierler, S. & Krieger, (1997). Reframing women’s risk: social inequalities and HIV infection. Annual Review of Public Health 18:401–36.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Dub Turbo Download
Are You Looking For Dub Turbo Torrent? The Dub Turbo torrent has been the most widely searched torrent on the internet recently. The latest sensation in the music industry is the Dub Turbo software which is a user-friendly software aimed at helping musicians who are looking to create their own music. It allows musicians to experiment with mixing beats and creating quality tunes. The best part of the software is that it is not only for professional use and even beginners can use it because it includes video tutorials in laymen terms.Why Are The Masses Looking For A Dub Turbo Torrent? Torrents are the most widely used peer-to-peer file sharing technique. The peer-to peer file distribution system consists of a wide network of people who share files through a peer-to-peer file sharing software via torrents. Torrents can be used to download various softwares, books, music and other online material. Most of the people are looking for a Dub Turbo torrent these days. This is mainly because t hey want to save up money and get the software for free.Some also argue that they want to try it for free before paying for the software, but then again, what is the free 60 day trial included in the original package for? Where to get a Dub Turbo Torrent From? A Dub Turbo torrent is easily available on the internet. The torrent file can be downloaded and a peer-to-peer software can be used to enable Dub Turbo torrent download from the host site. But in order to make the right choices, it is a must that one reads all the reviews before taking a step. It is important to know what other people have to say about the torrent file before you download it.What to expect from a Dub Turbo torrent? There is a high probability that a Dub Turbo torrent free download may not contain the full features of the original package. Also, it does not provide the facility of automatic updates that the paid for Dub Turbo software provides. It is vital that one is aware of the fact that a free download may come with virus, spyware and malware which can harm your PC. In addition to all this, the quality of the pirated software may not be up to the mark and might be a cause of major disappointment. Poor video quality is just one example. What Is The Alternate To A Dub Turbo Torrent?A free download for a software that is available for as low as $50 does not seem just on ethical and legal grounds, to say the least. It is not morally right to steal a software the producers of which have spent precious time and money on developing. It is a way better option to buy the software instead as that would save you from the legal hassle related to copyrights and will also provide full features of the software. The original software also contains automatic updates which do not come with the pirated one. When all of this is available at a nominal rate and with a free 60 day trial, who needs a Dub Turbo torrent?
The Comparison of Thermoregulation and Metabolism
Thermoregulation is an organism’s capability to maintain its body temperature and metabolism is the process in which energy is transformed within an organism’s body to maintain life. CSUSM comparative animal physiology students contained mice (Mus musculus) and Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) in vacuum tight contains to measure O2 consumption which would then translate into the mass specific metabolic rate (MSMR). With the comparison between mice in room and cold temperatures, mice held in cold temperatures had a higher MSMR (t= 3.23, df= 16, p= 0.005). The MSMR of cockroaches held in cold temperatures resulted higher than cockroaches at room temperature (t= 1.87, df= 15, p= 0.081). Also, the mice held at both temperatures had a higher MSMR than the cockroaches at both temperatures. Since mice are endotherms, they would have a higher metabolic rate at colder temperatures due to increase consumption of O2 to produce heat and cockroaches would have lower metabolic rates because they are ectotherms and have a higher heat conductance. Introduction Metabolism is the chemical reactions in which an organism utilizes energy to maintain life. Since glucose is a main source of energy, organisms use glucose along with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and heat (Randall et al; 2002). Knowing this, metabolism can be measured by the production of CO2 or the consumption of O2. This is called indirect calorimetry (Randall et al; 2002). Direct calorimetry is another method of metabolic activity but it is much harder to measure heat production released from an organism. Factors that can affect metabolic rate are temperature and body mass. For endotherms, or organisms that regulate their own body heat, tend to have higher metabolic rates and high and constant body temperatures (Bennett & Ruben, 1979). Alternatively, ectotherms, or organisms that gain heat from their external environment, tend to have lower metabolic rates and have lower and variable body temperatures (Bennett & Ruben, 1979). Because endotherms must regulate their own constant body temperature and have higher metabolic rates, they must constantly be consuming energy and if ambient temperatures drop, endotherms must rely on their low conductance to heat and thermogenesis to keep their internal body temperature constant (Lu et al;1999; Berner,1999). As for ectotherms, because they at the mercy of the environment for heat, their mass specific metabolic rate is dependent on environmental temperature (Bennett & Ruben, 1979). In this experiment, CSUSM students measured O2 consumption of mice (Mus musculus) and Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) by enclosing them in a vacuum tight container and placing them in ambient room temperature and cold temperatures. I hypothesized that mice held at a cold temperature would have a higher mass specific metabolic rate than mice held at cold temperatures because since mice are endotherms they have to use more energy, or use more O2, to maintain their constant optimal temperature. Also, I hypothesized that the cockroaches held at room temperature would have a higher mass specific metabolic rate than the cockroaches held at cooler temperatures because since they are ectotherms, the lower the temperature the lower their metabolic rate will be. In addition, I hypothesized that mice held at room and cold temperature would have higher mass specific metabolic rate compared to the cockroaches held in both temperatures because mice have a lower conductance of heat. Methods Procedure and methods were utilized from the Comparative Animal Physiology Laboratory Manual (Norris & Kristan, 2010). Four student t-tests were included in the statistical analysis. Results In the mass specific metabolic rate (MSMR) comparison between mice tested in room temperature vs. cold temperatures (figure 1), mice measured at cold temperatures resulted in a higher rate (t= 3.23, df= 16, p= 0.005) but when the cockroaches were compared with respect to the two different temperatures (figure 1), cockroaches in cold temperature were found to have a higher MSMR (t= 1.87, df= 15, p= 0.081). In addition, the effects of endothermy were observed when the MSMR of mice kept in cold temperatures were higher than the MSMR of cockroaches held in cold temperatures (t= 9.52, df= 15, p
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Online Transactions Are Better Than Conventional Manual
Online transactions are better than the conventional manual transactions Online transaction or online banking, which is a process of entering into transactions by a particular client and the bank using modern technology. Nowadays, with modern technology such as computer and mobile phone, people can do the online transaction at anytime and from anywhere. However, do we really know whether online transaction is beneficial? Even though most people think that online transaction is more risky than manual transaction.I strongly agree that online transactions are better than the conventional manual transactions. This is because online transactions are very convenient, and it is also unlimited service day and night. Online transactions are very convenient to all. Online banking is a easy process. You can do any transaction that you wish to do with the banks or clients, no matter you are in office or home. Besides that, online transaction can be a easy way to us to make bill payment. Through this system, you can pay the bills by transfer funds between accounts.Therefore, you do not have to queue up to pay your bills. This also can help you to save more time to do other things. The system also will keep the transaction records so that you can easily refer your transaction. This also can help in reduce the use of paper. Thus, online transactions are quite convenient to all. Another reason why online transactions are better than conventional manual transactions are because online transaction system is unlimited service day and night, it is operates 24 hours per day.The online transactions are always available seven days a week, 24 hours daily and 365 days a year. Every transactions can be done by using your computer or mobile phone and internet connection. In addition, online transactions do not have time constraint. Online transactions unlike the manual transactions, which are you need to do transactions during the office hours. With online transactions, we do not need to run off from our works to go the bank. As mentioned before, online transactions are available all the time can help you to cut off the time to go to banks.Nevertheless, some people think that manual transactions can avoid system trouble. This is because online transaction is relies on internet connection. Without internet connection, you cannot access to do online transactions. Due to slow internet connectivity, this can creates a problem that whether your transaction was successful or not. However, I strongly disagree with all these views. I think bank have precautions to help their customers to solve this kind of problems due to the internet connection or server down. For instance, 24 hours customer service hotline.Assistance is provided by bank to those customer who have facing problems during online transactions. In conclusion, online transactions are better than the conventional manual transactions because online transactions are very convenient and unlimited service day and n ight. Therefore, we should not have all negative views towards online transactions as online transactions are very useful and convenient to all especially businessmen and businesswomen. Having presented by my arguments, I once again totally agree on the statement that â€Å" Online transactions are better than the conventional manual transactions. â€
Friday, September 13, 2019
Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Post Mastectomy Research Paper
Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Post Mastectomy - Research Paper Example Justification of the Problem Since such a large number of mastectomies are performed every year, it is an important issue with regard to women’s health. In order to achieve a full and proper recovery, and go on to live a high quality life post mastectomy, it is essential to identify the combination of factors necessary to achieve it. Statement of the Problem Since survival rates are improving, more attention must be given to the quality of life for breast cancer survivors (ASPS, 2011). A good deal more research is needed to help post mastectomy breast cancer patients achieve the highest quality of life possible. Review of the Literature Even though more research is needed, there is existing research that identifies some of the factors necessary for post mastectomy breast cancer patients to achieve a high quality of life. Some early research seems to suggest that the negative effects of having breast cancer (e.g. sexual well-being) may be lessened by the conservation or reconst ruction of the breast (ASPS, 2011; Rowland et al., 2001). Very little research has been done comparing psychosocial outcomes of patients that had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy alone, or a mastectomy with reconstruction (Rowland et al., 2001). The study included a large number of breast cancer survivors (1,957) who filled out a self-report questionnaire that measured health-related quality of life. As found in other research, those who had a mastectomy with reconstruction were more likely to be younger, college educated, affluent and white, than those in the other groups; however, no difference was found among the groups with regard to emotional, social... The current proposed study will be based on the theoretical framework developed by Rogers. According to Rogers’ theory, the goal, with regard to nursing, is to help clients/patients achieve a maximal level of wellness. All study participants will be women that have undergone a mastectomy as a part of breast cancer treatment. The mastectomy must have been performed between two and five years prior to the commencement of the study. The procedure for the study involves first obtaining a baseline. Study participants will be interviewed and all responses will be recorded. Next, the participants will then complete sa series of self-reporting. The questionnaires will be on various subjects, including psychological health, physical and emotional health, overall satisfacdtion and happiness, among others. Once all of the data is gathered, it will be analyzed and presented so that my see the/ significance of certain relationships which help to achieve a high quality of laundery The study included a large number of breast cancer survivors who filled out a self-report questionnaire that measured health-related quality of life. As found in other research, those who had a mastectomy with reconstruction were more likely to be younger, college educated, affluent and white, than those in the other groups; however, no difference was found among the groups with regard to emotional, social or role function. Body image and feelings of attractiveness are the usual psychosocial impacts found with regard to the surgery; and, nearly all post mastectomy patients report the fear of recurrence to be their greatest emotional challengea. The study also found that after a year from diagnosis, the quality of life is probably influenced most by the woman’s age or exposure to adjuvant therapy.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Data Analysis Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Data Analysis - Statistics Project Example Average GDP per capita (2013) of the European Union is computed from the World Bank data and is compared with data for individual countries as reported by the Central Intelligence Agency data (based on purchasing power parity). GDP per capita for the region can, therefore, be computed as follows (The World Bank, 2015). GDP per capita= 17.96 trillion/507 million= $ 35424.06 Hypothesis HO:  µCIA= 35424.06; No significant difference between the two sources, sources are reliable HA:  µCIA≠35424.06; A significant difference exist, one of the sources is not reliable  µ represents mean The data are on a ratio scale and represents an average output of a country per person per year. Data was collected through observation from existing sources, the World Bank and the Central Intelligence Agency (US), and with European Union countries as the population. The data is with respect to the year 2013 and may not represent the countries’ and the region’s current GDP per capita. Distribution of the countries’ GDP per capita is skewed, positively, and has an outlier in GDP of Luxembourg that was $ 91900. The countries GDP per capita also differed widely as the high values of range ($ 75100) and standard deviation (15237) shows. High concentration of countries occurred in the second and fourth stems. Mean of the countries’ GDP per capita, based on CIA data (34084) is statistically the same as the regional value that the World Bank reported for the same year.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Sales on Credit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sales on Credit - Research Paper Example More than that, the firms allow sales of large volume of goods on credit to ensure a larger increase in its applicability to customers. As a result, companies focus on more credit sales to improve sales, ensure attainment of success with the intense competition among business firms while offering the customers with flexible terms of payment that suit them. Considerably sales on credit involve increased allocation for general-purpose credit cards, accounts receivable, notes payable and bad debts entries in the books of accounts. General Preview of Sales on Credit Even though, the option of selling goods to customers for cash remains viable companies have to allow room for sales on credit. More significantly, credit trade acts as an important factor in both, the sales and procurement operations and the corporate asset-liability management as it ensures success in meeting the targeted market of customers. With more risks associated with sales of goods on credit, a company incurs more co st account receivable as the anticipated payment accrue while the likelihood of bad debt occurrence depends on the credit ability of the customers (Warren, Reeve & Duchac 361). In most cases, companies carry out credit analysis of the respective clients who wish to be issued goods and services on credit as a way of being assured that the amount of money owed would be paid. As a result, the company seeks information about the history of the firm’s or individual borrowing through the different relationships with sources of finance to ascertain the liquidity and capability level of the recipient to service the debt (Warren, Reeve & Duchac 362). It is therefore, essential to understand the customer’s profile on whether or not the company will suffer any likely loss from the provision of trade credit. Forms of Sales on Credit Accounts Receivable More significantly, the accounts receivable in a company gives the value of money owed after offering sales for merchandise or ser vices to customers in an open account. Therefore, the value of accounts receivable show the expected payment to be collected for providing a customer with a good or service on credit within the specified terms. Above all, the terms and conditions that govern the credit sale are clearly integrated in the seller’s invoice issued to the buyer (Warren, Reeve & Duchac 361). With the invoice issued only by the seller as evidence of the credit sale, there is no other written evidence of debt executed in the credit contract of the seller and buyer. However, there is always a need for receivables management in organizations that issue credit sales. More importantly, the credit sale involves an element of risk because there is no certainty based on the payment for the goods and services within the stipulated period calling for careful analysis of the risk involved before issuing credit. Accounts receivables is based on economic value as the buyers utilize their economic value of the go ods and services immediately, whereas the seller gets an economic value later when payments are made(Warren, Reeve & Duchac 361). Finally, accounts receivables are accompanied by an element of futurity as the buyer make payment at a future period. As a credit sale, it involves pledging of payments later on accounts receivable financing companies can use it as a security for financing a loan. This is because, the pledging of accounts recei
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Critique the Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critique the Plan - Assignment Example seminars are held for young people on how they can identify good and quality food and select these as compared to unwholesome food (Tones and Green, 2004). There has also been advocacy among stakeholders within the educational sector to invest in physical fitness facility construction. The initiative has recorded a number of successes since its implementation. For example statistics available to the Philadelphia Urban Food and Fitness alliance indicates that there has been a drastic reduction in the number of food related illnesses and health issues in Philadelphia (Wahl OF, 2009). What is more, people have developed personalized interest in doing away with the purchase of chunk food and rather take up to physical body exercise. Indeed, the effectiveness of the program can be deepened if its present scope of stakeholder base was widened. For example even though the program is sponsored by the W.K Kellogg Foundation, which is a recognized non-governmental institution, there could be better results if efforts were made to involve government as a direct stakeholder. In between time, the program has strength of identifying the need for healthy nutrition at a very early age among the youth. This would lead to a preventive health initiative rather than a curative one (Vygotsk,
Monday, September 9, 2019
Small business taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Small business taxation - Essay Example Similarly, some activities of the incorporated may be economically similar to those of the unincorporated small businesses. These activities may be similar in economic terms but they are different legally and in terms of rights and obligations. Crawford and Freedman suggest that these different types of entities could be treated in the same way for tax purposes, but it may not be achievable to do so in a straight forward manner because differences in legal forms between such entities have significant practical implications on taxation. Some of the treatments of taxation of employees and self-employed people may be based on receipts and tax rates. Providing the same tax treatment in relation to receipts may not be possible because receipts vary in nature (Crawford & Freedman, 2008). Business receipts cannot be equated to employees’ receipts. Business receipts need to be treated under rules that may derive profit figure. Furthermore, receipts of companies still require to be deducted for the payment of salaries or shareholders’ dividends. In terms of similar tax rate across the small business spectrum, aligning tax rates to on different levels of income across the incorporated and unincorporated small businesse s requires the analysis of tax charged at both corporate and personal level. This is structurally difficult. The second reason why it is not possible to treat the two types of entities similarly in terms of tax rates and receipts for taxation purposes is because there is a trend in which labour is taxed differently from capital. Higher taxes are often levied on labour than on capital. This causes differentials in tax treatment for different small businesses. Due to this differential in tax rates, there is an incentive of reduced taxes for converting labour income into capital income if possible (Crawford & Freedman, 2008). Incorporation of a small or big business leads to higher scope of conversion of labour income such
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Unresolved conflicts in the region as a key obstacle in the Essay
Unresolved conflicts in the region as a key obstacle in the development of (the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the context) - Essay Example It is co-chaired by the United States, France and Russia. Negotiations hit a deadlock in 2011 leading to spread of the geographical scope to other regions far way from Nagorno-Karabakh. It has been identified that this conflict is the key barrier to peace, stability and development in the South Caucasus (Notholt, 2008, p68). A review of the reasons as to why both the external actors and the conflicting parties have an interest in maintaining the status quo reveals the reason why the peace negotiation process has currently hit a deadlock. For example, both the government of Armenian and Azerbaijani have not shown any genuine interest in achieving the negotiated outcomes, which are proposed by OSCE (Notholt, 2008, p34). The Nagorno-Karabakh government was officially excluded from participating in this peace process, and the Armenia government is currently representing them. NK officials are currently becoming impatient with isolation from the direct participation and the fact that the negotiation process is currently not underway (Croissant, 1998, p42). A number of factors do not favor the negotiation process in this region. For instance, the geographical context does not support this negotiation progress. This is because the key powerbrokers, which include The United States, Russia and Turkey, seem to be comfortable with the current status quo with respect to their strategic interests (Croissant, 1998, p34). In addition, they still promote arms race and power imbalance through security alliances and arms-trade with the conflicting parties. This is a clear evident that the external actors are not interested in finding a permanent solution to this conflict that will lead to long-lasting peace and development. Additionally, other nations like Iran and Georgia are interested in mediating this negotiation process, but members of OSCE have denied them the chance to participate. The United Nations Security Council has also been denied the
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Governance and Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Governance and Public Policy - Essay Example Hence, sustainable development has become essential for the global and local bodies across the world. These factors are also seen as the major reasons for deteriorating environmental conditions across the globe. The primary role of governments is to provide a coherent guideline of governance through well defined constitution and policy framework. The policy frameworks are important part of administration processes that are designed to improve and improvise the diverse welfare programmes of the public at large. The various areas of the public welfare domain like health, education, environment, energy etc. require comprehensive understanding of the wide ranging implications of the government policies. Paul Sabatier, noted social scientist, has conceptualized ‘Advocacy Coalition Framework’ or ACF and ‘Multiple Streams Framework’ for the policies in different areas of public welfare, that have proved quite effective. The coalition broadly comprises of two major sources who seemingly reflect the welfare of the people: media, researchers and analysts; actors at all levels of government (local, state and international) (Sabatier, 1988). It takes into account the interests of various stakeholders by incorporating opinions and feedback from wide ranging external and internal resources that may significantly impact the masses in the specified areas. They facilitate the schemes to the public and the decision making bodies that are responsible for various processes for policy framework and subsequent implementation of those policies. The various countries have realized the necessity of environmental preservations and have enacted laws and guidelines for conservation and preservation of environment through stringent measures. UK is the first country that has come up with Climate Change Act 2008 which has‘a legally binding long-term framework to cut carbon emissions. It
Friday, September 6, 2019
Suicide Among the Elderly Around the Holidays Essay Example for Free
Suicide Among the Elderly Around the Holidays Essay Based on statistics, there is one elderly suicide committed every ninety minutes and this percentage relates to the age group of 65 years and above (National Mental Health Information Center). Suicide among the older people is growing rampantly. There are a number of reasons for committing suicide, and this ranges from depression to alcohol or substance abuse. This testimony becomes very helpful to not only Americans but to everyone in the world. Because of this testimonial, many are made aware of the truth or causes of why the elderly starts to think of taking their lives. Baby Boomer Care. (2007). â€Å"Why Do The Elderly Commit Suicide? †Retrieved June 5, 2010, http://www. babyboomercaretaker. com/senior-health/Why-do-the-Elderly-Commit-Suicide. html It has been accounted that statistically, there are more suicidal attempts and acts among the elderly than the teen and younger adults. Living in isolation, depression due to loss of a loved one, physical health, inability or difficulty to cope with crisis and stress are the usual causes and reasons our elderly perform suicidal attempts and actions. Having this information makes us wary and aware of the causes and reasons of such actions. â€Å"Elders who are at a high risk of suicide usually show certain behavioral and personality traits such as higher dependency, being overcome by an intense sense of helplessness and hopelessness, possess poor crisis management abilities, are extremely irritability, and demonstrate a certain degree of antisocial behavior (Baby Boomer Care). †Suicide Among the Elderly During the Holidays Lawson, W. (2003). â€Å"Holiday Suicide Myth. †Retrieved June 5, 2010, form http://www. psychologytoday. com/articles/200401/holiday-suicide-myth Although there have been many speculations and stories that most suicides happen during the holidays or winter season, this surmise is nothing but a hypothesis or a hunch and is considered as a myth. In fact, researchers and statistics express that suicidal acts and attempts of elders drops and declines during the holiday season. McIntosh, J. (2003). â€Å"Suicide and the Holidays: Myths and Facts†Retrieved June 5, 2010, form http://www. medicinenet. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=54647 Suicidal attempts are unlikely to happen during the winter season or Holidays. Old people take their lives on the basis of loneliness, stress of losing a love one, depression and isolation. During the holidays, people are surrounded by family, relatives and friends. This is a â€Å"season of giving. †And when we are surrounded and with friends and family, we are most able to socialize and express our feelings. In the case of the older people, ranging from 65 years and above, this is the time that they are unlikely to be left alone with their thoughts and memories of the past. Thus, suicide during the holidays a myth and an assumption. McIntosh, J. Phd (2008). â€Å"How to Help A Suicidal Older Men and Women. †Retrieved June 5, 2010, form http://www. healthyplace. com/depression/suicide/how-to-help-a-suicidal-older-men-and-women/menu-id-68/ â€Å"The causes of elderly suicide are treatable and suicide is preventable. Risk Factors for elderly suicide and how to help suicidal seniors (McIntosh, 2008). †Suicide among the elderly is a given fact and it is not a hypothetical topic to talk about, it really is happening at our present date. However, the reasons and causes of suicide may be treated and prevented. Old people who are suicidal usually experience pain, whether physical or emotional. They also may be feeling distressed and dissatisfied with their current life situations. There is a growing rate of 50 percent of suicidal actions from the older people. There is a way to help and prevent suicide from happening. If we look and pay much attention to the signs and symptoms we may be able to help these people from committing suicide. Nuys, D. V. PhD. (2009). â€Å"An Interview with Thomas Joiner, Ph. D. on Why People Commit Suicide. †Retrieved June 5, 2010, from http://www. mentalhelp. net/poc/view_doc. php? type=docid=29060 Suicide is a growing public health problem today. Suicide is one of the results and outcome of having mental disorders. Suicide is a common product of depression, stress and loneliness. Though this is a fact, this is controllable. Feeling and being depressed, stressed and lonely can always be managed. Having a positive mind and trying to be active in spite the old age will greatly help decrease the number of people committing suicide. Bibliography: Rosenberg, M. (1996). â€Å"Testimony on Suicide Among Older Americans. †Retrieved June 5, 2010, from http://www. hhs. gov/asl/testify/t960730a. html Baby Boomer Care. (2007). â€Å"Why Do The Elderly Commit Suicide? †Retrieved June 5, 2010,from http://www. babyboomercaretaker. com/senior-health/Why-do-the-Elderly-Commit-Suicide. html National Mental Health Information Center. (n. d. ) NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Retrieved June 5, 2010, from http://mentalhealth. samhsa. gov/suicideprevention/elderly. asp Farberow N. L. (1961). â€Å"The Cry for Help. †Retrieved June 5, 2010, from http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=odocId=98403730 McIntosh, J. (2003). â€Å"Suicide and the Holidays: Myths and Facts†Retrieved June 5, 2010, form http://www. medicinenet. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=54647 McIntosh, J. Phd (2008). â€Å"How to Help A Suicidal Older Men and Women. †Retrieved June 5, 2010, form http://www. healthyplace. com/depression/suicide/how-to-help-a-suicidal-older-men-and-women/menu-id-68/
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Religion Definition Essay Example for Free
Religion Definition Essay 1. What is a religion? You’ve read our textbook author’s definition; use that definition as a starting point to go further. The word â€Å"religion†is such a broad word that to this day there is no one definition that can satisfy all religions. For the time being, it is better to simply be open to many possible definitions, without embracing any single one. Different people especially in different religions will all have a difference in opinion when trying to use very few words to define religion. The traditional definition of religion is a system of belief that involves worship of a God or gods, prayer, ritual, and a moral code. Religion is important to many people because it gives them something to believe in. Religion helps human deal with their mortality. As human beings, we look to religion for answers to life’s unexpected or unknown questions such as death, pain, afterlife, or rebirth. Religion has a way of helping us deal with death and offers comfort. Religion also helps us be creativity and express ourselves through music, dance, and art. It gives us a sense of viewing life as something beautiful and lively. People who have a religion usually are more happy knowing that they life can reflect something of the supernatural that they do not understand. Through art, we get to express how we are feeling on the inside. Many people use music, dance, and art to show others what they cannot express through words. Religion gives them a sense of confident. 2. Discuss some of the characteristics that religions have in common. Some characteristics that religions have in common are: belief system, community, central myths, ritual, characteristic emotional experiences, material expression, and sacredness. Not all religions will consist of all elements but rather some of these characteristics are commonly accepted. Many believe in a worldview were all things in the universe and human being has a place in it. Humans need of belonging helps them seek out for a community where they can belong too and share their ideals and practices. Many religions have this so people can rely on one another. Other characteristics that are shared in religions are passed down from generations to generations through stories or reenactment of major events in the religious group. Each religion has its own myth that is central to the religion. Not only are myths passed down but rituals as well. These beliefs are enacted and made real through ceremonies. Also, ethics are passed down which are set guidelines for the group of people; these are viewed as being revealed through a supernatural realm. Religions also allow people to express themselves emotionally and give a sense of inner peace that cannot come from outer resources. Material expression allows religions to make use of astonishing variety of physical elements. Each religion has a source of sacredness that is distinctive from the ordinary. Ceremonies express the distinction through different language, clothing, and architecture. Each tradition exhibit most of these characteristics but for those who practice them will manifest them in different ways and at different times. 3. In addition to characteristics in common among religions, there are some patterns with regard to beliefs, world views, etc., that are exhibited by most religions. Discuss these patterns. There are three different patterns that we look for to see similarity and difference among religions. The first pattern is views of the world and life. Religions must offer answers to life’s great questions that are asked. All questions are the same, but the answers very depending on the religion. Because of the great variety of worldview each answer is different and must be examined close to get a better understanding of why it is the way it is. Some religion view the universe as being created by a Creator while others believe it has no beginning and no ending. Some view nature as the realm of evil where it needs to be overcome. Others believe that humans are called to shape it. Each view differs from religion to religion. The second pattern is the focus of beliefs and practices. There are three concepts that are practiced, although one may be more dominant than the other depending on the purpose of importance. Sacramental orientation emphasizes carrying out rituals and ceremonies regularly and correctly as the path to salvation. Some believe that correct ritual influences the processes of nature. Prophetic orientation implies that a human being may be an important intermediary between the believer and the sacred. This is prominent in Judaism, Protestant Christianity, and Islam. Mystical orientation seeks union with something greater such as God, nature, the universe, or reality as a whole. Upanishadi Hinduism, Daoism, and some Buddhism stress the importance of this. The third pattern is the view of male and female. As human being the role of men and women are very important and religion has had much to say about the roles of men and women on earth and in the divine realm. Today many influential religions consider the male as dominate; the sacred and full-time religious specialists are usually males. Although this may not be completely true, in the past, female divinities once played an important role in many culture and religion. 4. Having discussed in last week’s Discussion Board postings your own reasons for taking this World Religions course, discuss some of the benefits of studying the major religions of the world cited by our textbook author. Studying the different religions around the world allows for a better understanding of each religion and helps educate and improve one’s experience of other related subjects. When studying other religion it allows insights into the religious traditions such as values, relationships, personalities, and human creativity. Not only that but it gives the outsiders an appreciation for the things that are not obvious to the insider. Other benefits include insight into everyday life. Religions influence everyday life in many ways. Many people use religion for moral issues, on buildings, comic strips. The study of religion with help a person recognizes the religious influence everywhere. For someone who has no religion or is on their religious quest, understanding and studying the many different religions will help them find a place to belong too. Knowledge of the different religion will aid a person in their journey of life. Short Answer Questions: 5. What is the origin and meaning of the word â€Å"religion†? The origin of the word â€Å"religion†comes from the Latin roots re-, meaning â€Å"again,†and lig-, meaning â€Å"join†or â€Å"connect.†The translation would then mean â€Å"to join again,†or â€Å"to reconnect.†This word suggests the joining of our natural, human world to the sacred world. 6. What is the meaning of â€Å"sacred†? Sacred is a God or gods that is set apart because of its holiness. These deities are considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion. 7. Define and contrast monotheism and polytheism. Monotheism is the term that means a belief in one God. Those who believe in God believe that He is all powerful, pure spirit, and not fully definable in words. Polytheism on the other hand means worship of or believing in many coexisting gods. These multiple gods may be fairly separate entities, each in charge of an aspect of reality, or they may be multiple manifestations of the same basic sacred reality. 8. Define and contrast atheism and agnosticism. Atheism is the denial of the existence of any God or gods. Agnosticism is to argue that the existence of God cannot be proven. 9. How are symbols used in religion? Symbols are important in religion because religions are so varied in their teachings and in conflict with each other that symbols help express truth. Symbols are fairly concrete, ordinary, and universal that represents and helps human beings intensely experience something of greater difficulty. 10. What is a sacrament? Give two or three examples of sacraments in a religion with which you are familiar. A sacrament is a religious rite or act seen as way of receiving Gods grace. In some mysterious way God uses physical things to bring about spiritual changes and give His grace. As a Christian, a few sacraments that we hold are: baptism, communion, and fasting. These are all important in receiving God’s grace. 11. Contrast linear and cyclical time in the study of religion. Linear time place an emphasis on creation, religions that believe in this is Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, time is very important. Linear time means moving in a straight line from the beginning of the universe to its end. In cyclical time, the universe simply moves through endless changes, which repeat themselves over grand periods of time. Buddhism believes time is cyclical and is not as crucial because ultimately the universe is not moving to a final point.
Virgin Galactic: Global Business Management
Virgin Galactic: Global Business Management 1. Introduction Virgin Galactic is the space tourism company which was founded in 2004 by Sir Richard Branson. This is type of Limited Liability Company. This company has its different headquarters at different locations such as Las Cruces, New Mexico and USA. Now it is planning to expand its business at global level such as Dubai. This company is part of Virgin Group which is also known as its parent company. The CEO of this company is George Whitesides. They started to provide its services to customer such as spaceflights in 2008 and now they are offering lot of services to their customers such as Space Sub Orbital, Small Satellites and Orbital Human Space Flight. Although this company is on the way to success but still every company has some weak points which they can use to convert into opportunities to perform better. So the aim of this research is find problems of Virgin Galactic and eliminating those. 2. Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic In this section, there will be a discussion about the evaluation of Richard Branson track record and his strength of new venture team and also will be discussing about his creative opportunity. 2.1 What is the concept of Global Leadership and how its reflect in Sir Richard Branson Leadership style? Richard Branson undoubtedly is a global leader. It is also reflected in its leadership style. Global Leadership means, the person who can reach beyond the boundaries of their own country and continent to influence an end result. In addition to this, it is also the person who just not looking for his profit but also looks for the problems and challenges and successfully solves them. Richard Branson is the person who likes to accept challenges and make his all best affords to reach success. He believes in people and thats he behaves like family members with his employs. He encourages his employees to challenge changes and bring up with new ideas to him. This is the reason why Sir Richard Branson brands is the worlds most powerful and recognizable brand. He himself promotes his brand which no other leaders can do in world. (Sir Richard Branson | Global Zero, 2017) 2.2 Evaluation of Richard Branson Track Record Richard Branson, A successful business man, the founder and Chairman of Virgin Group was born on 18 July 1950 in UK. Like all other flourishing business tycoons, he was also a school dropout. In 1970, he started his record business in UK and very soon his business become success under the name of Virgin. (Richard Branson Biography Childhood, Life Achievements Timeline, 2017.) Later, in 1980 the Voyager Group was established as his own travel company. It is not that he had never face any problems, in the beginning of 1990s he faces financial problems and has to sell his one of the company. He had never given up in his life and thats the reason he won 400 companies in 30 countries at present. One of the famous quotes of Richard Branson is if somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but is not sure you can do it, say yes then learn how to do it later. This quote show that he always think about new business and he jump in to it and at later he succeed in that. Due to this we can see lots of diversification in his business, means there is not just music industries in which he operates his business but also have train company, a mobile company, a luxury game preserve and airline company and a space tourism company to name a few. (Michelle L.V, 2014.) 2.3 Richard Bransons Strength as a New Venture Team Lets discuss the strength of Sir Richard Branson leadership. He believes in people, who work for him, he thinks that hire best employees who have excellent ideas and then trust them and let them do their job on their own. Sir Richard Branson finds a right candidate for the particular position, who is better than him for the job, due to which his all business are achieving success. The next is Sir Richard Branson thinks that failure is a learning lesson. For that he gives an example of his own business of virgin cola and that was successfully operated but also attracts some giant revivals due to his business gone down and he has to think again about the new strategies. (Business Lessons From Mega-Entrepreneur Richard Branson, Kinney B.2013) Sir Richard Branson always follows his strength whenever he start new venture with his team. He says, challenge the status quot, by which he means that thinks like a consumers, and add values to the product. Next create value of the product in globe, means that consumers satisfaction should be in the core value of the any product. In addition to this, he believes that be confident and concrete about your business and self motivation is the main thing for any business. He says Dream Big and do big then any other in the world. The first year of any business is all about survival and dont just invest money, invest more than that. (How Richard Branson Works Magic, Glenn Rifkin, 1998) 2.4 Leadership Theory Leadership is a process which is running by people with common goal and values, several kinds of capital like economic and political, to achieve a common interest. (Leadership: Theory and practice p.425) Leadership motivates other people to achieve common goal. That means the leader and other followers have mutual purpose. So it means that followers have fate in leader and vice versa, due to this they achieve a desire goal (Rost, 1991). 2.5 Leadership Style of Richard Branson Ability to think Differently Once in an interview with the Telegraph Sir Richard Branson said that Leadership doesnt have a secret formula; leaders go about things in their own way It is his leadership skill to think in a different way which makes him different from others. Richard Branson compares his collaborative and democratic leadership style to the late co-founder Steve jobs, was famous for his autocratic style. Both successful people have great achievement and come up with their own viewpoints, beliefs and approach. It is not important that which leadership skills are the best but its all about accepting the method which suits to the organization to utilize available resources. A Positive company culture He believes personality comes first then CV. The companys employees are always looking for a leader who makes fun passes that enthusiasm onto other members of the company. An eye for talent It is important to get as much as possible from the ability of the employees, Sir Branson believes in it. Also he said Believe in yourself, your method of work, and your ideas and in your employees It would not be possible to be a great leader without leading great people. He believed that people not only who have necessary experience and talent but also should fit for the business. (9 leadership skills from Sir Richard Branson | Robert Half UK, Jammi Freed, 2015.) Attention to detail Sir Richard Branson believes that successful and efficient leaders give more concentration in deep. In the Daily Telegraph he said that it can be made possible to get good fun with minor problem comparatively if this engages in dealing with customers issues personally and going to visit them surprisingly. Passion for job At last, the business leaders need to be aware about what they are doing to make effective planning, to build a team and inspiring the employees. He said that the people can get the best results. (Four leadership lessons from Virgin Groups Sir Richard Branson, Jammi Freed 2015.) Willingness to listen and learn According to Richard Branson, it is very important for the business leaders that they are quite capable to listen and learn from that and also he advised to note down those ideas to get best results. He said that the successes will happen when you are working and learn from the inspired person. 2.6 Background of Virgin Galactic Company Virgin Galactic is a profit-making space line service. It has several carrier craft which is Space-Ship Two, White-Knight Two, and an orbital launch vehicle for small satellites which is Launcher One. The Company was established in 2004 and a sister company of Virgin Group Ltd. Virgin Galactic and its partner companies: Virgin Galactic also have collaboration with NASA, they sign a memorandum of understanding in Feb 2007. In January 2015, Virgin Group announced an investment in to OneWeb Satellite constellation. This collaboration is for to provide world internet access service to WorldVu. To Create a New supersonic passenger transport Virgin Collaborate with Boom Technology. For this Virgin Galactic has optioned 10 units. Here we are going to discuss the Richard Branson team members who are working for Virgin Galactic and they are responsible for making this business successful. George Whiteside CEO of Virgin Galactic and the Spaceship Company. He has a long experience in this field and one of the best people for this job in these industries. Prior to this company he is working for NASA where he was designated as a Chief of Staff. He also awarded with the Distinguished Service Medal from NASA. Before that George served as Executive Director of the National Space Society (NSS). Michael p. Moses president of virgin galactic, the commercial human spaceflight program is managed by Mike. He leads his team in all aspects of successful operations including White Knight Two and Spaceship Two Vehicle processing, astronaut training and flight planning also which are connected with space line. He had more than 10 year of experience of working until 2005 as a flight controller in the Shuttle Propulsion and Electrical System Groups. Doug Shane, Chairman of The spaceship company, manage the design, manufacturing and test operations of the Virgin Galatis carrier aircraft through their sister company, The Spaceship Company (TCS). Along with serving as a Director of Flight Operations, for many years he served as Vice President of Business Development. Stephen Attenborough, commercial Director of Virgin Galactic, in 2004 he joined the company as its full time employee to handle the responsibility for commercial foundations and framework for the organization as well as business development, ongoing sales, public relations, partnerships and marketing. On behalf of Virgin Galactic, Stephen always works as speaker at many conferences, at numerous industries and at important events. Jonathan Firth, Executive Vice president of Spaceport and program Development, he joined Virgin Galactic as Project Director and then started to play the role of Director of Operations and projects in 2008 1 and moved to U.S to perform his current role in 2014 as Executive Vice President of Spaceport and Program Development. (Our Team Virgin Galactic, Because of all these successful persons Virgin Galactic performing really well, also Richard Branson believes in Employees comes first then clients, if you look after your employees clients come automatically. He knows that happy staff member means the most successful company and product. Creative Opportunity for Virgin Galactic Only 558 people from all around the world have had an experience to travel to Space so Virgin Galactic is going to open the opportunity for the rest of the world because of their passion and good talents. Virgin Galactic have already trust brand name under the Virgin Group from many years so there will be easy for them to attract more customers toward their business and do expansion of it. Virgin Galactic have many businesses under the name like Virgin Hotel, telecommunication, virgin satellite and so on which are linked to the Virgin Galactic like they have come for induction, business meetings, they can request to the customers to go there so ultimately that will expand the virgin business. Virgin Galactic has very strong financial back up and their reputation as a brand. 3. Five Generic Competitive Strategies In this section, we are going to discuss about the Porters five generic competitive strategies of Virgin Galactic. Generic strategy means basic kind of competitive strategy which holds across a number of business situations. Whereas competitive strategy is related with how a strategic business unit obtains competitive advantages in domain of its activities (Porter M. E). FIVE GENERIC COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES 3.1 Low-Cost Provider Strategy: A low cost strategy is that in which a company offers their products to the customers relatively at a low price. This strategy is usually adopted by any corporation, where the product has few or no competitive advantage. Moreover, it attracts the broad range of purchaser. Some companies using this strategy in order to earn low profits but incur high sales volumes. For instance, the Kmart uses the low-price strategy because it provides the goods to customers at low price (Arbuckle D. 2017). This strategy is not using by the Virgin Galactic. 3.2 Focused Low-Cost Strategy: The focused strategy is based on low cost and concentrates on narrow customer segment. It serves the customers in the niche market at a lower cost and lower price than the opponents. Most of the companies using this strategy to enjoy the high degree of buyers loyalty. This strategy is usually suited to the small business where the resources are limited and they only focus on the narrow market segment. In this narrow segment market, the suppliers have the less power of bargaining. For instance, Gap is a good example of it. (Arbuckle D. 2017) This focused strategy is not employing by the Virgin Galactic. 3.3 Best Cost Provider Strategy: The best cost provider strategy aims to provide buyers more value for the money by offering them updated products at a lower price than competitors. Moreover, it gives more emphasis on a minimal quality, service, features and performance of the product to the customers. This strategy works best in the market where the customers diversity make the product different and also sensitive regarding the value and cost of the product. For example, Amazon uses the best cost provider strategy and also uses by Toyota Company. This strategy is also not adopted by Virgin Galactic. 3.4 Broad Differentiation Strategy: The broad differentiation strategy distinguishes the firms product from their competitors with the qualities, which attract their customers with uniqueness of the product. The value added by the product uniqueness allows the firm to charge a premium price for it. This strategy is not suitable for small business but it is more useful for big corporations. For instance, Netflix uses the differentiation strategy. This firm offer to customers greater variety of movies and charge less price than rental stores by conducting its business worldwide over the internet and Starbucks is also using it (Edwards J. 2017). The differentiation strategy is not using by Virgin Galactic. 3.5 Focused Differentiation Strategy: This focused differentiation strategy concentrates on a narrow purchaser section by fulfilling the particular tastes and needs of niche members. It refers to the situation where a corporation selects the strategically differentiate itself from their competitors in a narrow market. This Strategy is using by the companies to promote the product with multifarious features, innovation, brand name and customers service in order to attract more customers towards them. Likewise, Virgin Galactic using this strategy because the target market is narrow and they are trying to serve its services to the niche market. The main focus of Virgin Galactic is to be more innovative and unique in space travelling. (Porter M. E.) The main reason for selecting this strategy is that it provides the better-quality services and good value to their customers in different ways. Virgin Galactic looking to be unique in the niche market along with some changes which are broadly valued by customers. The main emphasis of Virgin Galactic is on the safety of passengers in every aspect and also provides training to passengers about one week prior the flight. Virgin Galactic taking $25000 from public in advance who wants to fly during the first years of flights and wants to turn their dreams into realities. In addition to it, the motive of Virgin Galactic is to provide sub-orbital spaceflights to space tourists. The spaceship2 has double the crew and capacity to carry triple the passengers. However, Virgin Galactic has competitors but he always wants to serve the market first. The focused differentiation strategy has following benefits for Virgin Galactic Premium price for its product: This strategy allows Virgin Galactic to command a premium price for its product. Increased unit sales: A virgin Galactic sale has increase due to this strategy because near about 550 ticket holders in line who wants to fly with it. Brand loyalty: By offering better in flight amenities at a lower cost as compared to many domestic carriers Virgin is creating strong brand loyalty for itself and dollar value for its customers New plans: Therefore, due to strong bonding with customers Virgin Galactic plans to deliver payload low earth orbit of 100 kg to market under US$ 10,000,000 per mission. Research and Development: Virgin Galactic has strong capability in research and development. They use the modern technology for the development of their products. Creates value: Virgin Galactic uses this strategy but their main focuses on the cost value of the product versus other similar products in the market, thus it creates a perceived value among its potential customers (Kelchner L. 2017). BCG MATRIX OF VIRGIN GALACTIC High Price Low Quality High The above figure demonstrates the BCG Matrix of Virgin Galactic. In this matrix, X-axis represents the quality of products and Y-axis reveals the price of the products. Following table is comparing price and quality of different space companies. Virgin Galactic competitors Price Quality XCOR Benson Space company Space-X Virgin Galactic Blue origin Low Low High High Low High High Low 4. SWOT Analysis of Virgin Galactic SWOT: This is type of strategic tool like PESTLE and PORTER which can be used to determine the long term performance of company to make good strategic plan to overcome its weakness and to utilize opportunities in better way. As name of this tool reveals meaning of itself such as S is for strength and so on. S W International Brand Progressing in Research and development Emphasis on Safety parameters Employee Strength Brand Image Strong Planning by using reusable craft Less risky and More trustworthy Skilled workforce High industry growth rate Reasonable Price Costly Failing to protecting RFP for satellite business Overtaking by competitors Time consuming to accomplish their mission Brand portfolio Competitive market Bad craft structure Sustaining brand image Employing new and innovative ways of doing business First to market Growth rate and profitability Technology advancement Expanding global markets Lacking interest of people due to crash Government regulations Accessible to middle class people Lot of investment required O T 4.1 Strength Based on article, it is evident that company is on its success as slowly-2 it is progressing. Some of following are strength of company. International Brand: This Company have reputed image over the whole globe as this is operating different branches at different locations such as New Mexico, USA, Las Cruces. In the beginning they just have only one spaceport which is in Mexico but now they have made 2 or 3 other spaceports to other locations to make it convenient for their customers to enjoy service of them. Virgin Group which is parent company of it which has brand image from last number of years. As Virgin Group has different Product line, it offers variety of services to their customers such as virgin hotels, virgin media, virgin passenger flights under name of virgin Atlantic, virgin money and many more. So their parent company helps them to perpetuate their brand image at global level (essays writers, 2017). Progressing in Research and Development: This Company is going through research and development mode and getting progress. As initially they have made first space ship flight (SS1) which could accommodate only 3 person all together (1 pilot and 2 passenger). Now recently they have made another spaceship flight (SS2) which can accommodate 8 people all together (2 pilots and 6 passengers) (the verge, 2016). Emphasis on Safety Parameters: Safety is the main concern of their organization. They bother equally for the safety of both passenger as well as employees. They give one week training to passenger in advance and give training to employees as well (wixsite, 2017). Employee Strength: As employees are the key part of every business so their security is important concern for an industry which is well done by virgin galactic. Due to this employees are interested to work with this group. As without employees there is no business, so virgin galactic is lucky to have good employees (advisor gate, 2016). Brand Image: As Virgin Group is offering good and wide variety of services to their users so it has already branded and reputed image in market and people are used to their services and can rely on them (essays writers, 2017). Strong planning for saving money by using reusable craft: They have good strategic planning to build strong and compatible passenger craft which can be reused again to send them in space which can help them to save money that they can used to improve their services better. Less risky and Trustworthy: As it is already mentioned that safety is main concern of their company so less risk is involved. Their services are so trustworthy thats why notable celebrities (Angelina Jolie, Stephen Hawking, Tom Hanks and Prince Zulf Ali) have already booked with them to travel in space (review essays, 2017). Skilled workforce: As this industry requires more creativity which cannot be possible without the help of employees so it means that employees should be equipped with good skills and it has employed skilled person in their company which further helps them in gaining success (swotanalysis24, 2017). High Industry Growth Rate: This Company is growing at very fast pace as recently its growth rate jumps from 27% to 47% (advisor gate, 2016). Reasonable Prices: The Company should charge reasonable prices for their services over their competitors. Because this is the good way to attract more passenger and to maintain their interest. 4.2 Weaknesses Apart from having good points, this company has some negative points which hinder them from achieving success. Some of them are given below: Costly: No doubt this company is offering good services to their users but services are very costly as compare to its competitor. As XCOR Aerospace which is in great competition to it is offering high quality services at low price. As Virgin Galactic is taking $250,000 per person whereas XCOR is taking $95000 per person (advisor gate, 2017). Failing to protecting RFP for satellite business:- one of the weak point of their company is that they are not good at planning and do not have strong vision as recently they were fail to set up RFP for Satellite Business. They planned in 2010 to initiate this proposal but till 2012, they were not able materialize the flights. Overtaking by competitors: As it is already mentioned, their competitors are stronger than them as their competitors are working in this industry from long time so they more knowledge and experience than them. For Example, SPACEX which is another Competitor of Virgin Galactic who was first to start to create reusable craft before Virgin Galactic. So in this matter, that company overtook Virgin Galactic (quartz, 2017). Time consuming to accomplish their mission: Although their industry growth is at high pace but still they are taking lot of time to provide services to their customers. For example, till now they have just made 2 spaceships named SS1 and SS2. So their processing time period is very long (geocities, 2016). Brand Portfolio: As it is already mentioned they have good brand image due to offering of wide variety of services. But this is not proved fruitful to them because this has made them less capable to focus on any particular service by which they are losing control on improving their services rather making these worse (swotanalysis24, 2017). Competitive market: As Space industry is highly risky and competitive so to compete with their competitors, they should have strong vision and long term strategies to hit them. But this is the negative point of Virgin Galactic; they are not competing well to their competitors. Bad Craft Structure: Although they are trying to provide better, improved and reliable services to their passenger but still they suffering from some problems. For example, the recent crash which was due to catastrophic failure happened because of poor structure of craft (advisor gate, 2016). 4.3 Opportunities Apart from considering strength and weakness of internal environment of company, company can grab opportunities of external environment to improve their performance. Following are list of areas where they can improve: Sustaining Brand Image: This Company can perpetuate brand image of their parent company by maintaining good competition with their competitors because this is the main area where they are lacking. So they should focus on this (cayenne, 2016). Employing New and Innovative Ways of doing Business: Although this company is on path of success but still they are slow in Research department. So till now they have just made 2 spaceships. So this is good opportunity for them to improve their performance by bringing more innovative ways of operating business (wixsite, 2017). First to market: As this company was first in market as comparison to its competitor. So it is great opportunity for them to make good reputation in market to attract customers. Growth Rate and Profitability: Although they are growing well with accordance to time, but they can utilize their opportunities to improve more as they can expand their product line. For example, apart from providing space sub orbital, small satellites and orbital human space flight, they can offer more services to their users to increase their growth level (swotanalysis24, 2017). Technology Advancement: As modern era is totally based on technology and this company is lacking in technology so they should new techniques in industry to make it more competitive (swotanalysis24, 2017). Expanding Global Markets: No Doubt, they started to operate at an international level and they should continue with this because this is an effective opportunity for them to maintain their image. On the other hand, they can also expand business through advertising in schools, universities which can enhance knowledge of students as well about orbit (advisorgate, 2016). 4.4 Threats In addition to grabbing opportunities of external environment, there can be some threats in every organization which can hinders them to get progress. Some of these are given below which can create problem for virgin galactic. So they should know these things in advance. Lacking interest of people due to crash:- Due to recent happened crash, company is losing interest of people as they are not trusting anymore on them and wanted to take back their money which they deposited while registering with them (the verge, 2017). Government Regulation: As space business requires lots of knowledge of government concerns so virgin galactic should be aware of these concerns to avoid any types of governmental issues (advisor gate, 2016). Accessible to upper class people: one threat to company performance is that this is only accessible to upper class people who mean middle class and any other category people cannot have access to this (guardian, 2013). Lot of Investment Required: As this business requires availability of great amount of funds which is not possible without strong market position and they should be financially sound. And what is happening in virgin galactic as they are using revenues earned from other product lines and if they will not earn anything from other product lines then i
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