Friday, September 13, 2019
Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Post Mastectomy Research Paper
Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Post Mastectomy - Research Paper Example Justification of the Problem Since such a large number of mastectomies are performed every year, it is an important issue with regard to women’s health. In order to achieve a full and proper recovery, and go on to live a high quality life post mastectomy, it is essential to identify the combination of factors necessary to achieve it. Statement of the Problem Since survival rates are improving, more attention must be given to the quality of life for breast cancer survivors (ASPS, 2011). A good deal more research is needed to help post mastectomy breast cancer patients achieve the highest quality of life possible. Review of the Literature Even though more research is needed, there is existing research that identifies some of the factors necessary for post mastectomy breast cancer patients to achieve a high quality of life. Some early research seems to suggest that the negative effects of having breast cancer (e.g. sexual well-being) may be lessened by the conservation or reconst ruction of the breast (ASPS, 2011; Rowland et al., 2001). Very little research has been done comparing psychosocial outcomes of patients that had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy alone, or a mastectomy with reconstruction (Rowland et al., 2001). The study included a large number of breast cancer survivors (1,957) who filled out a self-report questionnaire that measured health-related quality of life. As found in other research, those who had a mastectomy with reconstruction were more likely to be younger, college educated, affluent and white, than those in the other groups; however, no difference was found among the groups with regard to emotional, social... The current proposed study will be based on the theoretical framework developed by Rogers. According to Rogers’ theory, the goal, with regard to nursing, is to help clients/patients achieve a maximal level of wellness. All study participants will be women that have undergone a mastectomy as a part of breast cancer treatment. The mastectomy must have been performed between two and five years prior to the commencement of the study. The procedure for the study involves first obtaining a baseline. Study participants will be interviewed and all responses will be recorded. Next, the participants will then complete sa series of self-reporting. The questionnaires will be on various subjects, including psychological health, physical and emotional health, overall satisfacdtion and happiness, among others. Once all of the data is gathered, it will be analyzed and presented so that my see the/ significance of certain relationships which help to achieve a high quality of laundery The study included a large number of breast cancer survivors who filled out a self-report questionnaire that measured health-related quality of life. As found in other research, those who had a mastectomy with reconstruction were more likely to be younger, college educated, affluent and white, than those in the other groups; however, no difference was found among the groups with regard to emotional, social or role function. Body image and feelings of attractiveness are the usual psychosocial impacts found with regard to the surgery; and, nearly all post mastectomy patients report the fear of recurrence to be their greatest emotional challengea. The study also found that after a year from diagnosis, the quality of life is probably influenced most by the woman’s age or exposure to adjuvant therapy.
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