Monday, October 21, 2019
Writing a Good Human Resources Term Paper Based on the Complete Guide
Writing a Good Human Resources Term Paper Based on the Complete Guide It is the end of each term, and this means you are supposed to write the most important academic paper a term paper. You may say, â€Å"All my assignments are important†As a matter of fact, a term paper is considered to be the final paper with the aim to demonstrate the knowledge that a student gets during the term period. The significance of term paper writing, or in other words the way a term paper accounts for the major part of your grade, is the core difference between a term paper and other types of academic papers. For instance, a term paper can be written as a critical essay or any other types of essays as well as in the form of a research paper. Let’s find out what you are required in a human resources term paper in detail. This human resources term paper guide is to simplify the whole process of creating a good term paper for you. Just follow all the human resources term paper writing tips mentioned here. 3 Basic Principles of Term Paper Writing The main features associated with a term paper are divided into 3 basic requirements: The demonstration of knowledge regarding the specific subject; The choice of a research-worthy topic; The adherence to the main paper requirements in relation to researching, writing, and formatting. The extent of the student’s knowledge and the cogent argumentation are the key characteristics valued in the final term paper. With that in mind, the two requirements which you should focus on while writing your term paper are the demonstration of the knowledge in regards to the topic you choose and the presentation of substantial arguments in a logical way. Though you may already be aware of the core differences between a term paper and other academic papers, it would be useful to repeat this information. First of all, term paper accounts for the substantial part of your grade. Secondly, a term paper requires thoughtful knowledge of the topic you are going to write about. Thirdly, writing a term paper requires knowledge of not only what you are going to write about, but also how you are going to write about the topic of your choice. Thus, the following tips could become useful for the upcoming work: they will make your process of writing easy and let you deliver a high-quality term paper on human resources. 7 Preparatory Steps for Best Human Resources Term Paper Writing Let’s look at a plan that encompasses the initial steps of writing your term paper. Usually, the basic plan for writing any term paper includes the following points: Searching for an interesting topic. Usually, the most successful topics for your term paper are controversial ones that suppose the presentation of opposite views and the argumentation in regards to the advantages and disadvantages which each of the approaches implies. Certainly, do not forget that you need to support one of the approaches which you most believe in. Thinking of a persuasive thesis statement. A thesis statement is an assumption you are going to defend or a statement which you have to persuade your reader in. Be specific here (further, you will find useful tips on writing an efficient thesis statement). Conduct broad research on your topic. Find academic sources as presenting credible information is extremely important to gain trust from your professor and prove that your argumentation is substantial. Creating a detailed outline which will organize the flow of your thoughts. This way, you will not get lost in your ideas and will not confuse your professor. Indeed, the professor will appreciate the well-organized manner in which you present your research ideas. Creating a list of sources to avoid academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the main enemy of a student and the most popular type of academic dishonesty. Checking your grammar. Using the anti-plagiarism software and a grammar checker is especially important for making your paper perfect as grammar mistakes mar you entire work regardless the efficient argumentation. Reading your paper one more time to find the mistakes which the grammar checker failed to detect. It is advisable to check your term paper for mistakes one more time as usually grammar checkers miss some mistakes. At the same time, try to check the structure of the sentences and the logical representation of your ideas. The Search for a Topic That Brings Success to Your Writing So the first step to start dealing with a term paper on human resources is seeking for an interesting topic. If the professor gives you a list of topics, then this task is already accomplished. Here, you just have to think about the topic you like to write about most. However, if your professor asked the students to search topic by themselves, your task becomes more difficult to be accomplished. Nevertheless, this specification expands your range of topics and increases your chances to write about a problem which you would like to explore most of all. Think about why once you decide to devote your life to human resources management and what inspires you about this discipline. Then think about what you would like to change in your future field of work. For instance, you believe that some issues are obvious, but no one notices them. In this case, feel free to present your ideas and be sure of the uniqueness of your paper. However, if you believe that you cannot choose a topic due to the overwhelming variety of the latter, then take one of the topics suggested below. Indeed, the human resources management presents a lot of issues you may write about, whether writing about diversity (which is the most popular topic to discuss), wages or benefit programs, performance evaluation, labor laws, etc. Just remember that after taking a topic, it could be modified and expanded the range of issues which you would like to explore in your term paper. So, here is the list of 5 possible topics: Encouraging Diversity in the Workplace and the Benefits Associated with It; Wages and Labor Laws: How Alterations Contribute to the Improvement of the Working Process; Employee Motivation and Performance Evaluation: The Need for New Programmes which Influence the Company’s Wellbeing; Bullying, Harassment, and Other Ethical Issues: the Suggestions for Reaching Friendly Surroundings; Health and Job Performance. Certainly, you may alter the topics according to your own preferences. For instance, you may find it difficult simultaneously exploring the issues associated with employee motivation and performance evaluation. With that in mind, you would probably like to focus only on the exploration of the employees’ motivation and offer some programmes which increase it. Moreover, you may create your own programme, which, of course, will make your paper innovative. Remember that the professor will highly appreciate if you present your own ideas in a term paper. Writing a Persuasive Thesis Statement for Your Term Papers After you choose a topic, write your thesis statement. The latter will be aimed at presenting the core notions you are going to defend in a paper. For instance, if you have chosen â€Å"Encouraging Diversity in the Workplace and the Benefits Associated with It,†then your thesis statement can sound as following: â€Å"Promoting diversity in the workplace is important nowadays for any organization which aims to become successful as diversity encourages employees of all backgrounds to feel confident about their work, increases their productivity and generally allows the company build a virtuous reputation.†Be specific in your notion as the latter should include the arguments for your position. Certainly, only admitting â€Å"Promoting diversity in the workplace is important†cannot be considered a persuasive thesis statement. Research on the Topic Extensively Searching for the information which you are going to apply for your arguments is one of the most important steps in your preparations for writing your term paper. Basically, your course materials are already the sources which you can use. However, writing a term paper usually means using additional sources. The best database to use is JSTOR where all sources are credible. You may also go to the university library and find some information. Though going to the library may take more time than the process of searching on the Internet. However, the library is a favorable place for learning and writing a term paper where no social networks can distract you. In this step, you may also make a quick list of sources. So while writing, you will always be able to add information from the sources. Outline a Term Paper Roughly If you do not like writing outlines, you may skip this step. However, it would be easier for you to stay focused on the ideas and not lose your track of mind. Without writing an outline, you may later wonder how it happens that you start writing about the points that do not reveal your topic at all. A common outline contains the following parts which perfectly resemble the structure of an essay: Introduction, Body parts, Conclusion. Of course, you may change the structure and add other parts if your paper instructions require it. The main purpose of this example is to demonstrate to you how outlines actually work. An introductory paragraph usually contains some basic information by which you aim to â€Å"educate†your reader. The primary purpose of an introductory paragraph is to present the background of the issue, establish the mission and arguments of the paper along with the task to show its relevance. Also, you should introduce the writing style that determines the whole presentation of the following idea. Moreover, as this paragraph is the first one for the potential reader, it is essential to make it intriguing and appealing. Further, your introduction slowly turns to the thesis statement which is usually your last sentence in the introductory paragraph. The body of the paper goes right after the introductory paragraph. The body usually contains some sections which are thematically divided and focus on the exploration of each side of your thesis statement. For instance, if the topic of your paper is â€Å"Encouraging Diversity in the Workplace and the Benefits Associated with It,†the names for the sections of your paper may be as following: Section 1: The Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace, Section 2: Traditional Diversity Approaches, Section 3: Suggestions on the Implementation of Programs Associated with Diversity. In the body of the paper, you should analyze the information found in the sources as well as present your ideas. Generally, this part aims at providing all arguments in order to prove your thesis statement. The last part of your paper, as well as an outline, is a conclusion. Here, you should write down the results which you come to in your research. Remember that adding new information to this part is inappropriate as conclusions are actually the part where you mention the statements which the reader gets familiarized with. Meanwhile, your conclusions should respond to the thesis statement and prove that you have defended the notion presented there. A List of Sources Used in Your Term Paper on Human Resources Creating an alphabetized list of sources is important as this concluding part evidences academic integrity. By the list of sources and proper in-text citation, you show respect to the authors of the sources which you have taken information from. You should perfectly know the rules of citing to prepare this section. Here, the guides for citing are advisable for you, for instance, a book They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing by Cathy Birkenstein. Checking a Paper for the Main Issues Grammar and Plagiarism Congratulations! Your paper is ready, but there are still two more steps to make it perfect. It is known that sometimes students unintentionally plagiarize. Anyway, the latter damages their reputation and does not serve as an evidence for actual unintentional plagiarism. With that in mind, try to use an additional anti-plagiarism software which can effectively detect plagiarism, for instance, PlagTracker, PlagScan or Turnitin. The last step is rereading. No matter how many plagiarism and grammar checkers you can use, there are always some mistakes left in the paper. So check, check, check your human resources term paper to make it look better. We are sure you’ll manage to fulfill the main paper requirements to the maximum. Besides our hopes, move closer to term paper writing with the help of simple but steady steps suggested by our team.
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